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The man who laughs

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Everything posted by The man who laughs

  1. For those not on reddit: First time at the character creator? What does this random button do?
  2. I thought is was "Who has the hostage?"
  3. The person asking the question definitely picked an interesting way of framing it.
  4. Interesting take on the video. What do you mean by complete remake? What ATs do you think he meant? What changes did he intend to make? The interview was conducted almost 10 years ago. It is possible he would have a different take in today's MMO setting.
  5. Positron talks to this point in this post mortem interview (starts at 5:40):
  6. Another one from Reddit:
  7. Pulled from Reddit:
  8. Hahahahahaha! 😆 Ahem. I try and play my chosen class to the best of my ability. Every play session, my goal is to trigger comments from my teammates. Comments like: "Our <AT unknown> is on it!" "Kudos to <my name>!" As a former min-maxer powergamer, I enjoy theory crafting and playing through my creations to see if my assumptions were right. Now, instead of minmaxing, I enjoy making crazy, improbable creations work; less focus on the numbers. As someone who works in "design" I also enjoy analyzing the designs of the various games I play. City of Heroes is interesting to me in some of the approaches it has taken. It has its serious warts but it also does some things really well. It is an interesting case study for sure. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
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