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  1. That scared the crap out of me, same energy as this.
  2. I feel bad for the guy, no one deserves to be barraged with thunderspy level comments. I honestly also don't think the HC Beta thing is a big deal, was it a dick move by the HC team. Yeah, but that doesn't really show a failing of character on their part. Though I understand why that would push him away from the game. Agree with some of the people in this thread that his general style of content isn't appealing to me, and sort made me sad when I was looking for CoH content on Youtube just to find Positive Gamer is the basically the only channel with understanding of any sort of quality. Which isn't saying much. But, I think you gotta sort of expect a certain amount vitriol if you plan to stream/make content for any kind of game, and especially online games. The internet is still the internet, no matter how much companies try to make it squeaky clean. And on the merch thing it's scummy as shit, if true, but I still don't think he deserves to be sent death threats. That's my thoughts on it. Wanted to say something but some people in this thread seem so blinded by hate for the guy to look at this objectively(Won't name names, you know who you are. 👁️👄👁️).
  3. I legit thought that was real boss and was wondering why I couldn't find it. Once again, why above message stands.
  4. I was thinking more of content in the style of Hirumadrex and SunlightBlade, because while I wouldn't mind doing content like that I'm too much of a shitter at the game to be honest. No one should be taking any sort of advice from me.
  5. Thanks guys. Hoping to use this a jumping off point of information to make a video of the hardest bosses in the game's history. I still need to learn video editing but I want to make COH Youtube content since we need more of that honestly.
  6. Any good sources of information on the history of the game/HC? I've heard that Aspect Of Rularuu was incredibly overtuned at release but I haven't heard much else.
  7. I like to think that the lesser freakshow guys have feed the more augmented guys like babies since they can't do themselves.
  8. Something I saw on my first toon ever. Multiboxing masterminds, made my game die and my eyes bleed.
  9. I don't think Homecoming would ever go back to a subscription service, but I see if they had the rights, they might open a Patreon and gain continuous support that way.
  10. Might just be me not understanding how either Auction House or ECs work, but they seem to be pretty cheap with Merits and why in any universe would you need like 50 million of them. This is an over exaggeration, but you know want I mean. And you can't really say it's due to the playerbase, since on average, I think no more then like 200 people are on a server at a time. That's probably a way overestimation, but every time I put forty ECs on the market they seem to instantly sell. Even hundred ECs. So if anyone can tell me, a AH newb, what I'm missing or what's the deal. I'd be much appreciative.
  11. Title says it. And I think(Not a game dev) it wouldn't be too hard to do. But I'm probably wrong.
  12. Do I have to worry about it mining bitcoin on my computer? Just wanted to check, since it seems safe with the amount of people using but you can't be too careful.
  13. But I've heard that defenders have the best "scalers" for support powersets. Which I don't really know what that even means, but I assume makes them the best support archetype.
  14. I've been looking around for what would be the best defender power set to use for this challenge, but I'm having trouble deciding what would be the most optimal powerset. I understand that Empathy seems be really good for healing, but buffs/debuffs are just more desired over pure healing. So I'm looking for powerset that still heals quite a bit but it's main focus is buffs/debuffs that don't do damage.
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