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  1. Yay! Got my money back! I misremembered, was closer to 90 million! Thank you all so much! 🥰 😭
  2. I submitted my own ticket for the same.
  3. I think it was Danse Macabre where Stephen King talked about a story he'd been pitching for years that no publisher wanted to touch with a 10-foot pole. The premise is that a guy survives a shipwreck, gets stranded on a desert island, and winds up (o_O)
  4. 🤜🤛
  5. Aw thanks @Snarky Saw that after i posted this 🤦‍♀️
  6. I feel your pain. I deleted a character the other day who had $80 million on her. Every cent I had. c'est la vie amirite 🤦‍♀️ 😭
  7. I promise I'll re-name Number 47 tonight.
  8. Good old Pliny. That guy loved to just, like, say stuff.
  9. My characters are likewise on Everlasting.
  10. I come burdened with glorious purpose.
  11. I changed her name the other day to "Jackie Neko Chan" just to make the pun more obvious and painful.
  12. These two are just two different versions of the same character. I finally decided to stop worrying and embrace the stigma of a blackredder. I'm glad there's a face option with dark veins that doesn't go full-on rotting zombie. I'm still so sad that there aren't enough characters in the name field for "Big Hitty Goth Ghoulfiend".
  13. Number 47 here isn't just a Hitman ripoff homage. She's also a ripoff of homage to Bane, and Lord Humongous.
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