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Posts posted by Misguidance

  1. To add to what Leese said, there's a fairly large, and growing daily, number of Defiant players on Indomitable so if you're just coming back (or sick of queues on Torchbearer!) head on over and join us. It's one of the quieter servers so it feels just like home ;)


    Tempting... I may have to re-roll my mains on Indomitable!

  2. I love the look of CO, and I loved the updated character creator and the way the game fades to black and white if you go too far off map. Unfortunately, that's all I love about it.


    Even before they locked away fully customised characters behind a massive paywall, I had big issues with how the game plays.  Characters run and move like they're trying to fight their way through treacle, the basic control system doesn't feel intuitive (compared to other MMOs, anyway), and the early instanced missions felt like long corridors without very much going on.  Also, the stories and characters in CO just... didn't grab me.  Maybe that's personal preference, but it felt very hollow to me and the few characters I did meet felt like they'd been phoned in.


    More action-based combat sounded like fun, but in reality I don't think it was handled all that well and felt clunky.  Compare CO's combat to the action combat in Wildstar, for example, and it's easy to see where CO falls short of what it was aiming for.  In fact, 'clunky' sums up a lot of CO for me, and sadly it kind of kills a lot of the things that were basically good ideas.


    I feel like if CO was made today it would be a brilliant game, but it wasn't.  It sort of sits in an in-between place in the MMO time-line, and I honestly think it was too ambitious for what could be built at the time.

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  3. SO.... my scrapper got introduced to Sondra, and I went to talk to her and pick up my first mission.  So far so good, but before completing the mission I had to log out.


    When I logged back in, Sondra was listed under my 'inactive' contacts, has no missions for me, and is behaving like I have already completed her quest arc.  However, her 'friendliness' bar is still empty and I haven't done anything for her yet.


    Any ideas how to fix this?  Or what's going on?

  4. I'd hover to the top of Galaxy City and randomly invite people, teleporting them just above the largest high level mobs I could find pretty much all day for my first week of playing.


    I was ten, give me a break.




    Were you on the EU servers?


    I was standing by a building in Galaxy once and somebody dropped a lowbie on me from a great height. Very entertaining.

  5. I see the 4 servers as offline, but I have family in game and playing.

    Just wondering what that means cause there's no queue or anything. Just grey servers.


    They're patching in the new servers, so the login server is down but people already in the game can carry on playing.


    Give it a bit of time. They're basically trying to double the current capacity on the fly.  ;)

  6. I think the only time I was actively a douche in CoX was during a TF that I was healing for.


    We had a blaster in the group with teleport, and he was really impatient and kept teleporting himself ahead of the group to pull mobs before the tanks could get there, and of course he kept dying because not only was he squishy, he was in rooms I couldn't even see into yet.  As soon as he was dead he started complaining about the bad healing and sending tells to other group members trying to get me kicked.  By the third mission he'd got the message that nobody cared and if he kept teleporting away we weren't going to drop everything to follow him, but by that point I was sick of being bad-mouthed so just... stopped healing him outright.


    The best thing was, when he kept on complaining, nobody believed him because he'd been so vocal previously, and he ended up doing a proper rage quit.


    Honestly, I feel bad about being so childish.  It was a long time ago and he was very annoying, but I think he'd probably have ended up being kicked or leaving anyway just for being abnoxious without me being spiteful. :/


    And I know it sounds like sour grapes, and I'm glad all the people who got in can do so and play.  But a solution that keeps me out of the game server, effectively forever, ISN'T a solution.


    It is sour grapes, though, and while it's understandable you have to realise that this is all very early days.  We've been told repeatedly that they're working on a solution- but sadly it isn't going to happen overnight.


    I get that it's frustrating, but maybe it would be best to check back in a week and see what they've come up with?

  8. Been playing on and off all day without a queue, and just got mapserved and it's popped back up.


    I'm guessing this means people are coming in from work/waking up in other countries and looking to play, right?


    I have to say, it's amazing to see so many people flocking back to the game.  :)


    On the other paw, the Loyola administration REALLY should be embarrassed.


    I suspect that none of them knew much about video games (let alone MMOs) and he somehow managed to bamboozle them into thinking it was Important Research, when really he just wanted to be an ass online all day.


    Not going to lie, if I thought I could dupe my boss into letting me play CoX for work, I would probably try it too.

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