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Posts posted by Shinobu

  1. Ninjitsu is a very nice set.  If you softcap it you'll be quite tough, and you have a heal and an endurance recovery button.  You have to deal with clicky status protection but that's the same with Shield and... one other, I forget.  Probably SR which I never play anymore, because I like Ninjitsu and Shield.  Anyway, it's a very nice set.  It's sort of stalkerish, giving you partial stealth and no taunt aura.


    My suggestion is, if you like Ninjitsu, then play it and softcap it and don't worry about resist so much.  If you're desperate to layer resistance you can pick up Rune of Protection and at level 50 (with a lot of vet levels) you'll be able to alternate that with Hybrid Melee Core for good resistance on top of softcapped defense... but that's hardly needed in most normal situations, having softcapped defense with a heal is going to carry you through the vast majority of content.


    And then you can make a resistance scrapper later.  ;)

  2. Well I can't speak for making female characters taller, but I tried this on a small character and was able to make her smaller.  I had a min height character and according to the costume file the scale was set to -27.  I tried setting to -37, and I got an error, but then I tried -35 and  this worked.  Here are the results:




    Still not super tiny, but smaller than normal.

    • Thanks 2
  3. They're not comparing Penny Yin to Statesman, they're comparing her to Sister Psyche.


    The question is, does Ascedant (or other fan replacement) + Penny Yin = Statesman + Sister Psyche?



    And honestly I like the idea of Ascendant as the fan tanker replacement, and I don't like the idea of bringing back a character to the main task force who has a memorial zone dedicated to them because they're dead.  Putting the old TF in Ouro, that's an idea I could entertain.  We could do that and add a fan replacement to the actual TF.  ^_^


    As for the Statesman Task Force... is there anything about it that changed, other than the contact?  I didn't think there was.


    I think one of the things about khelds is that they're generalists, and because of that they're really useful in the lower levels, but at high levels the specialists kind of come into their own and take over.  Doesn't make the generalist less useful, but to me it's a bit like being a shaman or a druid back in Everquest, the first MMO I played.  Sure you're a healer and buffer, but we need a CLERIC, is the attitude a lot of people had.  People have the same attitude about khelds... you can blast, but you're not a BLASTER.  You can taunt, but you're not a TANK or a BRUTE.  Etc.


    Which is dumb because if there ever was a game where literally any AT will do at almost any time, it's CoH.



    "Hello, Young Hero!  I hear tell where some old timers were complaining about how bad the Council in Steel Canyon used to be.  Can't say as I remember exactly when this was, but on the off chance that they're still a problem ten or fifteen years after the fact, please go and arrest twenty of them... if you can find any...."



  6. In case anyone doesn't already know... purple recipes are not vendorable, so it's certainly possible to do as the OP suggests.


    That said, I don't think it's something everyone can agree on.  Never being able to sell a purple recipe to a vendor for next to nothing was just one of those things that 99.9% of people could agree was a good idea.  I vendor rare and uncommon recipes myself sometimes, and I'm a big proponent of crafting and marketing, so if I like to do it I'd be surprised if such a move wouldn't upset a few at least.



  7. Isn't there a teleport to Rikti War Zone?  I thought there was.


    As for Cimerora, Ouroboros, etc., so far as I know there are no base teleports available to zones that are not open to everyone.  Cimerora is locked for level 35 and up, and for people that have the correct badge.  I don't know that a base teleporter can be easily configured to check for that and exclude the option to teleport if conditions aren't met.  Likewise there are no teleports to The Hive or The Abyss, zones locked for level 45 and above.  Technically Ouroboros is not level locked; you need to be level 14 or higher to use an Ouro portal but you can backdoor your way into Ouroboros via Echo of Galaxy City at level 1.


    From this, I'd say it's possible to put in a base portal to Ouro, but it may not actually be possible to do one for The Hive or Cimerora.


    As for temp powers... I don't know, just open LFG, locate Imperious, click him, click to lock the team and hit go.  Boom!  Teleport!  No real need for a temp power, although I guess it doesn't hurt either.








    Just to be clear, when I say I have about 8 billion that's influence, in addition to what I have in bases or e-mail and / or what I have slotted on my characters.  I don't ever remove IOs from a character just so I can slot them on another -- that's part of why you stockpile things and have a lot of cash on hand, so that you can keep your old characters while outfitting new ones any way you want.  But I do consider all of that part and parcel of my wealth, because having 8 billion and 1 really well IO'd character and nothing in my base is a lot different than having 8 billion and 10 really well IO'd characters and enough IOs on hand to outfit several more characters before I even turn to the market to buy anything.  ^_^




    Here are my current goals:


    1.  Base full of IOs so that I can quickly IO a character.  Right now I have about 400+ attuned IOs, including PvP IOs, and about 50 ATOs but I want to increase that to at least 100 to 200.


    2.  Somewhere between 6 and 10 of every Winter O in e-mail.  This is the project I'm currently working on, and I have every Winter O in e-mail, and for some I have up to 6 or 7 of that WIO.


    3.  Probably 1 billion influence per character that I market with or play regularly.  At present, I have about 800 million on each of about 9 characters, and I am marketing with about 6-8 other characters, some of whom only have 100 or 200 million at the moment.  Anything over 800 million that I make on my main marketeers, I spend on Winter Packs for now.


    So I have maybe 8 billion influence so far (rough guess), and am building up a nice stock of attuned IOs/ATOs/WIOs to work with.  I have 7 level 50 characters and most of them (well... more than half) have completed "money is no object" builds, except that I have not bothered to buy purple recipes/IOs from the market so I'm still working on filling out the purple sets on a couple of them.


    I doubt I'm the richest person on the server.  I'd guess there are at least several people worth 10 to 20 billion.



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  10. There are ten total costume slots, and I think you have to unlock four of them, so you should have six to start with.


    At level 20, you can run a mission in Steel Canyon Icon to unlock a costume slot.  It's the owner at the back, Serge.


    At level 30, you can run a mission with the Icon owner in Independence Port to open a slot.


    At level 40, you can run a mission with the Icon owner in Founder's Falls to open a slot.


    You can also unlock a slot by turning in Halloween salvage to the witch in Croatoa, near the Train Platform.  We don't have any Halloween salvage on the server right now so this is not possible yet.


    There are similar missions with the tailors Red Side.  I want to say two of them are run from the tailor shop in Cap Au Diable and the third is in St. Martial, and the witch is on an island in Nerva Archipelago.  There's also a witch in Praetoria somewhere.


    Anyway, it's possible to unlock your last slot by switching sides and doing one of the missions from the other side, so you don't really need Halloween salvage to unlock all of your slots.


    When you open your costume slots page to switch costumes (it's one of the options from the main pull-down menu), you will see at the bottom that you can select from a collection of different costume change emotes.  Unfortunately when you have this window open you don't usually get to see the full costume change emote, but there are ways to create a keybind or macro that will accomplish the same thing so you can do it quickly and see it happen.


    Hope that helps.


    I had a character once named Medieval Crisis, who was ten different Medieval/Fantasy heroes or anti-heroes.  It was a broad sword/shield scrapper, and the various costumes represented things like a Black Knight, a Holy Knight Lady, an Elfin Knight, a Dwarven Knight, an Orc Warrior, a Zulu or African Warrior, a Dark Elf Warrior, a Barbarian Warrior, Magical Girl Soldier, etc.  I did some pretty good costumes to match, and which hero you got was just up to chance (or my mood, heh).  I think I actually had more than 10 ideas for costumes for the character, and so would swap out a couple of them every once in a while.



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    Ultimately the person forming the team can set whatever rules they want, and you don't have to join them if you don't want to.  I think it's someone just being silly for the sake of it, as Vanden said... but also with the knowledge that anyone else can form their own team.  There's no secret to forming a team, and you can run your team how you want.  Form a team where only Warshades are allowed, whatever.  ^_^




    If you check the Beta section of these forums, it'll tell you what's likely in the next update. 




    Which is largely focused on making Instasnipe an automatic thing when you're in combat.  It sounds somewhat similar to how a Stalker's Assassin's Strike works, but there's no Hide to trigger the fast version to the slow version, rather it's based on whether you're involved in combat or have been out of combat long enough.


    Most of that has been ready to go live for a month but they're reworking Dominator Assault sets, since they were adversely affected by the sniper changes.


    That's basically it.  Don't expect major updates, ever.  Can you expect new Task Forces?  Maybe -- SCORE added one in about six years.  Can you expect new ATs?  SCORE also added one in six years.  Can you expect new powers or power sets?  Much more likely -- they have to be able to create new animations, but I believe they can do this now, and they are very likely wanting to fill out the other new pool powers and the Wind Control set that had been proposed/in the works at the time the game shut down.  But when can you expect those  things?  Don't know, but if it took a year or more I wouldn't be surprised.


    Things that are very likely to be added in the next year:  new badges, perhaps explore badges for Kallisti Wharf or accolades for PvP zones; many more items to add to bases (base love is one of the easiest things to add to the game it seems); minor changes such as how powers work, what gives what rewards, the sort of things that are easy to change with a line or two of code and might be a good idea for balance reasons or whatever.


    There will, of course, be updates to turn on events like the Halloween event, or the Winter event.


    Things  that you will likely see... eventually:  The aforementioned Wind Control and power pool sets, I think.  Probably new costume options also.


    Things that could take a couple of years at least:  New missions or task forces, new ATs.  In particular Captain Powerhouse has spoken about a proposed AT that was being looked at before sunset called a Striker.  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,6105.0.html  I'm not suggesting any new AT is being worked on at present, but of all the proposals I've seen, this one is something that existed pre-sunset, and


    There has been a lot of thought put over the years on making Strikers a thing. There are a lot of priorities that need to be taken care of before any work is done on the AT, but...


    So in terms of a new AT coming along, that might be your best bet.  But like I said, it's not something that you're going to see soon.  And it's always possible that someone else comes along and does all of the hard work to get their own particular idea working, and you'll see that instead.  People having the knowledge of how to read and update the game code and having time to work on things, and being able to work with the SCORE team, those are the big three things that are required to get anything done.  If you have all three of those, then in theory anything is possible, but time is probably the biggest piece of the puzzle.


    For the most part I don't assign any morality to what I do on the market; people are responsible for what they spend and what they list something to sell for.  That said, I usually bid 5,000 influence for uncommon and common salvage, but mostly because I don't want to waste time waiting for orders to fill.  I also usually bid 10,000 per uncommon recipe, but again I'm not checking to see if that's a better than vendor price, I just know that it's more than many people bid for the least useful uncommon recipes and therefore my orders will fill relatively quickly.


    I think during Live I had a few things that felt morally questionable to me -- extreme flipping, cornering the market on certain types of salvage or IOs, etc.  But only slightly questionable, because the people they inconvenienced the most were those who absolutely had to buy things Right Now and couldn't wait 24 hours (or longer) for a bid to fill.  I've never felt that the market owed you a fair price for something you want to buy immediately -- Buy It Now prices are usually at a premium and that makes sense to me.  And those sorts of extreme flipping and market cornering tricks are much harder to pull off these days.


    I do tend to feel morally superior when I think about what I do in terms of supplying the market so that people can buy what they need.  But I don't do what I do because of any moral imperative, but because it makes money.  It just feels good to also convince myself that I'm doing the right thing while I'm making my money.  ;)



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  14. And how do you identify them? They don't have names or numbers, they're all just Grate. And there's about 18 of them.


    In the past team leader has assigned teams such as "Team one, inner left grate, team two, middle left, team three, outer left grate," etc.


    I think you need 3 or 4 bombs to spawn Ukon Grai, and as far as I know the bombs do nothing else.  People seem to think more bombs will extend the raid time, but I don't think that's true any more, although I know it used to work that way on Live.  I haven't timed it either though.


    So long as one person on your team sets a bomb, everyone on the team should get credit towards the badge.






    Hero side it's always the one at the back of the Icon store on the right side / corner.


    The tailor in Rikti War Zone also is a cosmetic surgeon.  I don't remember if the one in Pocket D is or not.

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