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Everything posted by Steyrharquebus

  1. Everyone makes a level 1 Controller and has to make it from the entrance of The Hollows to its furthest point and back. No one is allowed to use any powers, including Sprint. If there are enough participants, then players are split into teams. Each team has one member that works as a referee - to ensure that no buffs/P2W/inspirations are used, There is an invigilator at the other end of the map who gives each contestant a unique enhancement that they must carry back to the Hollows entrance and give to another impartial player. Whomever does so first, wins. If you are defeted at any point during the race, for any reason, you're out. Is that something?
  2. I just wanted to thank everyone for their measured and thoughtful responses to my question. I'm especially grateful to @Spaghetti Betty for taking the time to create and post a build that I could play with on the test server. After much consideration, I have decided to give Regen a wide berth. I'm certain it has its merits, but it just seems to kind of suck. Thank you again!
  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this build together; I really am very grateful! Your rationale has also really got me thinking about how much I would enjoy the playstyle that Regen demands. I'm fine with a certain amount of squishiness for sure, but it sounds like Regen isn't for the faint of heart. I'd also really only be interested in taking the Body Mastery ancilliary (concept is king). I think you've really hit the nail on the head here. Character concept comes first for me, always. That said, I am not looking to make my slow solo journey to 50 any more arduous than it already will be. I thought I had struck gold with the Psi/Regen Scrapper combo but, as you say, Regen seems to be poorly optimised and several concessions need to be made elsewhere in order to make it a truly viable powerset. I don't think I've really seen people speak (not just in this thread) about any other powerset, across any AT, so despondently. Regen really seems to have few redeeming qualities - at least as a Scrapper secondary.
  4. I'm guessing that the inspiration you're referring to is Luck, which I can kind of understand as Regen offers no damage resistance (please correct me if I'm wrong, of course). If that is a genuine strategy for playing a Regen Scrapper effectively, then I already find myself a little dissuaded. Surely that can't be the expected way to play for people who do want to team/do Hamidon/ITFs/etc? My intention is to do 1-50 solo and then start doing content with teams, so I'd prefer not to invest a whole lotta time into a powerset that will underperform in its maturity by default. Knowing that is can handle 1-50 solo is reassuring though. I''ve also been considering a Psychic Blast/Regen Sentinel - Regen seems a little better on that AT - I just love those Psi Melee animations. Most people's endorsement of the powerset in general seems to be...lukewarm, to put it mildly, and on Scrappers is seems like the bottom of the barrell?
  5. Hi all, I'm considering making a Psi/Regen Scrapper with whom to complete all 1-50 Blueside content (solo). I've been browing the Scrapper forums for Regen guidance and the secondary seems unpopular and often maligned. It seems to be considered one of the poorest performing Scrapper secondaries out there, but I've also seen more than one person opine that Regen is more a tough secondary to actually play and/or master. Is either true? Are both? If so, why? I'd appreciate people's takes on the matter before I take the leap. I'd really appreciate a Psi/Regen build I could follow as I level too. That would be swell! Thanks and have a great weekend!
  6. Thank you so much for this, I'm very grateful. I'm suddely feeling very excited about the prospect of this huge undertaking. These are some really helpful tips! I'm planning on avoiding the P2W vendor, however. We'll see how that goes...
  7. That would be swell, thank you! With regards to your general approach, do you tend to make a list of every contact within a certain level band, complete one and then turn off XP t complete the rest? That seems like the only surefire way to not outlevel someone. I suppose I'd then need to factor in contacts like Matthew Habashy/Twinshot/etc as well...
  8. Hi all, I'm a returning CoX player and am just thrilled to be playing the game again. I've been browsing the forums for a while now trying to decide what I want to get out of playing CoX again in 2023 (aside from the unbridled joy of just being here). I've been using @Gulbasaur's flawless Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs and it's been a great way to refamiliarise myself with the game and all it has to offer (thank you, @Gulbasaur!) Here's the thing though; I finally get to Faultline and complete Jim Temblor's story arc. I'm am very excited to do Penelope Yin's story arc next. Jim wants to introduce me to a new contact - okay, cool. I am ready for Penelope. But wait! Jim wants to introduce me to some rando old-school contact in Skyway City first, Karen Parker. I have to accept her as a contact. I have no choice. Now I'm stuck with a contact who is going to give me umpteen missions before introducing me to another contact who will do the same. I can't not complete her missions; that's just not how my brain works. I need her progress bar full and I want to move her into the "Inactive" contact category. That means taking on the contact she wants to introduce me to, and the same wil apply, without cessation, from here on out. This whole situation was making my brain itch, so I've decided to just make a new character and try and do every single Blueside contact on one alt. Likely using a Controller. I may even implement Iron Man challenge rules as I do so. I'm aware @Snarky has attempted (completed?) such a feat before (sans Iron Man rules) but, after searching the forums for a guide on how to approach experiencing ALL of the Blueside content on one character, I'm still quite lost on how best to stretegise such a task. I've got the pause XP macro ready to go, but I know that my contact list will just branch out like a mycelium network very quickly. Starting with 6 contacts from the get go is already daunting. SO, my questons are - Is this even possible? what tips do other players have for completing every contact on Blueside without using Ouroborus (unless absolutely necessary)? What tools are out there to help me keep track of my leveling and when to pause my XP? Is it ridiculous to try it with a Controller? My apologies for the lengthy post. I hope it makes sense! Any and all feedback/opinions are very much appreciated.
  9. I'd quite like to try out this pairing (Symph/Nature). Does anyone have a prospective build they could share? Would like to have any idea of how to level them as I go. Thank you!!
  10. @ChaoticSalad - Some of the concepts you're bringing to the fore immediately make me think of The Morlocks from the X-Men. I don't want to presume to know your interest in or knowledge of the superhero genre, so I've provided a link - there's a few decades worth of great stories that cover topics like factionalism, fundamentalism and transient sovereignty within a community of indigent, sewer-dwelling mutants.
  11. I'm very sorry to read about your experience of having been homeless. I too have experienced periods of homelessness in my life and it completely reframed my understanding of the challenges/pitfalls transient people face when just trying to live their lives - regardless of the circumstances that led us to being of no fixed abode - whilst navigating a society that victimises those already most vulnerable to the outcomes of structural inequality. I love that you're engaging your sociological imagination when thinking about The Lost too. Perspectives like yours are what can elevate fictional representations of marginalised groups. Too often "the homeless" are depicted as monolithic in fiction and/or as a plot device to push an overarching narrative/message. That seems to be case with The Lost to some degree, at least, from my perspective. In regards to your question, about how many of The Lost are trapped in an endless cycle of being "cured" by Vanguard and presumably churned through a turnstile of well-meaning but ineffectual bureaucracy (only to find themselves recruited back into The Lost)? This immediately brings to my mind other villain groups that also find initiates in the disenfranchised of Paragon City. Following Galaxy City's decimation, The Skulls actively sought to recruit from the transient, refugee community fleeing the devastation of their home. The Hellions, The Council, The Outcasts and The Trolls are all heavily implied to offer a a similar form of sanctuary/camaraderie. Many of the "low level" villain group have some basis in recruiting vulnerable, everyday people who have fallen on hard times. So, if we're flexing our sociological imagination and thinking about what is possible from a RP standpoint - I wonder how many "cured" Lost actually end up as members of other villain groups. It's not uncommon, in real life, for vulnerable people to be exploited again after escaping the influence of a malignant person or group. What if the "cured" Lost aren't welcome in their former community anymore and are drawn to another group that offers community/sanctuary/solidarity like The Hellions/The Lost/The Council? My brain is already imagining a backstory for character unfortunate enough to fall prey to such a scenario. The original developers of CoX were able to, to some degree, approach the grey area of vigilantism from a player perspective. I would love to see similar themes explored in regards to the hostile groups we encounter in Paragon City/the Rogue Isles. A story-arc that deals with themes like restorative justice, structural inequality, a person's right to bodily autonomy (rejecting the Lost Cure) and a community's right to take ownership of their shared identity is a story I want to read about, take part in and play. There's so much potential there. Whether you want to portray Vanguard/Arachnos/whomever as well intentioned or covert eugenicists. Mixing the fantastic with the mundane is where the superhero genre shines its brightest. I really think you're onto something here! Oh, and, yes, Vanguard would find it intolerable in my opinion. Unless they're given some incentive to decide otherwise.
  12. It doesn't meet the requirements of being a modern game in terms of graphics, but Hellgate: London has had an excellent revival in London 2038 - a completely free, non-commercial, fan-made, volunteer-run private server project to bring back classic Hellgate: London multiplayer as it was from 2007-2009. Check it out. It's probably the most fun I've had in an MMO outside of CoX and feels very similar to it in terms of gameplay. A copy of Hellgate: London is required to play London 2038, but obtaining a copy (at no cost) is very easy. If you (or anyone) needs assistance with that, let me know 🙂
  13. Hi all, the title says it all - what is the official original release date of City of Heroes (in the US)? The answers I'm getting from Gooogle are a little conflicting.; the Wikipedia entry for CoH states 28/04/2004, but almost every other site I come across states 27/04/2004. Many thanks, Waljo
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