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  1. So just a huge shout out to the devs responsible for bringing this back. My wife and I played this game pretty much from launch until about 2010 where we got busy with just life things. So we weren't playing on live when it shut down, but we did hear about it and it really sucked knowing that all that time and effort put in was for naught. However that's just how things are when you play an MMO, and it wasn't our first go around with that part of it. As far as the memory. Well that memory was last Saturday. When my wife and I rolled a tanker and a defender quickly using themes and names we had not used in years. We did this so that we could hurry through character creation and get in game so that we'd be able to assist our twin boys in the process of choosing roles, archetypes, powers, and ultimately what their characters would look like and be named. I never expected to be explaining this game to twin 7 year old boys in 2019. As we all stepped into Atlas Park, some of us for the first time. The sights, the music, and the sheer number of people flooded over myself and my wife. This was old hat. We had been here a thousand times. Perhaps more. But for our boys, this was all new, the shiny was awesome, the music was awesome, and just the sheer excitement on their faces made me remember how we felt back in 2004. So to the devs. You guys are the awesome. Just know there is a pair of 7 year old twins born in 2012 the same year this shutdown, playing it in 2019 because you guys had the heart to give it back to them. They have no idea all the work, effort, and I'm sure legal issues y'all went through to bring it back. They don't know yet, but one day they will and maybe once they do they'll go on to do great things because of the great things they're getting to experience now.
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