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Posts posted by OTGWraith

  1. That's a big help! I'll drop something in their thread. We're not taking it as far as they did, we'll still be using all the ATs and powers, we just want the grouping outside of trials/TFs/etc., and the getting to explore the stories and lore CoH had and has. Thanks a lot! Glad there's some folks that have already tried what we're doing and to an even greater extent, we can look to for advice.


    Edit: TFs not raids.

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  2. Hey All!

      We're a group of four returning players, and we've had some time to try out the game solo and we've sort of gotten a pretty good idea of the changes and what the game is like from early to mid game, we would like to try a retro/return to the old school group content. So if you're so inclined we'd like to ask for advice on everything you think would help that goal, most importantly how to hit the best story content for a group. This can be contact story arcs or bigger raid stories. We're not going for levelling or farming (in fact we'll be meeting for this only once per week and playing our solos/farmers/PLers the rest of the week) but instead to see all the stories (or as much remains) that old school, later release, and now HC have to offer. No story is too big or too small in content, but I'd like it to be able to support four players without getting steamrolled, or steamrolling us.


    Any other advice is welcome, also. Party composition, resources for story arc research, what Notoriety to set for certain parts to make it more/less challenging for a small group, etc. Veteran help (in advice only please) is welcome!


    Thanks All!

    Just a small group of old folks trying to relive their gaming past.

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