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Posts posted by Misguidance

  1. The Vahzilok are pretty beefy for the level you get to face them at. They're a significant step up in faction variety and complexity compared to the dyne-slinging street gangs you've been butting heads with up to that point. I like them for that, they make me feel like I'm taking my first step into serious heroics.



    But dang those crossbows hit pretty hard sometimes.


    They also have some pretty awesome designs going on- and Dr Vahzilok himself is a true nightmare creature, design wise.

  2. I think my ultimate favourite will always be Lusca.  Because sometimes, being a hero means beating 1000 tons of angry calamari with your bare fists.... ;)


    I also love Arbiter Sands- I wish he turned up more, honestly.


    As for a general mob type, that's a hard call- probably the Lost, for their weird and creepy mutant traits, and their crazy trash body armour.


    I would guess it'd be something like...


    /macro Cry Local "Hey, $target, GET OVER HERE!!!!"$$e point


    But I can't test until I get home from work tonight. O5khXA8.gif


    That worked!! Thank you!


    Now I just have to make the colours match my normal speech bubble colours, and it's perfect! :D



  4. Since we have a macros thread.... please can I get a little help?



    I want to add a targeted battle cry, but adding $target to the normal battle cry doesn't work.  I am trying to make a macro that will add a point emote and then say the targeted phrase in local, but I keep getting an error every time I try.


    If somebody could tell me how it aught to look, I'd appreciate it. :)

  5. Wait- is Halcyon going to remain located in the EU or something?

    EDIT: Ok, I read the announcement- that's actually pretty cool! :D



    Honestly, I'm not planning on moving from Torchbearer. I'm starting to get to know people there and and unless performance tanks dramatically after the move, I don't think it will change my mind.

  6. We already get tons of stuttering and we're in the UK here. Hoping this doesn't ruin it for us.


    Im in the UK too have zero connection issues or stuttering on the current servers being as they are based in the EU.... if your getting stuttering now I would look at your connection/computer but yeah moving to Canada is bad for us.... every game that I have tried playing that has had its server in Canada has been a bad experience not sure why....


    There was some stuttering earlier today, but it seemed to be affecting everybody- possibly due to peak-time log-ins.


    I'm no longer that worried, to be honest. I think things will work out just fine.



    The level of vitriol and drama around CoX is a bit much for me.




    I get what you're saying, but I've seen more drama over WoW changing the abilities of the water-running mount than anything that's gone on here since the first server was leaked. ;)


    Hell, I see more drama in WoW over scheduled maintenance!!  Overall, the CoX community is remarkably chilled out.


    I mainly want access to this game because I like it. If I lose it forever, I lose it forever... but why would I let that happen if there's a (relatively) easy way for me to keep on enjoying it?

  8. I've got a LAN server set up.  It's not nearly as much of an...experience as getting to play with everyone else (although the easy twinkage is nice), but I'm confident at this point that I will only go without CoX when/if I want to do so, going forward, one way or another.


    How did you do it? Is there an "easy setup guide" out there somewhere? If not, could you make one? O5khXA8.gif I would have PMed this to you, but it looks like you have your account setup to not take PMs.


    I'd be very interested in this too.


    Same here. 


    As soon as there is an idiot-proof way for me to set up my own server, I intend to do just that.  I will happily play this game solo anyway, and while I will miss seeing everybody else's characters around, it would still be better than losing the game forever.

  9. It's wierder than that, Knight- we don't even know each other from CoH!  We met through an entirely different hobby. XD


    It's true... We both knew the other played City, but just never managed to be on the same servers at the same time.


    Seriously- I remember seeing screenies from your time in Paragon City and wishing I was on the US servers. XD  And now... well... I kind of am!!


    I hope you enjoy it!  Feel free to come and say hi if you see Guide of Misguidance or Pink Champagne anywhere around- I'm always open for team-ups! ;)





    Fancy meeting you here. XD


    (And if that grinning Abyssal of yours happens to be on Everlasting, Amun and Anut would absolutely run around with him.)



    This is amazing!!


    I'm maining on Torchbearer right now, but I have toons on every server and we absolutely need to meet up there sometime!


    It does not matter why it is done...it does not even matter who gets the kill...it is RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL and there is NO excuse for it...you can attempt to justify the behavior if you want to, but it is still not acceptable behavior online. If you are in that big of a hurry, maybe online gaming is not the place for you!


    I kind of get where you're coming from with this.  In early issues it WAS a huge problem, and yeah, it was rude af because we all knew that it deprived the first person of a kill.


    Most MMOs now (and CoH included) took steps to make sure it was no longer an issue, so that everybody could play in greater harmony.  It's no longer a big deal.  :)


    I feel like you're angry for the wrong reasons here.

    • Like 1
  12. Did CoH not implement some system where credit was given to the person who tagged the mob, rather than the person who killed it?


    I could have sworn I remember that happening, but admittedly it was a long time ago.


    Usually I think this game is pretty well-crafted, but every once in awhile I run into something and think "who wrote this mess?" There's also some dialogue put into the player character's mouth at times that can be annoying. I'm sure it's not just me...


    If you could fix something like that, what would you choose and how would you change it?


    As somebody who used to write a metric ton of fan-fiction, this is a dangerous question. ;)

  14. Of course, if you think about it the game itself is somewhat laid back. This is the only game I've played where you can type something quick in chat in the middle of combat and still fight well. The game system itself encourages interaction.


    That's true- and especially playing a healer, it's quite rare to have the chance to talk while also keeping an eye on what's going on.  And yet, even with the time to type a quick comment or two in chat, the combat still feels like it's moving at a good pace! 



    On live, I had a 'putersaurus that would make teaming action turn into a slideshow...my graphics were set at bare bones. I soloed most of the time. Now that I have a new gaming computer, it's SO awesome to be able to be on a huge team with no lag. I look forward to teaming and finally doing missions/TFs that I still haven't experienced after all this time.


    I hope you enjoy it!  Feel free to come and say hi if you see Guide of Misguidance or Pink Champagne anywhere around- I'm always open for team-ups! ;)

  15. So, today I've been home ill (yay food poisoning!) and as a result have basically been playing all day.  I have done 3 TFs, and while they were all very different, one thing really stands out in this game.


    People are really nice.


    That may seem like a fairly inane comment, but each group had their issues: in the first TF, the servers went down half way through but when we logged back in, people came back to the group and we waited for quite a while for stragglers before moving on.


    In the second one, I had to run off and hurl my guts up for 15mins, and the rest of the team was good enough to wait for me to come back.


    In the last one, it was Synapse's TF (I now remember why I started avoiding it on live... so many clockwork!) and even when people started getting bored and exhausted, everybody was still friendly and supportive.



    I have played a lot of online games since CoH went dark, but I am struggling to think of any where people are just so genuinely laid back and nice to play with.  Even in Rift, which in my experience had one of the more mature player bases, nobody would have blinked an eye at kicking somebody for going AFK or taking too long to get back after a break, and the less said about some of the players I've met in WoW raids the better.... ;)


    So yeah, it's good to see that the community I remember in this game is, you know, exactly as I remember it! :D

  16. UNLESS someone can think of a reason to join a super group?


    I mean, a lot of people do it just for the social aspect. ;)



    As for prestige, I think it's a tricky issue.  I like the idea of a vendor being able to bypass it for those that don't want to do it, or perhaps some way for individuals to toggle it on and off for their own SGs, maybe?


    I always remember it being complained about a lot in chat when the game was live, and I don't see nearly as many people complaining about it being gone.  However, variety is good, and if it's possible to somehow have both options then I'm all for it.

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