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  1. I can assure you, we're not 👁️
  2. I noticed the MM restriction as well. Don't get me wrong, I've had frustrations with players running every AT at one time or another but I never blamed the AT for it. I've been around long enough to have heard the AoE immob argument and I've seen it happen. This long chain of mobs strung out in a hallway or around a corner, just blasting away while the Tank grinds their teeth. It's one of many reasons I gravitate towards "self-sufficient" builds that can either hold their own for a while or avoid combat altogether in the event of a problem. Still, I don't agree with the mindset this player seems to have taken on. It feels like a very linear approach to a game that allows for very non-linear playstyles. If I had to guess, I'd say the person doing the recruiting comes from other MMOs where there's a right way and a wrong way to approach every encounter. That's fine, I guess, but it ain't for me.
  3. Hey gang, So, I was leveling the other day when a message came across LFG. Someone was recruiting for an ITF and said they didn't want any Doms or Trollers because those ATs "mess up massive pulls." In all my years playing CoH, I've never heard of someone not wanting CC on a team. IMO, it makes dealing with big pulls easier, not harder. But I wanted to get y'all's opinion. Do you think CC toons are an issue when going for big pulls? Do they make any significant difference either way?
  4. I've come and gone several times since the Live days. Most of us probably have at this point. CoH will always be my "original," the game that really brought me into the MMORPG genre. That doesn't mean a change of pace isn't nice every now and then. Honestly, just seeing how the forum community is responding to this post is incredibly refreshing. It's good to see the game still has what really makes it great, the people who play.
  5. I'm running up my first "serious" Corr right now. She's DP/TA so it's pretty simple. Apply debuffs, then blast until everything's dead or debuffs need to be reapplied. I've yet to hear any complaints. My post was less to say, "Corruptors do bad damage compared to anything else," so much as to point out that any lower level of damage on a support AT is the trade you make for having the ability to impact a fight in other ways that are equally, if not more, important than pure DPS. A lot of people are calling the OP a troll. I don't know if that's what they're doing or they're just asking a question without proper understanding of the needed context.
  6. As a mainline DPS player, I'd say it's well understood that CoH is a game that turns on buffs and debuffs. More than any other combat role, buffers and debuffers can determine whether a team is even capable of doing a specific piece of content. The reason for that is simple, force multiplication. Support toons literally make content easier by reducing the difficulty of combat, either by strengthening players or weakening enemies. The trade off for that ability is lower damage than DPS ATs. That's a perfectly normal part of RPG design and has been since the tabletop days. To say Corrs are useless because they do less damage than Blasters or Sents is to take the support role, in its entirety, out of context. You're measuring a team-focused class based on how it solos, which entirely misses the point of its existence.
  7. I've acquired and spent a lot of Aether Particles over the past couple months. I'll get an idea for a toon that incorporates one of the costumes and immediately start dropping millions to buy them on the AH. Obviously, the Halloween event goes a long way to cutting down the time and/or influence gating around them, which is fine if you're just looking to grab a Tier 1 costume for 10 particles. But the spike between Tier 1 and the other tiers is pretty sharp. I'm not saying it should be easy to get what you want, necessarily, but I don't think a measured reduction would do any harm.
  8. Thanks for all your help, gang. I've retooled the build into something that I think is pretty solid. I'm 1% off the Resistance cap and I've got enough Defense that I'll be a bit over softcapped while Shadow Meld is up. On top of that, I'm just 100ish HP shy of the total health cap. I kept Hover in for theme and I managed to get full stealth, albeit by pushing Hasten back further than I'd like but that's a trivial issue at 50. Let me know if there's anything else I can do improve but I'm fairly happy with this iteration. Here's the datachunk for import as well: |MBD;23380;1431;1908;BASE64;| |G1NbAKyKx/lXLKSkJLigx4yXS5GuPVtOVL56bhMGHkjYRq/HJzcjZ5osXX2twwLS1Wm| |rlEdvJi3QT+lT8vypvVX17H06d83qakTslwwKxhbgub//3/JdZIyMVLMqWeMi9JaZl1| |KLK1RVJyfzKV2lKXB7UOBy0K0oh/BfYiVvaHuf+n8cMo6i8oVxSEyGs5vQN6OTYMFCy| |rYfmWBRdqdCvNmf7E1QOvL7Go6co0DzBwieb149JkAQaZrALdoX7HXWGTNdnBfu2y4M| |YkhNZ+F1gNg9Sn5/JrOH7I2goE1pjiBUZigIoC1PeF3rWYhFIfVtwPEA79AWeeS47BO| |V5OeCT+eCAW3f/PO6Vpn5RGaCV7l/jVKXM7usqWcim/vS4w7ZkzAWfeRyWulzi2/tWe| |y4CMFcx1jl0mm/6fBdcjrXCE2yURuWvozMUrtvZydc0Vihb5CHnp8fltS/r4RJhY90x| |er2JNGWJ843kPikXwh4fSa9lR+J8XQYz4O26eBkNrE2CeOZF9XxahR96aDJ2cVTC9O9| |MdY+/L853TWIzmilPliarZtl2hw9Iuch3jh+pL+tgwAhz8LgpSWuZzKWlPqLhWCEDBC| |cy0Eh13Wsyx+ZRWN9GfyGUxAaNNd8u//9egDNe00ZFEXcGlENKI643TABxXtGzo24zS| |8sMVfsib9VzNYfMMnriEuGppinf9RR2o/HZz6kjvdWFMupQAGiLcEMyfv0yYt5aSWgn| |0nkvfblnUyi/xP5EnVeyxDiveSHaz6h2FWwIOMpWVxNdE9/dc4r+FQxTIZKrchcg8eu| |ja1jMyFGpnAFxTuyvW6epZwGgseRGKWFfVv9iNtQ1DSg7kqWquMYbEkuHU2u27rz4TK| |ZLZRvXCG7AgWovUwjvAHGUb5BxHHtWafWib6P9+afkWzkKd0WWO0oco+PZEENKI49zj| |KSBmAUiob4Go3UNtysJ40n6odnp481tUqp2Rq7NRw4zF0Ok6ka+Afi/5PvCzxkPgyVr| |RrQ0Y0iqAET0iokc5zJS2GDFUywYx12D2Zfa4vTNjajACYUczkCkFzg0wq62yliA2e/| |qWQcMzUR5Apkd2Lj2JzdmuB7MbUO7Sy2j+B23WSXs43ZWNi63mBNN4y6gUoguqVVSAv| |AGEpgCOvwQ7t1LnhoczngLX8o3jXDLXKFfLjbHubRK6UBxREjE0URpeRA20Wu4a6fFf| |dZCzChmuQQn8VdIpVXVNhBdvZJjQWxknbibIRlg1VoHZA2ABBgxIP1mIwe9NwV4Yn8A| |jaEdXoMLAuBZaEONGAtwTXaGLlDiVeGrMcN8jLF90+5wTOAG4r7ZBF3vdQqc0RwlCMm| |AGOI8iRyUGf0NkXiPaz4m93T9jFv3U1zvM0MgLcRP26uu5sLa53XZYBVYW2WR4ecBVU| |JUROSGiGtQLwVzHl38Qe5wcuACd+2wARWjcCqEWQ1HDUAHN1qLX9AZioELiguM0eXft| |42DqPGxHvdRIuqgAEiXo+kPD17miIXbLwAL6Td7E/xjTZ06viQVI5ltPzxPXjMlCz4U| |r9OtM7JPshjtvj3zqyEZI2P1UqFyImMO2ZU+7/Oeaa6JGP5LYaEdxhVdidcWoGfavLu| |O2DIJK/4LSk+d6Q4zo3IRIg4DZz0pniSr+lx4qmft5zpD25XZSNPvOAdC/DBnwUHonW| |g/fF3oSE/TS2cu7M7Bun9zFNLF1ylFPdQf+MXVCjtb6SrgYmyEubf4LmFP/XpQb2E1/| |5Vz0nOY3t3Pn6ClIZ061V199B2OzEMXo9CjTVLproYW49xD298nNplWBcKuoWcTO9yf| |SNG21VIsq4AF+m6sQhwFHdsq76H1zwvm/S+TAbyzttNXs6/xMR/8bwLLXcAlLTAtXrV| |U1dsNPm9+hu/ic+2/G9kYjrmH8DcDcMN|
  9. I appreciate the guidance (And the jokes😂). Did a little messing around in Mids' and came up with the below build. Turns out I'm a lot rustier than I realized. As a result, I'm not really happy with this first draft. A few observations: I'm over cap on S/L Resist and under where I'd like to be on Defense. I know from prior builds on other toons that 32% S/L Defense is the sweet spot when working with Resistance as my primary mitigation tool (Enough that a small purp will achieve softcap). This build currently sits at 27% Def and 79% Resist. Any ideas on how I can resolve that? I'm about 300 HP short of the Scrapper cap with accolades. I don't know how much this will actually matter in practice, but it's a goal I'd like to shoot for. Any advice on getting that last little bump? I don't have full stealth. This isn't a requirement for any build, obviously, but it's something I'd very much like to have. Especially on tougher toons, the ability to sneak objectives and bypass mobs to kill whatever boss needs to go down is great team utility, IMO. I understand RttC will aggro mobs as I pass by and I've already got macros in mind to toggle it off when stealthing. I have no idea what to do after level 46. The power picks and slotting you see from that point on are completely arbitrary. Any reassignment of those elements would be perfectly fine by me.
  10. Greetings, Scrap Lords! I've recently returned from the world of Azeroth and I'm looking to build a new Scrapper. I've got a concept in mind for Claws/WP but I'd like to get some advice before I start putting in the time and influence. I've played Claws before so I'm pretty familiar with how to build it but Willpower is a mystery to me. I understand it runs on a mix of Def, Res, and Regen but how does one account for big damage spikes when fighting tough enemies? Is it worth trying to softcap or should I focus on +Res to mitigate hits getting through my defense? Should I take the self-rez or is it one of those "a power that only works when you're dead is useless" situations? I appreciate any guidance you can give me.
  11. I'd oppose straight up removing MOG-like powers on mobs. Instead, as others have suggested, retool them to provide an actual challenge. PP pops MoG and no one can hit them for however long? Boring. PP pops MoG and starts chunking down health bars, forcing the Tank to switch their focus on the fly while support is frantically pumping out all the debuffs and CC they can manage? Now we're talking. The big difference in the latter scenario is it requires players to respond and counter what the mob is doing. The current state of MoG-likes forces players to just wait around. It's obnoxiously bad game design.
  12. Not opposed to a VEAT inherent rework. It's definitely not a super impactful part of their kit, especially for the more melee-focused branches. That being said, I think it's a question of triage. I'm sure the VEAT rebalance was no small undertaking for the Devs. Understanding they can only do so much at once, I'm not salty that Khelds had to wait. If VEATs get another look when our turn comes, cool.
  13. Ok. That's what I thought. Had me questioning my 16 years of play time for a second there 😅
  14. Wait. Is this a bug? I've always thought it was intentional.
  15. The easiest way would be to get a +Stealth IO from the Celerity set and put it in Sprint. Combined with Shinobi-Iri, you'll be invisible to most mobs. I don't remember if SI stacks with stealth from other powers like Super Speed or the Concealment pool. If it does, then you could take one of those powers to achieve the same effect.
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