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CR Mochi

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Everything posted by CR Mochi

  1. Thank you everyone for participating! Here is a list of all our winners from Saturday’s event. 1st place – Sessa – 1b inf + 4300 merits 2nd place – Alouu – 750m inf + 2750 merits 3rd place – Condro – 500m inf + 1750 merits 4th place – Ace Hunter – 250m inf 5th place – Rednefed – 250m inf 6th place – 9Lives – 250m inf Raffle Winners – 300 merits ea Sessa Mistress Mezmera Ancient Ones Maid Ganker Hornet Ace Hunter NPC Costume Code America’s Angel Please check your emails for your prize money. I will notify everyone on this thread once the merits have been distributed. Hope to see you all at our next event!
  2. Pending any additional changes, this will be the brackets for the tournament.
  3. @Ancient Ones Maid is registering
  4. Anti-Stall Clause Updated Maps Updated
  5. Anti-Stall Clause Updated Maps Updated
  6. Anti-Stall Clause Updated Maps Updated
  7. Extreme Social Distancing - 1v1 Ranged Tournament Hosts: CR Mochi, Alouu Where: Indomitable, Pocket D above the monkey cages Discord: https://discord.gg/2HYfEME Homecoming PvP Date/Time: Saturday, June 19th 2021 3pm PST // 8pm EDT // 10pm GMT How it works: This is a ranged 1v1 round robin tournament. Players may register up to 3 characters. Players who bring 3 characters are able to select which of their opponent’s characters they wish to play against, players who bring less than 3 characters do not have this option. Therefore, after the publication of the bracket, tournament admins will privately ask each participant who brought 3 characters which of their opponent’s characters they wish to face. The bracket is then finalized, showing which characters are facing which. Match Settings: Observers must be left on. Match time must be set to: 10 Minutes Inspirations must be set to: Small Inspirations Switching between builds is allowed. Sudden death does not count towards scores. Play what map you like if you can agree on it, otherwise cargo ship Diversity Clause: You may bring up to 2 characters of the same Archetype. Player lineups of up to 3 characters must not contain any duplicate power-sets. A power-set is defined by its name. For example, bringing a Fire Blast Defender means you cannot bring a Fire Blast Sentinel. However, bringing a Dark Blast Defender means you can still bring a Dark Assault Dominator. Anti-Stall Clause: If a player has any of the following powers and their match results in a 0-0 score or was at a 0-0 score before sudden death began, then the match is considered a loss for them and a win for their opponent. Personal Force Field; Dimension Shift; Life Drain; Instant Regeneration; Will Domination If both players have powers on the list above, then a 0-0 score results in a draw as normal. Allowed Archetypes: Blaster, Controller, Corruptor, Defender, Dominator, Peacebringer, Sentinel, Warshade Banned Archetypes: Arachnos Soldier, Arachnos Widow, Brute, Mastermind, Scrapper, Stalker, Tanker Allowed Incarnates: Alpha Banned Incarnates: Destiny, Hybrid, Interface, Judgement, Lore Score reporting: Winners will report their scores on the Homecoming PvP Discord in a scores thread Prizes - Influence + Merits: First Place = “___” Gold Title + 4000 Merits + 500mil Second Place = "___" Gold Title + 2750 Merits + 300mil Third Place = "___" Gold Title + 1750 Merits + 200mil 5 Merit Raffles = 300 Merits NPC Costume Prestige Power Raffle of Player’s Choice - https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Model_Replacement_Costume_Powers The Sign up Process: Sign up on this thread using your global name, character names and power-sets of up to three characters. Sign up ends on June 12th. After the initial sign up phase has ended, tournament admins will publish an initial draft of the tournament bracket.
  8. Extreme Social Distancing - 1v1 Ranged Tournament Hosts: CR Mochi, Alouu Where: Indomitable, Pocket D above the monkey cages Discord: https://discord.gg/2HYfEME Homecoming PvP Date/Time: Saturday, June 19th 2021 3pm PST // 8pm EDT // 10pm GMT How it works: This is a ranged 1v1 round robin tournament. Players may register up to 3 characters. Players who bring 3 characters are able to select which of their opponent’s characters they wish to play against, players who bring less than 3 characters do not have this option. Therefore, after the publication of the bracket, tournament admins will privately ask each participant who brought 3 characters which of their opponent’s characters they wish to face. The bracket is then finalized, showing which characters are facing which. Match Settings: Observers must be left on. Match time must be set to: 10 Minutes Inspirations must be set to: Small Inspirations Switching between builds is allowed. Sudden death does not count towards scores. Play what map you like if you can agree on it, otherwise cargo ship Diversity Clause: You may bring up to 2 characters of the same Archetype. Player lineups of up to 3 characters must not contain any duplicate power-sets. A power-set is defined by its name. For example, bringing a Fire Blast Defender means you cannot bring a Fire Blast Sentinel. However, bringing a Dark Blast Defender means you can still bring a Dark Assault Dominator. Anti-Stall Clause: If a player has any of the following powers and their match results in a 0-0 score or was at a 0-0 score before sudden death began, then the match is considered a loss for them and a win for their opponent. Personal Force Field; Dimension Shift; Life Drain; Instant Regeneration; Will Domination If both players have powers on the list above, then a 0-0 score results in a draw as normal. Allowed Archetypes: Blaster, Controller, Corruptor, Defender, Dominator, Peacebringer, Sentinel, Warshade Banned Archetypes: Arachnos Soldier, Arachnos Widow, Brute, Mastermind, Scrapper, Stalker, Tanker Allowed Incarnates: Alpha Banned Incarnates: Destiny, Hybrid, Interface, Judgement, Lore Score reporting: Winners will report their scores on the Homecoming PvP Discord in a scores thread Prizes - Influence + Merits: First Place = “___” Gold Title + 4000 Merits + 500mil Second Place = "___" Gold Title + 2750 Merits + 300mil Third Place = "___" Gold Title + 1750 Merits + 200mil 5 Merit Raffles = 300 Merits NPC Costume Prestige Power Raffle of Player’s Choice - https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Model_Replacement_Costume_Powers The Sign up Process: Sign up on this thread using your global name, character names and power-sets of up to three characters. Sign up ends on June 12th. After the initial sign up phase has ended, tournament admins will publish an initial draft of the tournament bracket.
  9. Extreme Social Distancing - 1v1 Ranged Tournament Hosts: CR Mochi, Alouu Where: Indomitable, Pocket D above the monkey cages Discord: https://discord.gg/2HYfEME Homecoming PvP Date/Time: Saturday, June 19th 2021 5pm PST // 8pm EDT // 1am GMT How it works: This is a ranged 1v1 round robin tournament. Players may register up to 3 characters. Players who bring 3 characters are able to select which of their opponent’s characters they wish to play against, players who bring less than 3 characters do not have this option. Therefore, after the publication of the bracket, tournament admins will privately ask each participant who brought 3 characters which of their opponent’s characters they wish to face. The bracket is then finalized, showing which characters are facing which. Match Settings: Observers must be left on. Match time must be set to: 10 Minutes Inspirations must be set to: Small Inspirations Switching between builds is allowed. Sudden death does not count towards scores. Play what map you like if you can agree on it, otherwise cargo ship Diversity Clause: You may bring up to 2 characters of the same Archetype. Player lineups of up to 3 characters must not contain any duplicate power-sets. A power-set is defined by its name. For example, bringing a Fire Blast Defender means you cannot bring a Fire Blast Sentinel. However, bringing a Dark Blast Defender means you can still bring a Dark Assault Dominator. Anti-Stall Clause: If a player has any of the following powers and their match results in a 0-0 score or was at a 0-0 score before sudden death began, then the match is considered a loss for them and a win for their opponent. Personal Force Field; Dimension Shift; Life Drain; Instant Regeneration; Will Domination If both players have powers on the list above, then a 0-0 score results in a draw as normal. Allowed Archetypes: Blaster, Controller, Corruptor, Defender, Dominator, Peacebringer, Sentinel, Warshade Banned Archetypes: Arachnos Soldier, Arachnos Widow, Brute, Mastermind, Scrapper, Stalker, Tanker Allowed Incarnates: Alpha Banned Incarnates: Destiny, Hybrid, Interface, Judgement, Lore Score reporting: Winners will report their scores on the Homecoming PvP Discord in a scores thread Prizes - Influence + Merits: First Place = “___” Gold Title + 4000 Merits + 1bil Second Place = "___" Gold Title + 2750 Merits + 750mil Third Place = "___" Gold Title + 1750 Merits + 500mil Fourth Place = 250mil Fifth Place = 250mil Sixth Place = 250mil 5 Merit Raffles = 300 Merits NPC Costume Prestige Power Raffle of Player’s Choice - https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Model_Replacement_Costume_Powers The Sign up Process: Sign up on this thread using your global name, character names and power-sets of up to three characters. Sign up ends on June 12th. After the initial sign up phase has ended, tournament admins will publish an initial draft of the tournament bracket.
  10. Hey everyone, I just want to thank you all for coming. What a great turn out! Congrats to all of the winners, including our raffle and NPC costume power winners. Merit prizes have been distributed. You can locate them via in game Email - Character Items. Thanks again and see you all at the next event!
  11. Spring Fling is tomorrow! Please let @America's Angel know if you'd like to sign up! Sign ups end 1 hour prior to the event.
  12. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
  13. Hey everyone, the prizes for our Rogue Isle Invitational Event have been distributed! Congratulations to The Alouusers!! 7k merits have been split between your teammates. Another big congrats to Larry Lobster for winning our NPC costume raffle! Raffle winners of 300+ merits: Xhiggy, MJB, BANGBANGDOOF, Guess Who, Whoogiewatsit, JD, Madden1, Seductive- How to claim your prizes: Open up the in game email tab - Character items - Reward Merits
  14. Rogue Isle Invitational 5v5 Villain Archetype Pentad Tournament When: February 20th 2021 @ 6 PM PST / 9 PM EST Where: Pocket D on Indomitable Who: The following teams are officially invited to participate in this tournament: Discord: https://discord.gg/B2agqnSssN Hosts: For questions, please refer to @CR Mochi, Wombo, @xhiggy Rare Goodboys VoRI Renegades The above teams are highly encouraged to register five players (with the optional addition of one substitute) prior to the tournament. Non-official teams that register prior to the tournament and can field a team of five players (with the optional addition of one substitute) may also participate. Please discuss with your primary teams if you choose to register as a non-official team so as to not create a manpower shortage. What: This event will be a 5v5 round robin tournament. Each team will field five characters consisting of different Villain Archetypes. The following Archetypes will be allowed: Stalker Brute Corrupter Dominator Mastermind Widow Arachnos Soldier Restrictions: Corrupters are not allowed to run the Force Field powerset No dual cage combinations (ex. Sonic Corrupter / Force Field Mastermind) Stalkers are not allowed to run Zapp from Mu Mastery No taunt abilities (to include provoke from the presence pool) Prizes: The first place team will receive 5000 reward merits to split between the participating players in addition to exclusive team gold titles There will be eight raffles throughout the event consisting of a merit reward prizes There will be additional raffles consisting of permanent NPC costume codes which you can pick from a selective list
  15. Hey everyone, the prizes for our Us vs the World Event have been distributed! How to claim: Open up the in game email tab (claim your influence there if you were a finalist) - Character items - Reward Merits Who: Everyone Thank you to all 8 teams who participated! Stay tuned for our next event in a few weeks.
  16. Title: Smol KB presents: Us against the world Format: 2-person team Free for All Date / Time: January 30th, 2021 @ 6 PM PST 9 PM EST Where: Indomitable / Pocket D Arena Discord: Smol KB discord https://discord.gg/9N6ktRn Event Overview Match Settings: • 10 minute rounds • T1 Inspirations only • Alpha Incarnate only • Only Arena Temp Powers allowed. Non Arena Temp Powers will be disabled. • No heal decay • No travel suppression • Maps - TBD Rules: • Alpha only incarnate powers. Other incarnates will need to be un-slotted for the event • If a player DC's in the first 2 minutes, restart the match. The rematch will play out regardless of further DC's • No switching characters mid event, you play on the same character you sign up with (multiple builds allowed) • Every match will consist of 8 teams of 2 players in a free for all (FFA) format • If we catch any team farming each other in the corner of a map to stack kills, we will disqualify both teams. AT/Power Restrictions: • Blast sets can be the same, buff/debuff powers must be different, ie: no dual Thermals • Allowed Archetypes: Blasters, Controllers, Defenders, Corrupters, Dominators, Peacebringers (no repeat ATs on one team. Ex. cannot have two blasters or two defenders) • Banned Powers: Gravity Control for Controllers / Dominators, Presence Pool, Sonic Resonance for Corrupters. Teams may elect to run one Sonic or one Force Field, but not both. Objectives: • The team's main objective is to make it to the winner’s pool. It will consist of only 3-5 teams. (Winner’s pool may expand based on the amount of participants) • Depending on the number of teams facing off in the winner’s match, prize places will be based accordingly to the final kill scores. (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) • Each round, the team with the most total kills will move to the winner’s pool to qualify for the final event. • If there is a tie for the most total kills between 2 teams in a round, those tied teams will face off against each other for the tiebreaker. (Sudden death win counts) • If there is a tie for the most total kills between 3 or more teams in a round, those tied teams will face off against each other for the tie breaker. (No sudden death) If there is a tie during the tie breaker match, those teams will be put back into the competitor’s pool. • In the event that more than 8 teams register to play, we will divide the competitor’s pool evenly between two (or more) matches. Prizes: • Prizes will be rewarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc • Gold titles for top three teams • 1st place will split 2bil influence + 2000 merits (1000ea) + In game Gold Titles • 2nd place will split 1bil influence + 1800 merits (900ea) + In game Gold Titles • 3rd place will split 500mil influence + 1300 merits (650ea) + In game Gold Titles • 4th place highest kills + 1000 merits (500ea) • 9 Raffles - 400 merits each to split between team members Costume Contest: • Couples themed! Bring your best complimentary costumes. • 1st place will split 600 merits (300ea) + In game Gold Titles • 2nd place will split 500 merits (250ea) + In game Gold Titles • 3rd place will split 400 merits (200ea) + In game Gold Titles SIGN UPS: Sign up below with your 2v2 partner. (AT/Power Sets will be locked in at the event) If you do not have a partner yet, you can sign up to be drafted. * The costume contest will be held immediately AFTER the event. So if you brought a costume and would like to participate, please stick around. * All in game Gold Titles are optional. This event’s Gold Title will be: Smol KB Champ/Smol CC Winner Hosted by: CR_Mochi, Wombo, Daniel, Void. Please contact us or post below with any questions you may have.
  17. Title: Smol KB presents: Us against the world Format: 2-person team Free for All Date / Time: January 30th, 2021 @ 6 PM PST 9 PM EST Where: Indomitable / Pocket D Arena Discord: Smol KB discord https://discord.gg/9N6ktRn Event Overview Match Settings: • 10 minute rounds • T1 Inspirations only • Alpha Incarnate only • Only Arena Temp Powers allowed. Non Arena Temp Powers will be disabled. • No heal decay • No travel suppression • Maps - TBD Rules: • Alpha only incarnate powers. Other incarnates will need to be un-slotted for the event • If a player DC's in the first 2 minutes, restart the match. The rematch will play out regardless of further DC's • No switching characters mid event, you play on the same character you sign up with (multiple builds allowed) • Every match will consist of 8 teams of 2 players in a free for all (FFA) format • If we catch any team farming each other in the corner of a map to stack kills, we will disqualify both teams. AT/Power Restrictions: • Blast sets can be the same, buff/debuff powers must be different, ie: no dual Thermals • Allowed Archetypes: Blasters, Controllers, Defenders, Corrupters, Dominators, Peacebringers (no repeat ATs on one team. Ex. cannot have two blasters or two defenders) • Banned Powers: Gravity Control for Controllers / Dominators, Presence Pool, Sonic Resonance for Corrupters. Teams may elect to run one Sonic or one Force Field, but not both. Objectives: • The team's main objective is to make it to the winner’s pool. It will consist of only 3-5 teams. (Winner’s pool may expand based on the amount of participants) • Depending on the number of teams facing off in the winner’s match, prize places will be based accordingly to the final kill scores. (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) • Each round, the team with the most total kills will move to the winner’s pool to qualify for the final event. • If there is a tie for the most total kills between 2 teams in a round, those tied teams will face off against each other for the tiebreaker. (Sudden death win counts) • If there is a tie for the most total kills between 3 or more teams in a round, those tied teams will face off against each other for the tie breaker. (No sudden death) If there is a tie during the tie breaker match, those teams will be put back into the competitor’s pool. • In the event that more than 8 teams register to play, we will divide the competitor’s pool evenly between two (or more) matches. Prizes: • Prizes will be rewarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc • Gold titles for top three teams • 1st place will split 2bil influence + 2000 merits (1000ea) + In game Gold Titles • 2nd place will split 1bil influence + 1800 merits (900ea) + In game Gold Titles • 3rd place will split 500mil influence + 1300 merits (650ea) + In game Gold Titles • 4th place highest kills + 1000 merits (500ea) • 9 Raffles - 400 merits each to split between team members Costume Contest: • Couples themed! Bring your best complimentary costumes. • 1st place will split 600 merits (300ea) + In game Gold Titles • 2nd place will split 500 merits (250ea) + In game Gold Titles • 3rd place will split 400 merits (200ea) + In game Gold Titles SIGN UPS: Sign up below with your 2v2 partner. (AT/Power Sets will be locked in at the event) If you do not have a partner yet, you can sign up to be drafted. * The costume contest will be held immediately AFTER the event. So if you brought a costume and would like to participate, please stick around. * All in game Gold Titles are optional. This event’s Gold Title will be: Smol KB Champ/Smol CC Winner Hosted by: CR_Mochi, Wombo, Daniel, Void. Please contact us or post below with any questions you may have.
  18. Title: Smol KB presents: Us against the world Format: 2-person team Free for All Date / Time: January 30th, 2021 @ 6 PM PST 9 PM EST Where: Indomitable / Pocket D Arena Discord: Smol KB discord https://discord.gg/9N6ktRn Event Overview Match Settings: • 10 minute rounds • T1 Inspirations only • Alpha Incarnate only • Only Arena Temp Powers allowed. Non Arena Temp Powers will be disabled. • No heal decay • No travel suppression • Maps - TBD Rules: • Alpha only incarnate powers. Other incarnates will need to be un-slotted for the event • If a player DC's in the first 2 minutes, restart the match. The rematch will play out regardless of further DC's • No switching characters mid event, you play on the same character you sign up with (multiple builds allowed) • Every match will consist of 8 teams of 2 players in a free for all (FFA) format • If we catch any team farming each other in the corner of a map to stack kills, we will disqualify both teams. AT/Power Restrictions: • Blast sets can be the same, buff/debuff powers must be different, ie: no dual Thermals • Allowed Archetypes: Blasters, Controllers, Defenders, Corrupters, Dominators, Peacebringers (no repeat ATs on one team. Ex. cannot have two blasters or two defenders) • Banned Powers: Gravity Control for Controllers / Dominators, Presence Pool, Sonic Resonance for Corrupters. Teams may elect to run one Sonic or one Force Field, but not both. Objectives: • The team's main objective is to make it to the winner’s pool. It will consist of only 3-5 teams. (Winner’s pool may expand based on the amount of participants) • Depending on the number of teams facing off in the winner’s match, prize places will be based accordingly to the final kill scores. (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) • Each round, the team with the most total kills will move to the winner’s pool to qualify for the final event. • If there is a tie for the most total kills between 2 teams in a round, those tied teams will face off against each other for the tiebreaker. (Sudden death win counts) • If there is a tie for the most total kills between 3 or more teams in a round, those tied teams will face off against each other for the tie breaker. (No sudden death) If there is a tie during the tie breaker match, those teams will be put back into the competitor’s pool. • In the event that more than 8 teams register to play, we will divide the competitor’s pool evenly between two (or more) matches. Prizes: • Prizes will be rewarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc • Gold titles for top three teams • 1st place will split 2bil influence + 2000 merits (1000ea) + In game Gold Titles • 2nd place will split 1bil influence + 1800 merits (900ea) + In game Gold Titles • 3rd place will split 500mil influence + 1300 merits (650ea) + In game Gold Titles • 4th place highest kills + 1000 merits (500ea) • 9 Raffles - 400 merits each to split between team members Costume Contest: • Couples themed! Bring your best complimentary costumes. • 1st place will split 600 merits (300ea) + In game Gold Titles • 2nd place will split 500 merits (250ea) + In game Gold Titles • 3rd place will split 400 merits (200ea) + In game Gold Titles SIGN UPS: Sign up below with your 2v2 partner. (AT/Power Sets will be locked in at the event) If you do not have a partner yet, you can sign up to be drafted. * The costume contest will be held immediately AFTER the event. So if you brought a costume and would like to participate, please stick around. * All in game Gold Titles are optional. This event’s Gold Title will be: Smol KB Champ/Smol CC Winner Hosted by: CR_Mochi, Wombo, Daniel, Void. Please contact us or post below with any questions you may have.
  19. Keeping an eye on this and I know several other people on the Homecoming team and gold standard testers discord are as well. It seems the majority of PvPers agree that cancelling animations via Nullifier (not emotes) is beneficial to PvP. I've been reading some good explanations and rationale from you all in the community and so consider me /signed (although others on the Homecoming team may disagree with me on this)
  20. Thank you to everyone who came out to participate in our December Zone PvP Showdown events!! It was nice seeing the zones so active, especially after the myriad of changes suggested and tested by the PvP Community. We had a great showing tonight in Siren's Call, a place that is nostalgic for a lot of us. Myself and the rest of the HC team will be looking forward to seeing you all for more fun events come 2021! Please vote below on what event you'd like to see in January! Thank you, CR Mochi
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