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Posts posted by A.I.D.A.

  1. 6 hours ago, kelika2 said:

    i wanna say that only regen and willpower gave up something significant for Hide.  others got stuff rolled into other things.

    reflexes lost its auto aoe def because hide does pretty much the same thing

    dark lost its something something im not doing the whole secondaries


    Reflex loses the auto AoE defense because its value got rolled into the toggle AoE defense on Stalkers.

  2. 12 hours ago, tidge said:


    It is getting there (via slotting and globals), but keep in mind one the single-shot attacks is Disintegrate (which doesn't "spread" Disintegration). Discounting that power, the other 7 Sentinel attacks are split 4-3 in favor of AoE (with no possible 'spread')  while the other Beam Rifle ATs are split 4-3 in favor of single-target attacks. For all AT, two of them are the T1/T2 attacks... and I think we can all recognize that taking both T1/T2 attacks is generally a sub-optimal choice. The only 100% chance for spread is on Slow Snipes (which really shouldn't occur anyway, for reasons explained above) or Lancer Shot. Even fast Snipes have a better than 50% chance, and those aren't available for Sentinels.


    I'll add: I don't know that sets are supposed to be balanced around anything but IOs (for better or worse), so considerations of Global recharge bonuses should be set aside.


    I have been adjusting my Sentinel playstyle to open with Disintegrate -> Refractor Beam, just to get as many critter's attention as possible and then start thinking about (maybe) spreading Disintegration, should they cluster. With large enough spawn sizes, there is almost always a couple of targets still worth doing this.


    You can absolutely make an endless chain with three single-target attacks, especially if two of them are T1 and T2. But you shouldn't need to. You only need the disintegration spread to proc once. Even if it's a pseudopet for the chaining mechanic, it should inherit the accuracy slotted into Disintegrate (the power). Is there any reason why Disintegrate -> Lancer Shot -> T9 isn't working for you as an opener? In my experience, enemies don't scatter the moment they're tagged with a ranged attack, the group of enemies all aggros and bum-rushes me. Certainly they don't scatter enough to outrange the disintegrate spread, and you don't need the status to be on every enemy before it's time to hit the nuke button.


  3. 5 minutes ago, WindDemon21 said:

    I can play exceedingly well, build well, and am easily the go to guy of anyone I know who needs power/slotting/build advice. (and before you say it, no, that doesn't mean "poor noobies that he's helping" I know what i'm talking about, whether you agree or not is another matter) It's that fact that actually makes these things so big, because I more than most get extra annoyed when sets or powers are not performing properly as they should and also in comparison ot other power sets. Trying to personally attack my proficiency in a set or power does nothing to help your argument except to say that you can't think of anything better and are instead resulting to personal attacks instead of discussing the topic at hand.


    But Dark Consumption and Consume aren't underperforming. You just incorrectly think they are. I have never seen the Dunning Kreuger effect exemplified so clearly in one post.


  4. But it's not terrible to play, it's just being played terribly by someone who would rather cry all over the forums than get better at the game.


    We've gone through four pages of multiple people handing you the actual numbers and maths on a silver platter, and you still refuse to acknowledge them, and pretend that your misconceptions are true.

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  5. +1 for rings and bracelets, and various combinations of both, in the Gloves slot.


    Also +1 for earrings in the Detail 1 slot.


    I don't think they'll add that last one though! XD


    Further suggestions: various types of necklaces and pendants in Detail 2 slot. Also, watches for the Gloves slot.

  6. On 9/18/2023 at 1:38 PM, WindDemon21 said:

    Extremely not. My builds with FF procs always have it a little under 60 seconds, but that's still a FAR cry from what the power should be as I've explained many times above. The power is just not balanced right as an end gain power. (which is the primary function, again if i hear anything about the max hp I'll blow a gasket as that can/should just as easily be in temp protection or whatever) It also means it's pretty much completely useless for end against an av or such unlike the other similar powers were are up often enough to matter as they are on 60s recharges.


    Again, straight 60s rech, would work, but if 90-120s with the recovery extended/more frontloaded as well that works too, but the power as is is definitely needs a boost.


    You can cry all you like, but it's still a skill issue 🙂


    The benefit to having a power like Consume is that your recovery only needs to maintain your endurance until the next time Consume comes off recharge -- in which you immediately fill your bar, as long as you have roughly 3~4 enemies around to hit with it. Which, if you don't, you probably don't need the endurance right then.


    If you're having trouble getting it to recharge quickly enough, you clearly aren't building well, or playing well. This game is easy enough as it is -- don't beg for it to be made easier. It's not a good look.


    You're explicitly and unequivocally wrong, and when that's pointed out to you, your response has been to throw a tantrum and double down on insisting that you're right actually, which doesn't change the fact that you're wrong. Maybe instead, you should sit down, accept that you're wrong, and stop bothering everyone with your tirade?


  7. The weird flow-break with Insight is that once it procs, you want to blow through the rest of your kit without touching Greater Psiblade until everything else is recharging. Everything benefits from insight, but only Greater Psiblade consumes it.


    The answer would be to remove the lockout, but then also either (preferably) make every damaging Psi-Melee power consume your Insight buff, or (less favourably) reduce its duration to about 5 seconds (to account for finishing the animation of the power that procced it, with enough time left for about one activation afterward). If you were to only remove the lockout, then Insight essentially becomes a passive effect, as it will always re-proc before running out. It happens often enough to do that, usually right after the lockout wears off it's already back up.


    If the Insight lockout were removed, and every damaging Psi-Melee power made to consume Insight, then Insight procs become a gameplay expression -- when it procs, what power do you spend it on, out of all the ones you can click? Do you use a couple ancillary attacks to fill your chain without consuming Insight, and wait for Greater Psiblade to recharge? etc.

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  8. 21 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


    I'm not sure why that looks silly.





    Cosmetics aren't bad.

    It takes time for DEVs to do animations and that has be the thing they are into in order to do it.


    What are your suggestions for "good" teleport power exec SFX?


    I mentioned a few animations in a post here already. The ones from existing teleport powers would make for a good start.


    Also, unless I'm missing some file extension reference I don't have access to, being decidedly Not-A-Dev, 'SFX' usually means 'sound effects,' not really what we're talking about here.

  9. 1 hour ago, TheZag said:

    I finally pulled up my brute i made to see what the big deal with fire farming is about.  Turns out fire farming was lame so i havent played the character in 462 days.  I have 2 slots on consume and it recharges in 62 seconds.  My global recharge is 90% with 70% of that being from hasten.  Consume is slotted with 100.9% recharge from a end mod/recharge and a recharge IO.  I do run agility core for extra recharge but even without it,  consume would have a recharge of 69 seconds.  Why in the world would a power that only needs to hit 3 enemies to give a full 100 endurance and recharge in 62 seconds with only 2 slots need fixing of any sort?  Fix your builds - take hasten,  slot a couple luck of the gambler,  get a purple set or 2......


    So i just realized that this guy was slotted as a miltibox follower with all his damage toggles full of procs instead of going for set bonuses.  I dont even have any purple sets so i  checked with 3 purple sets in mids,  56 seconds recharge on consume.  But lets backtrack to 2 luck of the gambler and a single 5% recharge set bonus along with hasten to achieve 62 seconds.  It is completely reasonable to expect many players will have a recharge nearing the 1 minute mark for what amounts to a full bar of endurance.  If you cant make your endurance last for a minute then your build needs fixed or change your attack chain.



    This. So much this. This thread isn't about a balance issue, it's about a skill issue.

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    5 minutes ago, Andreah said:

    There are some teleport mods available in CohModder. Ofc, you would be the only one to see them.


    Thanks, but that kind of defeats the purpose, I think, if only I can see the animation.


    It would be great to be able to select from optional animations for it in the tailor, and could use the animations from other existing teleport powers, like Burst of Speed's 'run-start' kind of animation, or Shield Charge's tackle posture, or the more mage-like gesture (with and/or without the rune circle) attached to Mystic Flight->Translocation.

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  11. On 9/9/2023 at 2:16 PM, Marbing said:

    I made the same point in the paragraph you quoted, but while it is true that you could it doesn’t mean everyone does. There are certainly players who take advantage of SO’s right now. My concern was more about why would SO’s even need to exist if the proposed suggestion went through. I know they would be slightly stronger but they would likely be less cost effective given the need to cycle them out. I would imagine a lot of players would just forgo them in favor of IOs just because at least they are static and it’s not like you need a huge boost sub 22 anyways.


    I also think the suggestion is bad and unnecessary, but claiming "the usefulness of SO's" as the reason is flawed and incorrect thinking. SO's have not been useful for a very long time, and they never will be again. The game is not, in fact, "balanced around SO's" anymore, and it never will be again. There are still people who make bad decisions and waste a bunch of INF every three levels. It's their INF, they can waste it if they want. But the fact that people who make bad decisions exist does not mean I need to pretend that those decisions aren't bad.


    The reason this suggestion is bad and unnecessary is because sub-50 IO sets already have value to Lv. 50 characters, and don't need to have their level range extended. I've already showed earlier in this thread, how with three pieces each of a 25-cap set and a 30-cap set, I've pushed damage enhancement into red ED and gotten a respectable enough enhancement value in accuracy/endurance/recharge for the power in question -- which was my T2 attack chosen at Lv. 1. And they aren't even boosted, I leave my IO sets in Mid's at their natural cap, because I run attuned enhancements.


  12. 4 hours ago, Marbing said:

    I would be concerned about the impact it would have on the overall usefulness of SO's. Why slot any at all? It is more cost effective in the long run to just buy the IO's and push to 50 than to constantly recycle SO's. I get that not everyone could afford this out of the gates but we aren't talking about a huge investment and once you get one level 50 you can very easily fund another toon with the 2-3 million INF needed to get all the IO's they would need all the way to 50. SO's currently serve as the best option for pre-lvl 22 (which is when you can get lvl 25 IO's), and the game is easy enough that you could argue you don't need any enhancements at all until then. But, it isn't a bad idea to have enhancements pre-22 if you are trying to take your time through the process (which is a valid point, and is where SO's come in handy) as it will definitely make life easier for you and make you far more useful on teams. If IO's are stronger pre-25 than they are now I think that niche usefulness of SO's would be nearly eliminated. So at that point why even have them at all? NOTE: I know that they would technically still be more effective (slightly) but not effective enough to make up for the constant recycling. If this suggestion were to go in maybe SO's should be dropped in price to compensate and keep them as a good cheap option pre-22, or even beyond? Just thinking....

    I want to be clear, I am not disagreeing with you, I just want clarification on how you feel it will affect SO's in the long run. I could very easily be missing something or have misunderstood your post. I have a tendency to do that.

    Everything else is a great idea, IMO. Your math makes sense, boosters do need to be tuned down a tad, and the set bonuses for lower level sets do need to be adjusted. 


    There already is no use for SOs. As someone here said earlier, levelling to 22 with nothing more than the basic five prestige enhancements is fairly easy, and at 22, you slot Lv. 25 crafted IOs and never look back.

  13. On 12/14/2022 at 3:06 PM, abdulrah said:

    On the one hand, the guys share their wishes about the game here. On the other hand, developers are looking for free ideas. Guys, let's monetize ideas! Lol. I'm joking. But it would be nice.
    Actually, I've been thinking a lot about how developed the idea exchange system should be so that everything works like pins in Pinterest and so that everyone gets high-quality content. In the article https://variety.com/2020/digital/news/vody-stylehaul-stephanie-horbaczewski-jeremy-houghton-1234814177/, I noticed a hint of this. That is, developers want to improve the recommended content system for better targeting. That would be wonderful.


    No-one sane wants everything to work like Pinterest. Pinterest actively interferes with saving images from it to your hard drive.

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  14. I have two three-piece low-level single-target melee sets in a six-slotted power, because it's an easy way to get a decent amount of Energy/Negative defense. Specifically, the Negative side of that, which Energy Aura needs to play some catch-up on. Even at 50, with these sets being a 25-cap and a 30-cap , the power's damage enhancement value hits red ED in Mid's.




    Once you hit red ED, you're going to get very little benefit from any more enhancement value in that aspect of a power. Making these sets scale up to 50 would not meaningfully affect the power they're slotted in, so why waste development effort?


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