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Posts posted by Nostromo21

  1. 4 hours ago, Sume said:

    That really appears to be very helpful.  I am enjoying being able to explore with a fresh take also.  I mean I clearly see graphics are way outdated, but I have a fondness for a lot of older games I missed being sucked into WoW while battling depression and physical illness.  


    WoW will do that to you matey. City of Heroes is the only known cure! ;)

  2. 6 hours ago, Sume said:

    What is this?  I need to check it out.  I like the new experience and still trying to understand the way the action bars and keybinds work though.  As I like to try and keep similar layout of keybinds and action bars on games that do allow me to redo the UI some what.


    Grab the CoHModdingTool here: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/21539-coh-modder/

    You can then install any mods you like the look of. VidiotMaps is almost mandatory if you like exploration and want to get all the badges and achievements ;).

  3. If you want to mix blasting with stealth, as ppl have said, there are many options among Blasters, Corruptors, Defenders, Stalkers, etc.

    I've currently having a blast with my Dark/Ninjitsu blaster, but you might try Archery/Devices, to keep it a bit more natural/real ;).

    Devices and Ninjitsu are the only blaster secondaries that provide stealth, the other ATs have a few more.


    Btw, in order to get a jump-start on the influence grind, it's really quick & easy to get a free jump pack from the P2W vendor (left side of Atlas City status where you start. Also, get all the other free stuff from the P2W vendor that looks good - in particular I would stack 8 hours of double XP, prestige movement skills, any pet you like the look of, all the free ranged and melee powers (like Nemesis Staff and Blackwand - these are invaluable early on). When you have some cash (see below), you can also stack the cheap offense/defense/survival buffs at only 1K Inf each. I usually go with Inner Inspiration for the prestige utility, as that tops up my Inspirations (temp buffs) when I run out of candy.


    Then go get the 8 exploration badges in a couple minutes: https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/CoH_Exploration_Badges#Atlas_Park

    You get 5 merits from them in no time (along with Fast Travel/Teleporter!), which you can convert to 15 Enhancement Converters inside City Hall, to the left at the merit terminal.

    Those sell on the auction house (just type /ah in chat) for 60-70K inf each, which will give you a very nice head start with a cool million, through to level 20 at least.

    At level 4 I would almost always get a super travel power: Fly (my favourite), Super Speed, Super Jump or Teleport. These days I mostly go for Mystic Flight in Sorcery, as that's a 2-in-1 flight and teleport which is really nice. Enjoy!!!



  4. spacer.png


    Here we go, queues, CTDs, DC errors, Lost Connection to DBServer, 2-3 mins to enter with a hero...glad we got officially licensed finally folks! 🙄


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  5. 23 hours ago, Derek Icelord said:

    This is great(?) news.

    But, the cynic in me has some questions.

    1. What does Homecoming gain from this, besides the hope that NCSoft demanding a shutdown is less likely and possibly more hosting options?
    2. You said the license had no up front or on-going cost, but the operating costs will increase to "keep up with our commitments as a licensee." Can you elaborate on what those commitments are?
    3. "This agreement provides a framework under which Homecoming can operate the game in a way that complies with NCSOFT’s wishes..." I'll be honest, this concerns me. This implies Homecoming will be changing the way it operates, at least in some way. Can you expand on what that entails?


    These are fair questions. As one of the devs/hosts I'd be very concerned about revealing my real identity to NCsoft, as that makes lawsuits (even retroactively for the past 3 years of 'semi-legal' hosting) so much easier for them and therefore more likely. Remember, they shut down CoH because they claimed it would impact on their other IPs' profitability, so it's not a huge stretch for them to try and claim damages in arears now. Trust no one.


    Incidentally, can we get a backup copy of the latest source code/server builds from Homecoming, along with all our character data...? Just asking...

  6. On 12/18/2023 at 12:45 AM, C U R S E said:

    Dark/Ninjitsu hands down my go to for pure raw damage and survival. 3 proc all your attacks with the Shinobi critics and you will have a AT that puts out absurd damage like no other toon. It's an insanely ridiculous death machine.


    I can never stick with a blaster, although ranged (and pets, stealth) are my preferred play style. Ok, I'm giving this combo a serious go now! ;)

    The highest I've ever gotten was low 40s ice/fire way back in the live days (Kelvin Ator - my first toon actually :). I now have 60 toons on HC, with at least the 1st 2 pages played to the teens and a 39 + few 20s.


    Being a casual scrub, I must be doing something wrong with my blasters. I know they are generally best played a blappers, but I really don't like melee, except maybe on my stalkers. So, playing keepings off strictly at range, with the option to bypass trash/content I don't want to do, that leaves 2 secondaries - Devices or Ninjitsu for the stealth power - much prefer Ninj for the look/theme and powers from what I can see (but yet to try). Dark as primary is a no-brainer for me as part of the theme I'm going with (plus I just love it on all my other ATs :). It's got the lowest sniper power at lvl 8 (still can't beat my psychic corr at 2nd!), so I'll let you know how I go, especially as I get past 10th and get Shinobi - should change the entire approach to completing missions I hope.


    Hopefully the squishiness I always fall prey of with my blasters won't be as bad with this toon, given all the tricks dark and ninjitsu have up their sleeves! :)

  7. On 4/5/2023 at 6:22 AM, Renatos1023 said:

    I just created an Illusion/Energy Dom yesterday and got him up to the mid-20s. I wanted to have a "light" theme, and I thought the energy blasts and colorful pom-poms went well with that. Seems to have pretty decent ranged and melee damage so far. This is the first Dom i've enjoyed playing, (I only have one other Dom (Mind/Psi) that I got to 50 and then shelved). 


    I do have to say I think the Dom version of Illusion is more control-y than the Controller version. It really did make a difference to get rid of the crappy group invis power and replace it with a useful AoE stun - now I don't feel bad not taking Flash. 


    Cool. You only have 1 single target confuse though, unlike most Dom primaries which come with a group one. But you do get 3 pets for 5 total AND Superior Invis (which I've always loved), so can't really complain! Electric Assault also gets the earliest sniper attack at 20 (most others are 28), so that might be worth considering as a secondary (plus another pet and some great melee/aoe powers).

  8. My favourite builds so far and the best balance of fun & power/speed as far as progression goes:


    - Ill/Dark Troller - safest solo experience, along with the next build

    - Necro/Dark MM (I know you didn't ask for MMs, but with the recent rework this one just blasts through content! ;)

    - Fortunata with mostly ranged & fly/hover

    - PB/WS (I find Kheldians crazy fun solo, even if they are supposed to be more suited to group play, eh)

    - Corr Psychic/Time (can't over-state the greatness of a sniper power at level 2! ;)

    - Dom Plant/Thorns

    - Gravity/ (Kin or Time) troller

    - Dom Mind/Psionic (theme build, but very effective)

    - Corr Dark/Storm (quite deadly at range)

    I also found my Shield/Psionic tanker very safe and effective, if a little lacking in aoe of course. And I don't like melee classes much either.

    Several stalkers were also fun to solo.

    • Like 1
  9. On 10/26/2022 at 12:39 AM, SallyGirl said:

    I have two, an Energy Blast/Force Field (Ms. Bubblegum), and a Psychic Blast/Pain Domination/Flame Mastery (Painshift). Both are currently in their 30's, but am enjoying them. Much more fun on Painshift.


    Glad someone mentioned Psychic. I started a PB/TM Blaster, found her far too squishy & end hungry, rerolled as a PB/TM Corrupter. You get your snipe at level *2*(!), huge range on most powers, and have much better powers in TM than a blaster (heal, debuffs, self-buffs, etc). And Farsight at 24.


    Not sure why this combo doesn't get more love really. End mngmnt also seems much easier than the blaster for some reason, I'm easily able to grind from red mobs to red mobs without too much trouble (most are dead before they can move or get anywhere clsose to me. So far so good! Can't wait to start slotting set IOs to see this Corr really pop! 😉

    • Like 1
  10. Yeah I just realised, if you don't need to use/access the shared storage all the time, you could just park the trade toon at a University workbench, as I think AH access works inside Unis. If so, I guess the best Uni would be the one closest to a SG base portal...which would be...?

  11. Hey guys, I mostly solo & need to play the AH to equip new toons & whatnot.

    I'd love to be able to just create a pure banker/trader 'hero' and park him in my SG, so he can play the martket, buy/craft/sell, etc.

    BUT, the AH is not available from inside the SG base, as far as I've been able to ascertain. So, I generally need to park a toon in Atlas Hall or somewhere closer to jump between them. I guess I don't really need a day job if I'm just making a level 1 trading character, so he can just park outside the SG base entrance...? And I guess I've just answered my own question lol! 

  12. Hmmm...just started a Psy/Storm Corr, now I'm rethinking maybe reroll as a Defender...? I loved the idea of a sniper attack at level *2* which can be maxed out with enhancements by level 7! But, apparently Scourge doesn't work with Psychic on a Corr - don't its powers get crits, or am I missing something else...?

  13. Cool thread. So I'm making yet another theme toon...this one will be pure team/support, and being a total pacifist, only for support/buff/healing (possibly debuff too, but no damage). So, I want to try to see if I can get to 50 without doing a single point of direct damage :D. I'd obviouslyt have to take any initial dmg dealing powers, and ignore them. I'm sure many have tried & succeeded, but keep in mind, I'm a chronic solo carebear.


    So, what would be the 'easiest' & most effective AT primary/secondary to take up? I don't like the tanker router, as they really should do *some* damage, often via reflect powers. Troller seems a natural pick, Defender look good too, but their secondaries usually do ranged damage. I don't really want to gimp myself, but I will skip any/all direct dmg powers up to ~40.

    Empathy, Nature seem obvious choices, maybe Gravity, Mind...? Perhaps a Dominator, or even a Kheldian built the right way...? Cheers guys!

  14. On 2/18/2023 at 11:07 PM, Uun said:

    Turn off the jet pack and 2 runs while you're fighting. Slot end reduction in Shadow Fall and Darkest Night. Are the end mods you're slotting in Stamina SOs?


    Thought so. Must set up a macro toggle, but now I have Mystic Flight, I don't think that uses much juice just to hover.

    Yeah, I use SOs up to 25, then switch to std IOs, before I start thinking about expensive set IOs. If I ever get a hero that high, given my rampant, out-of-control alt-o-holism & cosplay fetish lol! *blush*...case in point:

    Started a Ill/Emp troller as a pacifist support/healer only team char. Played a couple sewer runs and Positron TF with a fun 8 man pug - already 16 without having done a single point of dmg lol! 🙂


    Now trying a Time/Rad which seems to be much easier on the END & just as fun so far!

  15. On 2/5/2023 at 6:50 PM, MoonSheep said:


    not as high level as yours but still great fun, submitting my club membership haha


    i found it didn't really need much defense from all the enemy debuffs if solo, and when on a team i let the tank take the alpha then hop in, venging any corpses that arise. great for speed run TFs, the debuffs make damage procs nice and spicy too




    I have over 50 toons on HC. I really need to get at least one of them to 50... *blush*


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  16. Late to the party...I went with Nature originally with my puppies and kitties. No sad panda here as they almost never die, what with all the debuffs and buffs and mucho healing.

    Sure, I'm just a baby sitter, but sok, I know my place in the pack... 😉

  17. Loving my new Dark/Dark Defender, but oh boy is she endurance hungry! I do have the p2w jet pack + 2 runs + Shadow Fall toggled on most of the time though. Just finally got Mystic Flight so I should be able to get rid of the other 3 travel powers now, having a fly/telport in one. I'm only level 10 with 2 ENDRED SOs in Stamina, but stil running out of END after every couple combat rotations. Any advice on how to manage this better while I'm levelling guys...? I won't be getting Haste if I keep this up lol!

  18. 18 hours ago, twozerofoxtrot said:

    If you can get Katana to work with SD please let me know. 🙏 


    That seems kinda weird anyway, as a Katana is a 2-handed weapon in most cases (no shield), so you would want a Wakizashi as the 1-handed counterpart. Unless you strap a buckler onto your off-hand, but that's not what the powerset is really, from all the animations, eh.

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  19. On 12/23/2022 at 4:54 PM, twozerofoxtrot said:


    Axe and War Mace are going to be great.


    Broadsword I'd avoid.


    If you can get Katana to work with SD please let me know. 🙏 


    I've actually gone Psionic Melee, mostly for thematic reasons (tanker is called Psycho Maiden :). Not sure if that's a mistake, not many ppl seem to like PM, but so far so good. Plus I'm focusing more on Shield/tanking, so will prob need to dip my toe in the grouping waters at some point, ahem. Terminally solo carebear here! 👋


    Had my first full team tanking experience today! Me & one other tank, with blasters, defenders & controllers/MM - total mayhem! Just a low-level mission, but I went up almost 3 levels in under 10 mins lol! And I didn't die once he he - only got down to half life at one point due to a particularly nasty red bone daddy. 😄

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  20. So what pairs best with Shield for a 'natural' tanker? Axe, Broadsword, Katana or War Mace...? Ideally also a 1-handed weapon to go with the shield theme ;).

    Otherwise, if some other secondary pairs a LOT better with shield than any other weapon-based one, please let me know!

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