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Everything posted by FungalGrowth

  1. Let's see your Synapse time on a grav controller. Sure, if I were to only run my best solo AT's I could probably solo those TF's in decent times. Wouldn't be much fun and wouldn't do anything for my characters that are built for support. Edit: And before you tell me to 2-box it, I'm not wanting a farm. I want to actually play my characters. Not PL them while they sit idle. For support characters that pretty much means I need teammates.
  2. That's hardly the point. To get the same XP I would get from running it with an 8-man team at +1 or +2, I would have to spend several days soloing it over and over. Where is the fun in that? The game is MADE for grouping.
  3. Happened again last night on Posi 2. I was not leader but the leader was trying to run +1 and that worked on the first mission but not on the 2nd. When I pointed it out to the team most of them said they thought it was fixed but when the leader confirmed he had it set to +1 and we were obviously fighting +0 enemies, it was totally obvious that it has NOT been fixed.
  4. Well, Posi 1, Posi 2, Synapse, Citadel, Manticore, Numina. Pretty much every TF where the missions are not all in the same zone.
  5. Exactly. When I join one of those watered-down TF's I feel like I have wasted my time. At the cost of a few minutes, I could have got way more XP and had way more fun. That's why I lead my own runs so often and often avoid joining when others run the the ones I need. If only leading my own runs would consistently allow me to run the difficulty I want to run <sigh>.
  6. Try reading the post. As I said in the original post, I do that. A LOT. But often even then I can't get the difficulty I want to because of the stupid difficulty bug.
  7. Still happens a lot. I lead at least two TFs per day on weekends and 1 or 2 on many weekdays as well, and I see it all the time.
  8. Seems like every TF I join is set to +0 and then they skip half or more of it on top of that. It's really not fun when every TF is unchallenging and shortcut to the nth degree. Low reward, low fun. It's so bad that I find myself not joining TF's that I need because I know it will almost certainly be some "speed run". So I don't join and run it myself later. Which brings up my 2nd complaint. Please fix the stupid difficulty bug where if the leader is not in the zone when someone enters the mission, the difficulty is NOT set to the leader's chosen difficulty. I lead lots of TF's (because I hate the low reward, low fun speedy runs), but even when I am leader the difficulty still ends up being +0 on many of the missions because someone with a team teleport or mission teleport ends up getting into the mission before I can get into the zone. This happens most frequently with team teleport when I am in the "2nd wave" of people teleported but also happens when I have a delivery to do and the rest of the team uses team teleport while I am in the delivery zone. Very annoying.
  9. I have exactly the opposite reaction to dual pistols from most here. I found the crazy animations to be silly and funny, at first. But after about the 10,000th time I just found them annoying. So much so that I don't play that blaster much because the crazy gyrations are so annoying. When I do paly my dual pistols, I find myself wanting to scream at my character "Just shoot them already, FFS!!". I did find the swap ammo thing to be interesting and occasionally pretty helpful though.
  10. The problem I was having entering missions on Reunion has gone away. The mission that would not start does start now. Thanks!
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