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Posts posted by Shinobu


    Haven't tried it recently but I think it's partial stealth, like a stealth IO (not full invisibility by itself), and I believe it shuts off your powers.  Several of the special travel powers do that, like the disc or the surf board or the magic carpet.



  2. Sometimes the last five displayed are clearly incorrect.  People have pointed out that Winter IOs (for example) will sometimes show a last five that might include one or two selling for less than 10,000 influence, despite them routinely selling for closer to 25 million (because it costs 25 million to buy one of the winter packs that they come in).  People have verified that these are display errors because they can put in a bid for, say, 100,000, and after a day or two it will show that there were new sales for much less than their bid, which isn't actually possible.


    On the other hand, I don't normally price rare recipes and sometimes those sell for silly money.  For example, people had noticed that a Miracle +recovery recipe was recently selling for as much as 10 million influence, when the crafted IO sells for around 5 million, because people can churn out lots of the crafted IOs by converting from IOs that are much cheaper.  Not everyone looking for the recipe realizes this or checks the price for a fully crafted IO, so you get weird discrepancies like that.


    So I'd say it's entirely possible for a recipe to have sold for a very high price, and then a very low price.  What that means is someone saw that there were only 1 or 2 or 3 for sale, and listed for a high price, and eventually someone that wanted to buy the recipe right now paid for it.  Meanwhile other people put in bids for really low prices, and someone came along and dumped their recipe for 1 influence and it sold instantly for whatever the highest price was, which might well have been only a few hundred influence.



  3. What Does It All Mean?


    Well first of all, you can afford whatever build you want to afford.


    Let's say a baseline build does not include any purples or Winter O's, or even ATO's or PvP IOs.  100 million is more than enough to purchase your build.  If you slot a lot of the more expensive things like Luck of the Gambler, and if you're an impatient buyer who wants everything NAO, you can probably spend more than 100 million.  We're going to assume you either are a bit more patient (since you've learned to work the market) or, alternatively, you earned enough money that you don't have to be patient anymore if you don't want to be.


    I'm still patient, so I don't buy Luck of the Gambler as a rule, I put in cheap overnight bids on other defensive IOs and use converters to get what I want.  I'm cheap.  :P


    Okay, so let's say you want to include a few PvP IOs and two ATO sets into your build.  The most expensive PvP IOs (the ones that you want, obviously, like that Pancea special) sell for around 8 to 10 million each.  That's affordable, or you can buy some cheaper PvP IO and convert your way to what you want.  ATOs also sell for about 8-10 million typically.  You can try to lowball bid to get them cheaper, or you can just buy 12 hero & Villain packs for 120 million and assume you'll get at least 12 ATOs to convert into what you want.  Either way, you're looking at maybe 120 million or so for two full sets of ATOs, 12 total.


    If you want to add Purple recipes or Winter O's to your build, that's where things get more expensive, so you'll have to spend more time making money.  Winter Packs cost 25 million a piece, and on average you'll  get slightly more than 1 Winter O per pack.  I have a farmer who has all five Winter O sets slotted, and 3 purple sets slotted at 5 pieces each for the recharge bonuses.  That is, conservatively, 30 Winter O's at say 25 million each = 720 million influence, and I don't normally buy purples off the market, I wait for drops to come to me to finish my build, but you can say 15 purple IOs is another 150 to 300 million, I'd guess.  So you can easily spend a billion on a build if you really want to.  Making that kind of money just takes more time.


    It's a very nice build too.  :D  I have similar builds on my 50 blaster and my 50 scrapper.  But I can't afford a build like that for everyone -- just yet anyway.


    The Advantage of My Particular Method


    As several have pointed out, by working a specific niche you can earn money much faster for less effort.  That's all fine and good.  But if 20 or 40 people all try to work the same niche, the cost of materials to supply the niche (Impervious Skin IOs/recipes to work hastened's Steadfast Protection niche, for example) will jump while the price of the resulting IO will plummet.  At least, in theory that can happen.  :o


    My method is not really focused on any particular niche.  I can use any uncommon recipes/IOs to do what I'm doing, and I get a wide variety of rare IOs to sell from it.  About half of what I sell only sells for 1-3 million but I still make a profit, and I like to think I'm keeping the market supplied with things a lot of people are ignoring.  It would take a lot of people copying what I do to drive prices up on all uncommon recipes across the board, and to drive prices on IOs down.  We already had that kind of situation just a few weeks ago, but at the moment things seem to have swung back in the favor of the seller, and I'm seeing things sell for over 2 million that were barely selling for a million just a couple of weeks ago.


    So basically, this kind of method is fairly crash-proof, because I'm working most of the market, not just one niche.  You also learn more about the market, like the fact that certain Aegis IOs are in short supply at the moment.  >.>


    Also, although I didn't specifically point this out, I've kind of demonstrated how to make money off regular recipe drops that you get through regular play.  It's perfectly fine for people to just play normally and make a little money on the side from crafting/converting and selling whatever recipes they get.  ^_^


    I think I'll keep posting progress on this thread until next Tuesday to see what I really accomplished in a week, but I've already made all the points I wanted to make.  8)  Which is, anyone can afford a good build in this game.  But I can appreciate not everyone wants to mess with the market, so there are other ways to get what you want too, and that's good.


    I do think that I need to include a little bit more on how I price things, maybe.  Last 5 is a way to see how the IO is selling, but it can be very misleading.  I also pay attention to how many are for sale, to gauge whether to list a lot lower than the apparent sell price, or to list high (such as the Aegis case I mentioned, with only 2 for sale at the time).


    I don't pay much attention to how many people are bidding.  50 bids can mean the IO is in high demand, or it can mean one guy placed five 100-influence bids for stacks of 10.  :P


    Sometimes you have to click the listing box multiple times to get the last five history to show.  It can be very annoying.  Occasionally I'll just list something for what I think is the going price, based on what I can remember.


    One trick I've learned is if you go bid on something for 1 influence and then click on the find button on your bid, it will pop up that specific item and often that pulls in the last five sale info.


    Also, sometimes the last five listing is seriously bugged.  If you see a popular IO selling for weird amounts like 1,000 influence, that's probably just a weird display error.






    • Thanks 1
  4. As several have pointed out, there's nothing very difficult to what I'm doing and it can be done much faster if you know what you're doing.  The biggest hurdle is how do you  get to your first million or two, and how do you turn that into five or ten million.  Beyond that you have everything you need to turn 10 million into 100, 200, 300 million -- however much you want, depending on how much work you put into it.




    My overnight sales put me over 100 million.  I actually collected two sales before remembering to take a picture.




    Of course, I still have 40 recipes that I'd bought so I crafted 20 of them.  I had 105 converters I think left from those that I'd bought at 95,000 each.  I've already made back the 14 million I spent to do that, obviously.  8)








    Just some examples of what I turned 20 immobilize IOs into.  I got a LotG: Defense IO straight from random conversion, and I got another LotG IO that took several conversions to hit on a def/end that would sell well.  I did one conversion on a Performance Shifter and got the best result.  But basically, 20 IOs that I know will sell for at least a little bit.


    For the life of me I can't figure out why sometimes I try to take a picture, I hit the button multiple times to be sure, and when I check afterwards I don't have any of those shots.  So I had an Aegis IO that only had 2 for sale.  I listed it for over 7 million, and wanted to show that and why I thought I could get that kind of money, because some had sold for 8 million and one for 10 million I think.


    Oh well, I still had over 100 million after listing, and 24 things for sale:



  5. Tonight felt like a low-key evening for this project, even though I played on my project character much of the evening.  But not a lot of marketing going on at the moment.




    I had several sales to collect at the start of the evening ,which got me to about 74 million influence.


    But I had no merits and I couldn't find a Posi TF to join.  I was in the mood to do something different too, so I spent part of my evening creating a new character and running them through AE with my other account farmer.  Then I set that aside and was going to play on Princess Knight, but a hami raid was forming and that's very good merits so I swapped and joined that.


    We did hami in the hive and then hami in the abyss.  That's 120 merits (I pick the merit reward both times, typically.  I like merits!)  I do these runs on my level 50 blaster Vanellope, because I have few level 50s and most of the others don't seem suited for a hami raid (one elec/shield scrapper, and three fire brute farmers).  However last night one of my other characters hit 50 on an ITF, my night widow Nabiki.  So when I saw yet another hami raid forming, I decided to swap to Nabiki, and I did a third hami raid.


    They ran another one right after that but I'd had enough hami for one evening.  In fact they were running hami raids all night.  Seems like we're reaching the point where hami is the new MSR, although you have to be higher level to run it and you can't really run over and over on the same character because the rewards drop off.  But you can do at least 3 or 4 runs on one character, merits twice and then the other two rewards once each, I'm sure some people are doing that.


    Finally I switched to Princess Knight, but I still had trouble finding a TF to join, so I did in fact run Laura Lockheart's arc.  That netted me only 4 merits but it was fun.  I also gained 2 levels to 18, and determined that my endurance usage was terrible.  Up to this point I've only been running with the vet proc IOs that you can get from Pay 2 Win slotted in my first two attacks.  (I forgot to post about this -- I discovered that I could buy unlimited numbers of these five IOs for zero influence, and I thought, cool! And I bought a bunch of them.  But you can only slot one of each and you can't sell the extras, you have to delete them one by one.  So that was a waste of my time, lol.)




    At least I got a citizen shout out from that arc, lol.  ^_^


    Because of my endurance issues I took the time to craft a bunch of level 20 generic IOs and slot my character out.  It performed much better after that, so I think that was a good decision.


    After that  I decided to collect explore badges, but I only got the first few in Talos before I finally saw a Posi 1 forming.  I joined that and we did Posi 1 & 2, for 11 and 15 merits.  So I ended the evening with 30 merits, and I gained multiple levels... all the way to 24.






    I got a few low level recipes from the Posi TFs, so I crafted those.  I converted my two Miracles to the specials, and the lowbie recipes netted me a Kismet: Accuracy, two Impervious Skin: Status Resistance & +regen IOs, and a Deflate Ego IO that as it turns out doesn't sell for anything, so I pulled it down and converted it again.  I got a Kismet from that, but not the Accuracy one and I'm out of converters again.


    Aside from that I had an assortment of random IOs from my knockback IO conversions, as you can see.  At least I have a few things for sale again.


    I may need to purchase some converters I think.




    In fact, I decided to bid on 140 converters at 95,000 influence each -- about 14 million influence invested.  But it paid off almost immediately.




    For one thing, in the time I'd taken to type this post I'd made about 15 million in new sales.






    For another thing, I bought a bunch of these converters right away.  This allowed me to in-set convert my Kismet to a Kismet:  Accuracy, and a Miracle I had to a Miracle: +recovery.  (No pictures of those, I listed them before thinking of it.)  Then I converted the rest of the IOs I had (I'd crafted 20 recipes last night if you remember) and I had more stuff to sell, including yet another Miracle: +recovery and a Luck of the Gambler +7.5% recharge which I got by random conversion.  ^_^




    Of course new ATs are possible, but it takes a lot of work.  you need to design all the primaries and secondaries, balance everything, come up with all the animations for the powers whether new or borrowed from other sets, come up with the ATOs for the new AT... really I doubt I could name half the things you have to do to make it all work, but I know you have to comb through the entire game code to make sure everything is working correctly in regards to an entire new AT.


    Sentinels are a new AT, so that proves you can do it.  They're new to most people here but they've actually been around on the SCORE server for quite some time I think, and people still think they're not really complete and need a little reworking.  I see lots and lots of suggestions on what would make a cool new AT, but the amount of work involved to make something like that happen is well beyond what most people imagine, I think.


    But I will be surprised if Sentinels are the last new AT we ever see.  ;)

  7. FYI, as far as merits of the King's Row and Laura Lockhart arcs you mentioned earlier, I've been tracking the new merit rewards of all arcs as I do them, and they're not much.


    Shauna Stockwell's Superadine Ring gives 6 merits

    Eagle Eye's Lords of Death gives 6 merits

    Laura Lockhart's Collateral Damage gives 4 merits.


    Can't tell you how long they take as I tend to take my time and read everything, but I think SSA 1.1 still grants far more merits per minute than any of those.


    I knew the'd be low, and I certainly wasn't thinking of running them because they were fast merits or anything, but because the stories are interesting.  But 4-6 merits for something that might take me 30 minutes to an hour to complete is really low.



    Zero to 100 million in a week? Try zero to 250 million in 24 hours, that's what I did.


    But documenting it step-by-step is helpful for some people, or at least entertaining to read (I hope!)  ;)

  8. I do not feel excluded.  I don't know why people think like that.  Nobody's trying to say the whole server belongs only to their one particular interest group.


    If I started a Pokemon Go channel, and I said that Torchbearer should be the unofficial server for people who also play Pokemon Go, and other people agreed with me, that does not mean anyone else is excluded from playing there too.  It's a very big server. 




  9. In counter argument to the "we already have blasters that can cover this, we just need different animations" replies:


    melee gets a new set for every conceivable kind of weapon one can wield.


    That's a slight exaggeration, but we have War Mace, Battle Axe, Broad Sword, Katana, Dual Blades, Titan Weapons, Claws, and I'm probably forgetting a few -- oh, staff melee of course -- where the main difference, before you get down into the nitty gritty of each power and how it works and if it's single target or AOE and what side affects it has, is what weapon you hold in your hands.


    Keep in mind there are something like, I don't know, 24+ different melee primaries?  I know Brutes get at least 22 of them and they don't get everything I think.  Meanwhile there's 13 primaries for a blaster.


    So I really don't see a problem with a blast set based on holding a staff in your hands.  ^_^  Sure it may not be substantially different from some other blaster sets, but that all depends on how you structure the set, and you could add a lot of cool wand variations that make for great customization, just like you get with Beam Rifle or Dual Pistols.


    So +1 from me.


    I mean, if we were to really go the route melee took then we'd do one blast set for wands and one for staves...  :P


    Also, I'd want a blast attack that polymorphed the enemy into a toad, or other random object.  At least temporarily!  :D

  10. My first character was a katana/dark scrapper, and at level 19 I rerolled because I couldn't see ever having the endurance to run all of my toggles and also fight.  I remember friends told me that I just needed stamina and to slot things better, but to me the set was unplayable so I wouldn't listen.


    Not that switching to katana/regen was a bad decision per se, especially back in the beginning of the game.  But dark armor was just fine if I learned to slot for it, and pick up stamina.


    I also had a tendency to create characters strictly because one aspect of one power amused me.  I saw a battle axe tank tossing the axe back and forth when they taunted, and so I made a fire/battle axe tanker.  I saw a kinetics controller bouncing a hellion all over Atlas Park with repel, and so I made a fire/kin troller.  These were not bad decisions in the long run, but my reasons for making them were pretty weak, lol. 


    I also vividly remember the first time I tried to tank Rularu on my fire tank.  I thought, hey, I'm a level 50 tank, I've got this, right?  THAT was a mistake for certain.






    I'm going to say Martial Arts or Claws for a primary.  Both of them are fairly simple and direct, and not really flashy but the animations flow together really well for semi-mindless farming.  I've run Martial Arts on an /invul scrapper and a /fire brute, and with a good build in the right situations you're just happily destroying everything around you. I've also run claws/bio scrapper and claws/fire brute and those were also good for mindless farming.


    Willpower is a good choice for a secondary if you don't want to spend a lot of money on your build.  Otherwise, quite a few secondaries can be turned into farm-type builds, but I like fire and bio and shield and radiation, and I still like invul if you want to fight something like council.  ^_^



  12. UJRXFId.jpg


    Early morning sales, before I head to work.




    I'm at almost 64 million and I've also bought a bunch more recipes -- the bids all filled overnight.  This time I picked knockback and immobilize, just to be different.






    I crafted 20 recipes but I only have 50 converters left, so I only did conversions on 10 of them.  I got one Sudden Accelleration:  Knockback to Knockdown out of this -- not a huge seller, but obviously that's what I'm hoping to get a couple of when converting knockback IOs.  It can go for 3 million.


    I got a nice LotG: Defense IO,  that goes up for sale immediately.




    I got two Miracles and I tried to convert one to the unique, but I ran out of converters.  In-set conversion is expensive, but in this case very much worth it, so I'll hold onto these  two IOs for now until I can convert them.


    Some of the things that I failed to take pictures of (or maybe I did, then when I was cropping things I forgot they were important -- hey I was getting ready for work so I was in a hurry!) are:


    1.  I had an Expedient Reinforcement IO that the last five sales showed as little as 1 million and only 1 sale over 2 million.  However!  There were only 8 for sale.  I listed for 2.1 million, because I can pretty much guarantee it will sell for more than it first appears, since there are so few for sale.


    This is one of those things where you have to judge what people are willing to pay and not list too high.  Say I'm listing a Brute ATO, and there aren't any for sale at the moment.  Usually they might sell for 10 million or so, but with none for sale I can almost certainly get 15 million.  But if I get greedy and list for say, 18 million, or 20 million -- well, it might never sell.  I might see an occasional ATO sell for that much, but most people are not going to pay that price, they're going to wait until later, or buy a super pack, or figure out how to convert to what they want instead.


    So... I listed my Expedient Reinforcement for 2.1 million, and I'm pretty certain someone will pay at least that much if they want it now.  It's not one of those IOs that are in high demand, but in this case mine may still be one of the lowest offers out there.


    2.  I had an Obliteration, dam/recharge or acc/recharge I think, that was selling reliably for 3 to 4 million, but there were something like 160 for sale.  This is kind of the opposite problem -- they will probably always sell for 3-4 million, in part because other parts of the set sell for 5 million and you can't have 1 part of a set sell for 5 million and another part sell for only 1 million, because people will spot that loophole immediately.  But with so many for sale, I listed for only 3.1 million just to not overlist.  It would be really easy to list for 3.9 million and have it consistently sell for 4 million without your offer ever being the lowest listed.


    (Also, tangentially -- in this case the big sellers for Obliteration are usually the "quad" (gives 4 bonuses) and the proc.  In olden days these were the rarest parts of the set, but converters have evened out what is rare and what is common within a set.  However, these are still the ones that are used the most.  If you're going to frankenslot, you'll probably use the triple and/or the quad.  If you're going to 4-slot Obliteration, or more likely 5-slot, you're not going to drop the triple or quad, you're most likely going to ignore the damage IO, or if you want the most damage, maybe the damage/recharge or the accuracy/recharge.  Or you might be doing a specialized build that requires extra procs so you only want the proc from the set.  Point is, some pieces will always be in more demand than others, and usually it's the procs or the pieces that provide 3 or 4 stat boosts.  ^_^  )


    (Another tangent:  these rules seem a little different for Miracle.  I think the proportion of people slotting more than one piece of Miracle is very low, so your odds of selling a Miracle: Heal (never mind one of the other parts of the set) is proportionally lower.  Probably half those sales are people who want to convert to the +regen IO.)


    3.  All of my stealth IOs sold for about 1.5 million.  I think in this case I listed them for 1.5 million, since they seem to sell for at least that much reliably.  However I noticed this morning that the last 5 sales showed at least 3 sales for 2 million, so maybe I could be listing these higher.  Or maybe I'm doing just fine because all of them sold in a reasonable amount of time, and I still made a profit.  ^_^  I have to admit, I'm a little gun-shy because these were selling for less a week or two ago, so I'm wary of listing for too much.  Listing for 1,500,010 influence probably would have worked though.



    At this point with this character, I have:


    1.  Run 3 DFB's

    2.  Run an SSA 1.1 arc (took 10 minutes)

    3.  Explored a bunch of zones.


    So I think tonight for sure I want to join a Posi or Synapse.

  13. Shinobu, a huge piece of that high resist that caught my eye is from the rune of protection. How is it work for you? Is see it's up for 90s every 200s.


    I should look at what the difference in recharge means for availability of the heavy hitting powers. You have 15s without Hasten,  mine is ready 20s before it expires so I may look for a happy medium.


    I don't like the idea of taking fly on this character but the rune of protection is an intriguing idea.


    This is a trick I employ more often with blasters/corrs/defenders, but Rune of Protection can be alternated with Hybrid Melee Core (your 6th incarnate slot power) to provide a constant buff to resistance and to status protection.  You can't have Rune up all the time, but Hybrid Melee can fill the gap for when Rune is down.  It doesn't provide as much resistance but it still provides quite a bit, and for a squishy the more important aspect is the status protection.  Alternating both makes you not only tougher but also prevents you from being stunned/held/etc.


    I decided to try it with shield as well because layered defense is the best way to make yourself tougher, but since I'm playing a scrapper with built-in status resistance, I decided that having Rune up part of the time -- or available to use when I really needed it -- would be enough, because I also like to run Hybrid Assault for maximum damage (I often run Agility for my Alpha for an extra defense boost and endurance discount).  I also tried to squeeze in as much psi resistance as I could manage.  Anyway the result is very good resistances, softcapped defenses, and yeah probably not as much recharge as I'd like, or as I had before.  It's hard to have everything.  :P

  14. yBxm6t1.jpg


    I failed to take a picture before claiming my money, but my Celerity: Stealth and my Kinetic Combat sold while I was at work today.




    I had five converters to my name.  I managed to get two more Stealth IOs out of that, and I put them up for sale.  Now to go earn some merits!


    My first stop was Skyway City.  I considered joining a Positron TF, or running the new arcs in King's Row (I thought I might still be low enough to do them) or one of the new arcs in Steel Canyon like Laura Lockheart, I think her name is?  But I decided the best use of my time was SSA1.1, the first chapter in the "Who Will Die?" signature story arc.


    The contact is Theodin, outside the police headquarters.  I checked Paragonwiki and it doesn't list him as a Skyway contact on the Skyway City page despite him having been in the game at least a year before shutdown.  I don't know, maybe they didn't list the SSA contacts because free players couldn't interact with them?  Or it was just never updated.




    Anyway, back in the day you could earn 1 hero merit a week running SSA story arcs.  I could run SSA 1.1 in 10 minutes, and a hero merit was worth 50 reward merits, or you could use them to buy very valuable recipes.  I had a chart showing me which characters to run on which day, so that I would always know who hadn't run for 7 days and was due to get the weekly reward.  Most days I ran 2-3 characters through this story arc chapter -- about 30-40 minutes of work, for 150 merits (equivalent).  It was one of the best ways to use your time in the game, and I wasn't really surprised that the SCORE people nerfed it, but 20 merits for 10 minutes of work is still really, really good.


    I was going to compare how many merits I could earn from the Laura Lockheart arc, or the one in King's Row, but then I remembered the one in KR is too new to be listed on Paragonwiki.  Even with Laura Lockheart, the wiki doesn't list the merits for running it because the article isn't complete.


    Regardless, I don't think anything else was going to net me 20 merits inside 10 minutes.


    I hit level 15 doing this, too.  Bonus!  Then I set out to grab the explore badges in Skyway, followed by those in Perez Park, Steel Canyon, The Hollows, Echo of Galaxy City, and Echo of Atlas Park.  I had to pause to update my Vidiotmaps at one point.


    All of this netted me another 30 reward merits, so I had 50 merits.  I also hit level 16!  The experience from explore badges is not to be sniffed at when you're low level, especially if you have DXP going.


    I headed to the Rikti War Zone.




    I bought 150 converters, spending all my merits.  Why mess around?  I want to earn some cash!




    One of my two stealth IOs had sold.  That's cool.




    Step one -- craft those other 20 recipes I bought.  We need to start doing some serious converting!




    I now have 26 Quickfoot IOs, and 152 converters to play with.




    Step two -- convert everything to the rare IO, Celerity.  I got 11 Stealth IOs doing this.  (You can ignore the one pet IO -- that was a misclick!)  All of this cost 50+ merits.  I mean, I guess that should be obvious -- 26 conversions at 2 merits each, plus a couple more because of my mistake.


    Although the stealth IO will sell for about 1.5 to 2 million, I'm not sure I want to dump 11 of them on the market.  Anyway, everything else gets random conversions!










    I wanted to comment on some of my choices for what I want to sell or not sell.  Call of Sandman is one of those IOs that I will always convert again.  A lot of the controller-y type of IOs (sleep/immobilize/stun/debuffs etc.) are ones I don't bother trying to sell.  I'm sure most of them WILL sell, but not always for a lot, and not in the kind of volume that makes me want to place a lot of them on the market.


    Usually I like to sell damage IOs but Devastation is one set that sells pretty poorly, so I convert those again too.  Decimation, on the other hand, sells well, but I don't think the proc is that popular so I usually convert these in-set to one of the other options, like this accuracy/damage.










    I got a Numina regen/recovery and a Peformance Shifter +end by random conversions, so those were lucky.  I also got another Performance shifter that I did an in-set conversion on, and got the End mod version.  I particularly think this is a good set to do in-set conversions because both the end mod and the +endurance are better options, so you have a 2 in 5 chance of something better instead of the usual 1 in 5.  But the +end sells the best.




    Here's something else I wanted to point out.  I got a Reactive Defenses Defense/Recharge IO.  This is a good set if you ask me, I use them a lot, but they'll never be as popular as Luck of the Gambler of course.  So as you can see, the most they're selling for is a bit over 2 million, and sometimes only about 1 million.




    So I did a couple of Category:  Defense conversions on it and I got my Luck of the Gambler.


    Now generally, I think the Defense and the Defense/Endurance IOs are worth money -- for almost any set, because the first things you're going to slot are the IOs that give you defense and reduce the endurance cost.  Any melee character who runs a lot of toggles wants to lower the endurance as well as raise the defensive values.  ^_^  So with Luck of the Gambler, I could convert until I get the +7.5% global recharge that everyone and their family wants to buy, but I can make pretty good money just selling the Defense and Defense/Endurance IOs.


    So this was a good result.




    I listed 21 IOs for sale, including five more of the stealth IOs (I already had one still for sale).  In the time it took me to write up this post, half of my stock sold.  Note that my Luck of the Gambler def/end sold for 4.8 million.  That was well worth converting from the Reactive Defenses IO.


    So far so good!


    This puts me at just about 39 million influence.  I decided to list the other 5 stealth IOs I had, so that's all 30 of the IOs I'd bought and crafted.  Time to buy more recipes to craft!  Also, it's Wednesday and I'm 40% of the way to my goal.  I probably should have set a harder goal.  :P

  15. Nethergoat, although I would be surprised to see him appear here, for... reasons


    That and Multiple Girl II (who is here) are the only ones that would be likely to mention me in this kind of thread, I think.  ^_^  And I'm not going by my old forum name Organica anyway so...


    Also anyone from Brickhouse Chat on Virtue, but the only one I've seen besides Zombie Fryer and MGII is Sapphire Jane.  I said hi.  ^_^



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  16. My very favorite part of the UniqueDragon post/story was that he made that one post and disappeared, but all along he was playing on Justice server for years with no knowledge that his post had been enshrined on the forums, and then one day he went back and discovered it and was kind of amused/freaked out, and posted again, which kind of freaked everyone else out lol.


    You can see in the above shot, he actually got up to 20 forum posts... eventually.  Most of them in that thread I think.




  17. Apathiel- winged emo Fire/Empathy Controller.  This disaffected angel first appeared in Paragon City in the early 1990s following a Wave of Mutilation, when the sky was made of amethyst and all the stars were just like little fish. Some say he was sent to prevent the opening of a Heart Shaped Box used in a ritual to summon a Black Hole Sun at the Sunny Day Real Estate company, but when asked he simply flipped his hair and took a drag from his clove cigarette, leaving curious onlookers to Enjoy the Silence.


    +1 influence for that one, and please tell me he looks like Robert Smith with wings.



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