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  1. awesome tutorial! but just wondering, how do you rip the textures from the game with the model? is there a way you can do that?
  2. thank you 😄
  3. does anyone have the Costume Mod for the power Rangers by Electro? or know where i can get it? the one used in this video?
  4. I been trying to figure out how to make a custom hat/helmet mesh in the game City of Heroes and to import it into the game so my character could wear it. does anyone know how i could do that? is there a tutorial for that or something? i know only i'd be able to see it, and that's alright with me, but how do i get it into the game? UPDATE: i found this: https://wiki.ourodev.com/view/Costume_Creation_Process seems a bit complicated but i should be able to figure it out. UPDATE 2: apparently i have to download a plug in from this site: https://git.ourodev.com/users/sign_in i signed up for it and created a password there but it's not sending the confirmation email. does anyone know where else i could download the files needed? CoH_VRML_EXP.DLE plugin for Max 2011 ScrapYarder M, F, and/or H Master Files
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