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Everything posted by Electrice

  1. I agree with pretty much everything that's been said about the comparison between the two. I currently have an ice/kin and a water/time at lvl 50, and can say I definitely prefer the water/time build. She's tanky af with Time's Juncture, Farsight, and Barrier, and the majority of her powers in the attack chain are either pbaoe or targeted aoe (Geyser, Water Burst, Soul Drain, Dark Consumption, and Ion Judgment when it's up). This lets me just stand in a middle of a pack and let loose. Water has the Tidal Power stack mechanic that increases damage, and I also went with Dark Mastery/Soul Drain as a poor man's fulcrum shift. Yeah, the damage boost is not as much, and it only buffs me, but the difference in damage output is considerable and a fair tradeoff for choosing time vs. kin overall. Dark Mastery also has Dark Consumption which, while not as strong as transferrence, still gives you an end recovery power if you need it and has the added benefit of doing pbaoe damage to boot. I tend to game the converter system to spec out my builds, so the overall investment was minimal from my perspective. I had her kitted out pretty well in just a couple of days. I'm also not a farmer, but I have tested her on the comic-con map in AE. I can multitask while doing +2/8 and can handle +3/8 with attention given to inspiration management and the like (not my bag though).
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