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About RyokoMocha

  • Birthday 03/22/1976

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  1. I have a Mutation psychic who was born with a genetic gift for psionics different from his parents, a Science psychic who gained his powers through a combination of chemical/drug therapy and bionic implants, and a Natural psychic who simply trained his ass off to develop a natural aptitude. It's whatever you think best fits your story idea.
  2. Oh yes, absolutely, I second this! I was so disappointed when I saw the awesome Vanguard Back with jetpack, and yet it doesn't actually have any exhaust to show that it is a jetpack. As it is now, it's just a weird protrusion. Or even a glowy point like the Capacitor, just something to indicate that there's stuff going on back there. PS - That combo of Vanguard Jetpack + Rocket Boots is a rad idea.
  3. I liked it!
  4. Have you seen the Yellow Sign?

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