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Everything posted by darrall123

  1. My global is @B.Roid and B.Roid will be joining the 1v1
  2. Nerfing is not the answer. Devs from live made the incarnate system for a reason. What i hate is after months of getting a scrapper TW to the point he can stay alive in a fight his dmg gets nerfed . I'm like WTH?! I may as well of made a freaking tank at least he could live long enough to take the dmg with those slow ass animations. You guys are gonna nerf the piss out this game and make it only good enough for people sitting in a retirement home. Most people that leave ask me where's the new content? can we focus on making the game harder and keep the powers where they are? After all there is a zone made up of lvl 54 enemies. last time i checked i couldn't get my toon higher than 51. New content New powers not Debuffing and nerfs. for all that debuff fire aura, they wont because what fire aura lacks in def/res abilities it makes up for it in dps. It seems to me TW should have gotten that same nod. That isn't easy sitting in a mob of killers with a toon that has low HP and a super slow animation. Lastly i want to say on Cake Server i can level 10 GMS with one toon simultaneously. Now that is overpowered!!! HC worried about small differences in an AT and what there doing is slicing peas, so what if i can kill a GM/Av with a TW it isn't at an OP rate. Damn add a +5 +6 +7 difficulty so people like me wont have to spend months building a toon just to be nerfed later.
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