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Everything posted by VinceBlood

  1. In the interest of fairness, that coffee drink slurp sound is really freaking loud and goes off every 8 seconds. It's gross.
  2. As someone in performance engineering, this made me wince.
  3. I tried to find something on this, but most of my search results turned up threads about how the Thugs Arsonist is a glutton for punishment. So, the gist is: Mastermind pets with fire patches have a mag 50 fear component that makes gameplay very unenjoyable. I know every Thugs/Bots MM out there knows the feeling. You line up a spawn, you let the pets loose, and see the fire patch drop. Suddenly every enemy touching it does a screaming sprint to the other end of the map and loses aggro. Either that, or your pets give chase and wind up dying somewhere out of sight because they pulled too many enemies on the way to kill the runner. My suggestion is simple. Remove the fear from Arsonist's Fire Bomb and Assault Bot's Incendiary Swarm Missiles. The fear really doesn't make sense. Other ATs have DoT patches that don't cause enemies to flee, and the gameplay experience of "X many enemies just took off at high speed all over the map" isn't fun. I don't like to deal in absolutes like that, but I can't think of any reason that scattering a spawn and/or having to take an AoE Immobilize to pin the enemies in place. Having to mitigate that with a power pick or just waiting seems less than ideal. Having to do it every spawn is pretty awful. TL;DR Do the Arsonist and Assault Bot really need a mag 50, 10 second fear on their best, and most available AoEs? I don't think so. Could that fear be removed?
  4. Hey, no need to apologize. If anything I'm sorry for my reaction in broadcast. Had no idea it was possible to get an ambush in there. I'm kind of used to people trying to grief so I assumed the worst. On that note, yeah, I don't see a point for this ambush to be difficulty scaled and happening in the noob zone.
  5. Not 20 minutes ago I loaded in a freshly-made Widow and was immediately killed.
  6. Picked up Hexecute and Subnet Mask.
  7. You're a legend. Thank you so much.
  8. Howdy forums. Found the following commands: /maxfps # /maxinactivefps # I formed them into a macro (/macro FPS "maxfps 72$$maxinactivefps 15") but I'd like to not have to click that on every character I have every time I log in anew. Anyone know a way to integrate these into launch settings, like an init file or a preference text file value?
  9. I just wish that 'writer's lounge' didn't have power suppression.
  10. Ah, that makes more sense. Thanks for clarifying; I read that very weirdly, apparently.
  11. I think many of us would prefer just adding more difficulty options instead of removing things people enjoy doing. Your approach to game balance is destructive in that manner. This game excels at letting people play how they want. If I want to wrap up work after a long day and smash some +4/x8 Council just for fun, I should be able to do that without being at a disadvantage to other players who are doing more 'hardcore' things. No thank you.
  12. I feel like this is aimed at well-funded, well-established players. For me, that goal (softcapping) takes a lot of time and effort and investment. I can't farm or shore up inf like other people can. This would also absolutely ruin thousands of builds and characters people enjoy. Sorry, but while I respect the thought put into this, I have to say no.
  13. I didn't like the way the Sidekick system used to work. I wouldn't like this either, sorry.
  14. I don't change how I think about playing Rad Melee when I contaminate someone. I just keep punching. It's passive. No orange rings telling you what to press next, no rotation changes... just extra, small-scale AoE on the weakest 3 attacks of the set to give it some parity with newer melee. You can also just say you don't like it (instead of what seems like overcomplicating the original idea) which is fine.
  15. What about this idea would you have to manage? You'd still be using a power and it would still just do its thing. You wouldn't have to play the set any differently.
  16. 1. No use for a magnitude 30 stun? 2. Dark Regeneration is absolutely not worse than using inspirations, and it's also not at all meant to do damage. It's one of the strongest, if not the strongest, self heals (even before enhancements) in the game with the caveat that it has to land a small hit and costs a decent chunk of endurance. (Protip: Theft of Essence: Chance for +End will often negate this entirely!) You and I play Dark Armor very, very, very differently.
  17. Three things, here. 1. We shouldn't rely on the invention system to be a way to shoot down ideas in the suggestion forum. Yes, what you said is an option, but devoting an entire power pick and 2-5 slots to making an arguably low-use power into something moderately useful is neither a viable idea, or what's being suggested here. It doesn't solve the problem or contribute to the original idea. 2. This isn't a combo system. As far as I can tell, this like Radiation Melee (as outlined in the original post) where this effect will trigger on its own without any extra input from the player. The playstyle wouldn't change. The core gameplay loop wouldn't change, you'd still be doing the same basic rotations, but now with some added AoE to bring SS in line with things like Dark or Rad. 3. Rage's "mini-game" comes with an unavoidable downside and a gameplay loop hit.
  18. Hurl would need to be a stronger power overall for that to make it more useful. It looks fun, but Hurl is mediocre at best and more of a "pick off the runner" or "knock down the flyer" power. That also doesn't solve the issue of SS needing more oomph at lower levels, especially in comparison to other melee sets.
  19. I'm all about it. SS is strong, but it's fallen behind over the years. It's also one of the most numbingly-boring sets to play, IMO. A little extra flair to it would breathe new life, while improving its core gameplay loop.
  20. I can respect that, but foe intangibility powers tend to lean heavily on the side of "don't." Anything that holds up a team, or restricts gameplay in such a manner, seems pretty widely frowned upon and always has. Maybe for solo play or very specific group situations, but I can't think of a whole lot of times where making a foe completely untouchable was widely desired. In addition to that, Sonic Resonance does feel like it lags behind other, newer sets and could use a boost.
  21. Right, I had to look it up again. But that's part of why I asked for elaboration - this was how many years ago, and under different "management?" I get that we shouldn't change powers left and right, but the cottage rule seems archaic now. Improvements should take precedence over old and outdated things. Making a set better and more attractive for use should never be shut down so easily.
  22. Apologies if this was mentioned before, I did a bunch of searches and didn't see anything related.
  23. Howdy, forums. I'd like to humbly suggest the implementation of animation changes for Walk. Currently, we have this option for Stances in Inherent Powers, which is fantastic, hats off to the HC devs for making that work. I'd like to see that function ported over to Walk, with the option to choose one of the three Walk animations (masculine, feminine, huge) for use. For a shameless self anecdote, I have a character who is meant to be strongly built for the CoH feminine model. I don't feel that the current feminine walk really suits her as a character, and I'd LOVE to use the standard masculine walk for her animation. I think this'd allow just a little bit extra personalization for character design, though I will freely admit that I don't know the scope of this work given that Walk types are currently gender-locked. Thoughts?
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