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  1. Thank you for the prompt response!
  2. As of this morning, I am unable to connect to the game. When I attempt to do so, I get the message "Wrong Game Version, Run Patcher And Reconnect, server 20241223_6388, client 20241204_6383. I have seen no announcements regarding a necessary patch, and have no idea of where or how to access the aforementioned patcher. Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Letting go of a few more. Mister Fusion Crocolossus Swift Justice King of the Cats
  4. Couple more: Blond Justice Shooting Iron
  5. Releasing a few more names into the wild. Jacquelynne Hyde Purebreed Death By Chocolate Fourth Estate Big Apple
  6. Another batch released: Captain Nineties King of the Sewer Ultracrepidarian Orc Lord Beerbot Pinocchio Crawfish Professor Ape Kerminator Primus Inter Pares Abdul Alhazred 5 O'Clock Shadow
  7. I have the name "King of the Cats." I'm not actively using it. If it fits your concept, let me know and I'll release it.
  8. Dropping a few more: Pax Americana Ultima Ratio Roaring Twenties
  9. Releasing a few more: Small Medium Hook Handed Killer Summer Blockbuster Crocolossus Louisiana Skeeter Auntie Toxin Cartomancer
  10. Glad I could reunite you!
  11. Dropping...well, a lot. In no particular order: Symbiont Phil M Noir Ellie Mental Raven Queen Flaming Idiot Megaweapon Federal Eagle Real American Parthian Shot Wickerman Corpselight Capillary Element of Surprise Urban Renewal Trial By Fire Punch Bug Flapper 600 Pound Gorilla American Know-How El Nino Thing Under the Bed Cerebral Vortex Storm of the Century Woodchuck Retro Rocketeer Eggman Professor Science Goalie Everglades Gator Nick O'Time La Boheme Mister Touchdown EZ Money Weresheep Roaring Twenties Renaissance Man Plymouth Rock Mass Media Auntie Gravity Technical Difficulty A-Game Forklift Fat Chance Ilmarinen Right Hand Man Captain Monomyth Will likely purge some more soonish.
  12. Dropping a few more! Hyperkinetic Phlegm Rhymer Enmascarado Agent 1
  13. Dropped: Gorilla War Aggromagnet Silverskull Smore Ring Rust
  14. Dropped: Cavalryman Major Arcanum Curandera Vice Versa Tritone
  15. Dropping: Don Quixote White Nightshade Western Justice Moon Mistress Pretty Penny Auntie Tank
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