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Posts posted by A.I.D.A.

  1. Would be a neat feature, especially it it came with a secondary in-world targeting square around the target-of-target. You know, how you target a player or an enemy and you get those little brackets around their model in-game, that are green for players, blue for many NPCs, or orange/yellow for enemies that aggro/don't, respectively?


    In the chaos of a Hamidon raid, it would be really nice to see which mitochondria the league's targeter has in their sights, so I can fly close enough to the right one. Oftentimes, they have one targeted, but position close to a different one, either due to the framerate drops caused by full leagues animating inside a giant particle effect, or other reasons.

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  2. On 2/4/2024 at 4:45 PM, lemming said:

    Sounds like it would be nice;  In the meantime you can setup a macro



    /macro C "settitle 1030$$cc 1"


    Would change to your second costume, plus set title to Commuter.  (Far Jumper for red side)


    This could be a bind, or a popmenu could even be done.   There's a doc somewhere with all the Badges and #, but I used the BadgeSetTitle popmenu by ATC to look up this one.


    Are those badge numbers for /settitle listed anywhere like on the wiki?

  3. Or you could just use them attuned. I make my builds with all attuned set IOs, and only boost the few basic crafted ones like the recharges in Hasten. Attuned still gets you to red ED in the power aspects that matter, and they retain more benefit while exemplaring than boosted 55's do.

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  4. More cosmetic options is always good. Even (and perhaps especially) when that option is hiding a model you don't want.


    The claws animations are perfectly fine re: unarmed combat. And, like the OP showed, there are plenty of gloves models which would make a great stand-in for weapons.


    I see no downsides to the OP, only upsides.

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  5. On 1/17/2024 at 12:11 PM, Maximum_J said:

    The big problem with having DOs drop from level 1 is that Enhancements don't make any sense to a new player, so gaining an Enhancement that you 1) can't use and 2) don't understand is off-putting for new players.


    Are new players incapable of reading tooltips and parsing them? Because it should only require basic reading comprehension to understand what "Dual-Origin (Magic, Mutation) ~ increases a power's Damage by X%" means.

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  6. Oh, another tip I just thought of: don't use the XP rate boosters from P2W. They are a trap from the point of view of a character gearing itself over the leveling process, without an external source of influence. They make you level faster (doing less arcs, and thus getting less merits, over the climb to 50), and also reduce the influence you get from enemy drops accordingly.


    The XP rate boosters are for people who are fire-farming their 600th character and buying them a build.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    I agree with your general statement, but it is 7 levels. You can buy and slot up to +3 SOs, and they keep working down to -3, going inert at -4.


    Working at less and less than their schedule each time you ding, yes. That's technically true, but not very valuable. SOs three levels below you are basically TO's. And those are barely better than empty slots. XD

    • Finland 1
  8. Other tip: save influence by crafting your Lv. 25 IO's. Save all the white and yellow salvage you find while you're out doing arcs, because that's what you use (alongside a small fee of influence at the crafting bench) to make the Lv. 25 IOs that people sell for a profit on the auction. If you craft them yourself, the fee is far, far lower than the marketeers charge for them at Lv. 25.

  9. Don't buy anything that isn't at least a basic IO. Use what you loot (along with the five prestige enhancements from P2W) until Lv. 22, when you can slot Lv. 25 IOs -- that is the level at which they're equal to at-level SO's, except you will never out-level your IOs.


    Use the Reward Merits you get from doing arcs and task forces to buy salable salvage (enhancement boosters/converters, etc), from the Merit Vendors. Stack up that influence and save it until you know what kinds of IO Sets you want to build. I'm assuming that since you're new to the server, you won't pre-build in Mids (the character planner software) and won't know what you want until you're 50 and have had a chance to play around a bit with your character's powers.


    But basically, don't ever buy an SO. That's influence wasted in three levels when it greys out and becomes inactive.

  10. 2 hours ago, Greycat said:


    I want to say "no, it's picked by some algorithm that looks at your name and assigns a value based on what's in there," but that's going off of semi rusty memory.


    That's how character Section IDs worked in Phantasy Star Online -- little coloured symbols with names like 'Bluefull,' 'Redria' and 'Purplenum.' If you ever played that, that might be what you're thinking of?


    That was actually a pretty neat system, it represented which section of the ship your character lived on, and affected things like loot tables, so some rare weapons would only drop for some Section IDs.

  11. Powercust. Then the boring practicality chuds can have their silly single pistol cop stance, and the fun people can do equilibrium gun-kata and have fun with the game.


    Another idea:

    1.) Dual Wield
    2.) Suppressive Fire
    3.) Tough
    4.) Weave
    5.) Empty Clips

    Clarifications: Normal pool, rather than ancillary. Mutually exclusive with Fighting, cannot learn powers from one if you have a power from the other. Attacks in this pool synergize with each other if you learn all three, and have comparable damage and effects to Boxing, Kick, and Cross Punch.


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  12. Yep, Sorcery got a massive buff lately. And it provides an elemental power to contribute to the "fire/ice/lighting" perception that wizards have had since Final Fantasy did it that way.


    Electric/Cold blaster with Sorcery (enflame) and the Fire ancillary, does all three of those elements in respectable quantities, and gets to cast Magic Missile at the darkness.


    The only thing that's really missing is the ability to use a staff visual with your elemental blast sets. It's a shame the Blackwand and Nemesis Staff get sheathed when you activate primary powers.

    • Like 1
  13. People take Sorcery for a lot of reasons.


    • Arcane Bolt is good damage when its proc is up. I find it consistently outdamages my epic pool's blast (though not the snipe), and it's available as a ranged attack as early as level 4.

    • Rune of Protection is a great oh-shit button (or just something to press before harder pulls), even after its recharge nerf. Especially for otherwise defense-heavy characters with little resistances elsewhere, like my many scrappers and stalkers. And it shines so much with /Regen that I might have to rebuild mine to include it.

    • Spirit Ward is apparently okay for a bit of support if you team a lot more than you solo, though I've had little reason to take it as someone who solos a lot, and plays archetypes with bad support scalars. This one might be truly skippable unless you're playing a defender/controller/corruptor and your chosen support set doesn't have an absorb shield in it.

    • Enflame is apparently pretty great AoE? I've heard good things about it but never taken it myself, so, can't confirm.


    Mystic Flight/Translocation is just the cherry on top of that pool, in that it combines travel with other really useful things into only one of your four pool selections, especially if you are already playing a defense set and have no need for Hover as an LotG mule.

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  14. 11 hours ago, Ston said:


    HP% is a factor, but it is directly tied to ticks of damage taken. I can link the Ourodev code later. Other factors are rank, level difference, number of allies alive/defeated. 


    You can test this with Freezing Touch on any enemy. Or even spamming Brawl/Boxing + Interface DoT. Enemy will eventually run away even if they have 95% HP left.


    Interesting. Probably a poor design choice on the part of Cryptic back in the day. Imagine being demoralized enough to flee a fight with 90% of your HP left, because you took 1 damage, 20 times. Not to mention dual-typed powers probably also count as two 'ticks' in that framework.


    I think it's important that enemies start to run away when things turn against them -- it's that tiny little extra bit of immersion preserved, rather than the lone gangster fighting to the end while surrounded by his dead buddies.


    That being said, it would be even more immersive if fleeing enemies would either flee toward a mission exit, and despawn if they reach it, essentially having escaped / fled the scene, or toward other groups of enemies (possibly also sharing their threat table with those enemies and causing agro).


    In any case, my general experience with runners has been that if one does manage to get away, they do eventually come back later while I'm fighting a different mob group.

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