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Everything posted by Tathya

  1. Pretty much what I was assuming, but when legalese gets involved I am never 100% sure, you know?
  2. For those of us who don't (want to) have a flamethrower underslung on our assault rifles, here's a couple of potential suggestions for alternate customization for Flamethrower and Ignite: Flamethrower: Incendiary Rounds. Uses the Heavy Burst / Full Auto animation (slightly sped up; Flamethrower cast time is 2.33, HB / FA is 2.5, according to Mids) and the visual FX from Dual Pistols' Empty Clips with Incendiary Ammunition loaded. Ignite: Incendiary Grenade. Uses the animation and vFX from M90 grenade (slightly slowed down this time - Ignite's cast time is 2, M90's is 1.67). No changes to the powers themselves, just suggestions for an alternate visual language.
  3. I did note where the Homecoming team explained that they can't accept work from outside of the dev team, which makes sense. I am assuming that doesn't extend to suggestions and ideas? I have several ideas that I'd like to post into the forum, but I'd hate to rule out those things ever being made in-game because they can't take them.
  4. Power Siphon mostly annoys me because the +damage stacks are on independent timers, so missing an attack can make the entire power siphon window much weaker; plus it makes your longer-cast powers less useful in your Power Siphon window. I imagine the devs wanted it to be "rapid fire your lower level abilities to build up your +damage, and then hit CS with five stacks." It tends not to work out that way, I find. So, here's a slightly alternate idea: Make Concentrated Strike a melee range cone. 35 degree arc, 5 target max. Reduce the damage to be in line with a tier 9 cone. That would make the big wind-up feel more warranted, and emphasize chaining the earlier attacks for ST. Make Power Siphon's stacks more meaningful. Make them not fall off while PS is running, and give them two build-spend options, on Focused Burst for ST or Concentrated Strike for melee. Using CS with five stacks of Siphon insta-recharges it, for all ATs, rather than Scrappers getting cheated out of their crits on it. Using FB with five stacks drags the target back into melee range and immobilizes them briefly. Either way, Power Siphon immediately ends if you use one of those. Makes PS more reliable, makes CS more worth the big wind-up, gives a new use for FB. Just idle thoughts at the end of the work-day.
  5. The best pun I ever came up with: Senator Agrius Ursis of Rome, a gifted orator and descendent of the god Hermes, who angered Artemis. Artemis turned him into a bear, and set the hunters of his city upon him, casting him as a dangerous beast and a threat to Rome. He fled to a shrine of Hermes deep in the woods, and prayed to his deific ancestor; unable to undo Artemis' curse, Hermes chose to cast Ursis forward in time to a place where he would once again be respected for his oratory skills and not reviled for his appearance. He emerged into Paragon City in the modern day, and after heavy culture shock, eventually became a hero. Mind Control / Savage Assault Dominator. Character name: Please Bear With Me.
  6. Soooo, like the stupid American white boy that I am, I have been calling this group the Tsoo, pronounced like Sue, pretty much since Live. I know, I know. I've been bouncing around the internet for a little bit trying to find a proper pronunciation, but it seems like there's a pretty wide spectrum on offer. Some people seem to pronounce it So or Sho, some Cho or Jho; the IPA guide on Wikipedia says it's pronounced Chu. Several of these are not quite accurate, mind you; the pronunciations used don't quite fit the American alphabet in a few of those cases. Does anyone have any input on how this term is actually supposed to be pronounced in Hmong?
  7. Ah-HAH! See, I was just missing it 🙂 I was looking everywhere except under File, I suppose! Thanks for the correction!
  8. Not sure if I'm missing something here; there's a section the freebie menu that talks about importing IOs from a Mids build, and it says to go to mids and use the "Export Build to Beta Server" option, but Mids does not appear to *have* that option. Guessing, since everything I can find on the forums about this feature comes from 2021, that at some point Mids discontinued it..? Unless it's hidden in a submenu somewhere.
  9. Excuse the thread necromancy, just confirming that this remains an unsolved issue. Tested all three themes, Original, Bright and Dark, with a couple of different color options for Bright and Dark; the VFX play on my character every time, but no VFX play on enemies with Bright or Dark, only with Original.
  10. Few more pictures and some thoughts. First, this time was after the countdown finished, and when I came into the room, it appeared that all the Metronome prototypes were active. Since it looked like only some of them were on my last time in, I'm guessing that the actual progress here is a few activating at a time, and then the bulk activating when the timer reaches 0. Which probably means, since I was stealthing missions on my Stalker, that I simply arrived at the bosses too early for any to have activated, and killed them too quickly. Seems to be working as intended, just a misunderstanding on my end 🙂 Also, owwwwwwww. These guys hurt.
  11. Well, uh. Tried running this +1 / x8 on my built out tanker, aaaaand... at least SOME of the Metronome prototypes activated and started fightinng back! It didn't look like all of them did, so now I'm not sure whether them not activating is a bug, them activating is a bug, or the mission is functioning as intended and only a certain number activate depending on team size. (Also, goodness, that is a LOT MORE than 5 prototypes when you play on x8.)
  12. Hmm. Might be a "defeat them before they activate" sort of thing, like later in the storyline? I'll re-run it tonight via Ouro and see if it does the same thing on a non-Stalker. Might be my reading comprehension that needs work 🙂
  13. I was indeed hidden initially, however all five enemies are in a single group all within melee range. I definitely was fine Assassin's Striking the first one, but that should have aggroed the rest. I had no other stealth running (I don't believe; that character does have Super Speed but I don't recall having it running in-mission). Quick edit to add, I did not one-shot every enemy; I AS'd the first one, and then beat the rest down with normal attacks, so it's not like they didn't have time to respond. Even the ones I was actively attacking did not respond in any way.
  14. On a quick, cursory scan of the forum, I didn't see this one pop up; excuse me if this has already been reported. I have been running the Praetorian missions on a new alt, and I just completed the final mission of Alec Parson's storyline last night, The Clock Face. In this mission, you are supposed to fight Metronome, and there are five Metronome Prototypes (big clockwork bosses) and you're supposed to be ambushed by several waves of clockwork along the way. Please note that I was running this mission on -1 / x1, no bosses, EBs not AVs. I am playing a Stalker, and I assassinated the first Metronome Prototype with no issue, and began fighting the second one. It did not react in any way; neither did the other three. They just stood there, occasionally checking their wrists, didn't even turn to face me. Additionally, the multiple ambushes the mission is supposed to spawn ended up being only a single clockwork minion. It surprised me and made for a much easier mission than I expected! There have been some odd behaviors with NPCs for the last little bit (running the Shining Stars or Hearts of Darkness arc, for instance, the NPCs who are supposed to follow you will instead run all over the place), but I think this is the first time I can think of that the enemies just flat out didn't even respond to my presence as I attacked them. Just wanted to give the heads-up. If I can provide any more information, please let me know!
  15. Dunno if anyone will recognize me, but here I am once again. Mains back in the day were Tathya, Steel Shaman (reimagined as Steel Sage now), and Astral Mistress - used to run RP radios in Peregrine Island. Going by @Rathind in game now, if people wanna poke me. Rebuilding my characters at the moment, but will likely try to get some RP teams running again in the future~
  16. While the subject is on the table, a round of option proliferation might be good, too? Just offhand, I noticed that a few options (specifically I am thinking of the Talon legs) are not available under skirts. Dunno how much of a pain in the behind it is to spread these designs among different leg options, but if it's not too difficult it'd be nice to make sure all reasonable options are available. On the subject of the thread, 100% cosigned.
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