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Everything posted by DrLiteral

  1. My idea for Flurry (based off your idea) is for Flurry to gain +10% chance to disorient for each other power from the Speed pool (up to +30% for 3 other powers--increasing the chance to a straight 50%). Each other power would add the following to Flurry: Hasten - reduced animation time (while keeping the same damage throughput) Super Speed - adds mag 1 stackable stun Whirlwind - adds a cone Burnout - adds a non-enhanceable fire DoT The exact numbers for these would be tweaked for fairness, of course. Many heroes end up taking Hasten (because it's so good), and Super Speed as a result. So many applications of Flurry in this situation would be a 40% chance to apply a mag 3 stun, while keeping the same dpa, but having an increased dps, which I feel is a pretty fair in most situations. What I would like is a customizable animation for Whirlwind, where I can turn off the spinning animation (keep the character in a normal stance while keeping the whirlwind effect) or maybe changing it to a vibrating animation.
  2. Are pool/epic Cones and AoEs (Like Flurry, Energy Torrent, and Spring Attack) affected by the Arc and Radius buffs?
  3. I just had to pay the listing price twice for something I was placing on the Auction House (450k x2) to actually list an item. When I posted the item, it jumped from my Stored queue to my Selling queue, then immediately back to my Stored queue. I had to end up paying the listing price again for it to finally post under Selling.
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