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Posts posted by Mack008

  1. So I'm digging the new version of Voltaic Sentinel.  An always on toggle is much more useful, and the little sparky guy does just enough damage to contribute without being overpowered.  He's particularly good at finishing off targets with just a bit of health left.


    Anyone have luck adding procs to it? Looking at the numbers, I would expect that a typical 3.5PPM proc would only go off about 13% of the time, which is doesn't seem like enough to make it worth it.  Or you could slot an Overwhelming Force (Dam / %Knockdown) which has a flat rate of 20%.  A one in five chance of knockdown doesn't sound great, but it does shoot every 2.25 seconds.



  2. Currently Assault only takes two enhancements:  Recharge Reduction (why?) and Endurance Reduction.  


    Suggestion 1:  Allow normal Damage enhancements to be slotted, which would increase the damage bonus.


    Suggestion 2:  Allow any Damage IO set (Melee, Melee AoE, Ranged, Ranged AoE...) to be slotted, so players can get set bonuses. 

  3. I've got a Merc/Elec, and I'll echo the comments about it feeling 'clicky.' 


    Additionally, you have to be proactive with the buffs.  In particular, Insulating Circuit (the one with the Absorb) really needs to be applied before a fight starts. 


    And since all the effects use the "chain" mechanism, it takes a little getting used to.  Where with other sets you can just tap your AoE heal, with /Elec you have to select a henchman and hope that the effect arcs to all the others.  Normally that's not much of a problem, but if you're on a team it can be a bit unpredictable.  (Especially if you don't have many stacks built up.)

  4. I've got a level 47 Mercs / Electric that's reasonably enjoyable, but was wondering if there's a better secondary to use.   Any suggestions?


    (And yes, I recognize that Mercs are lackluster to start with.)

  5. FWIW... Dark Regen can take 4 different damage procs.  Each one will have a 56% chance of going off.  Roughly speaking, that would be 140 points of damage to each target at level 50.


    So if you want it to do damage, you can.  But you will have to give up some set bonuses in the process.

  6. Currently (as far as I know) there's only two ways to turn Knockback in to Knockdown:

    1) The Sudden Acceleration IO.  This is a decent option, but comes with an opportunity cost in that a slot must be dedicated to it so you're likely giving up something else (accuracy, damage... and most likely part of a set bonus).

    2) The Overwhelming Force IO.  This is a good IO in that it both increases damage and changes KB to KD.  The downside is that you can only use one of them per character.


    For KB heavy builds, neither of these are great options.


    So here's my thought... create a new Knockback IO set where one of the set bonuses is KB to KD.  The IOs themselves can be the typical ones (Acc/Dam, Acc/Dam/End, Acc/Dam/Rech, Dam/End, Dam/Rech, End/Rech), and the first few set bonuses would be typical as well.  But either the third or fourth set bonus would turn that power into KD.


    Set bonuses normally apply to the entire character and not one power.  So if the above is too difficult to implement, then as an alternative have the set bonus reduce all of a character's knockback by a third.  Then once three powers are slotted, all of the character's powers would be turned to knockdown.


    I'd love having that as a option on several of my characters.

  7. Just discovered that Durability doesn't increase a Sentinel's Hit Points.  Rather, it creates a small Absorption shield.


    Anyone know how often it refreshes itself?  Does it have pulse rate?


    Curious what happens if you put Preventative Medicine's Chance for Absorb, or Power Transfer's Chance for Heal in it.




  8. Had a thought about improving Sentinel's inherent ability that would be straightforward to implement...

    1) When Opportunity lands on a target, make the debuff a small radius AoE (10 feet or less) so that a group is affected.  For balance, might need to make the AoE effect less potent than the debuff applied to the target.

    2) Make the debuff linger on the corpse and the surrounding area once that target is killed (er... 'arrested').


    Those two changes would greatly increase the ability's utility without requiring a major overhaul.


    Also, enlarge the debuff symbol to the size of the AoE, and ensure it remains visible to the team so everyone knows the Sentinel is doing his special thing.



    Alternate idea... make the benefit from Offensive/Defense Opportunity a small PBAoE buff, so the Sentinel's teammates gain from it.

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