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Everything posted by VinceBlood

  1. Really, I'd much rather see the attacks come from our existing animations. You can't tell me the 'eye beam' animation (shoulders back, head forward, fists clenched) wouldn't make a great Cutting Beam anim.
  2. I'm aware of that. But that doesn't change that the OP isn't asking for a proliferation of these animations across more sets than just Beam Rifle. Many sets in the game with beam-like qualities have alternate, hand-based animations. Beam's thematic look could easily be explained away into gadget gloves, or hand-based powers. Other weapon sets wouldn't make as much sense. Like, not to sound blunt or anything, but if you want Dual Pistols to have a new set of animations, you can always make a separate thread. This thread is about Beam Rifle and its visual versatility lending itself to a potential different animation set. Would I like more animations for powers across the board? Yeah, that'd be great. But we can focus on just the one here, I think. Even if "there's never only one," this is just an idea for one.
  3. It's only a can full of worms if you're asking for specifically that: to port animations universally. This is simply one request for Beam Rifle and no other powerset, so I don't really see how this question is applicable. It's like a weird pseudo-whataboutism. Personally I'd love to have hand-based animations for beam rifle, since the visual effects would translate rather nicely.
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