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Posts posted by Lazarillo

  1. On 8/30/2019 at 1:50 PM, Frosticus said:

    And while noxious gas is a very strong power the uptime is unfortunately pretty low. 

    What is the uptime on Noxious Gas, anyway?  There aren't any numbers for it at all.

  2. 8 hours ago, TheAdjustor said:

    They were perfectly willing to break the cottage rule, instant healing ring a bell ? And they were certainly willing to liberally interpret it when they wanted to, energy transfer comes to mind

    In fairness, I'm not sure either of those really violate the cottage rule.  Both powers fully retained their original effects, they simply applied them differently; instant healing went from a toggle to a click, but was still about making sure that you, well, healed instantly when you took a hit.  Energy Transfer had its animation time increased, but simply went from dealing self damage in order to have the best DPA of any melee attack in the game to...dealing self damage in order to have the best DPA (if less) of any melee attack in the game.


    Cottage rule means changing the way a power works entirely.  Nerfing a power does not violate it.

  3. On 9/14/2019 at 6:22 AM, Blackbird71 said:

    I've seen some RP SGs treat it as if it's been an actual seven years since Galaxy City, and others act as if it's only been a few months since that event. 

    I've seen some players who treat it as both.

    Can't speak to whole SGs, but "I took a time portal to 7 years in the future and...no time passed.  What happened to the world that caused it suddenly to blink out and them come back?" seems to be the basis for a lot of bios, at least.

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  4. 36 minutes ago, Chirikiti said:

    I'm locking down everything everywhere

    That's the thing.  I'm doing that on my Fortunata, too.  Fortunata durations for Total Domination are about the same as Dominator base, and Mass Confusion is equivalent to Dominators with Domination up Rarely is the extra mag needed, and for the few it is, just toss a single-target on that one exception.


    Don't get me wrong, I like Mind Control, conceptually, but I really don't see anything that it can do that a Fortunata can't.

  5. 2 hours ago, Chirikiti said:

    They don't get domination.

    They get the mez protection aspect, and I'm not sure that Domination makes up for better defenses, team buffs, and a freaking nuke.


    2 hours ago, Chirikiti said:

    Plus Mind's don't need pets not because mass confusion makes your foes a pet, but because they just don't need pets.

    I'm not too sure Mind Control needs a pet either (though I'm not especially fond of pet powers on Dominators in general, so I may be biased).  But I feel like it needs something (although...maybe that "something" is "better secondaries"?).

  6. On 9/12/2019 at 2:29 AM, Clave Dark 5 said:

    It's been way too long since I played a Mind Dom (might have to do something about that...), but the reasoning I've heard voiced in the old days way "it doesn't need a pet, Mass Confusion makes your foes your pet."  Seemed like a sensible take at the time, but as I said, it's been ages now.

    The roughest thing about Mind Control at this point, especially for Dominators, IMO, is that most of its nicest powers are also given to Fortunatas.

  7. 17 hours ago, Megajoule said:

    "Let's take these things that were balanced by being up only SOME of the time, and make them ALL OF THE TIME."

    My general take is that anything that's "balanced" by me running and getting a refill isn't really balanced anyway.


    That said, I'm just as happy with them not doing anything to make most of the t9s in defense sets remotely desirable to my playstyle.  Just frees up a power pick.

  8. I had an arc back in the day based around a sort of epilogue/villainous complement to the Hollows stuff heroside, and I found the file and wanted to put it back up.  However, I've noticed that several maps have been added since the days I originally made the arc and have been twinking it.  If I can get the actual Cavern of Transcendence map, that'd be awesome!  ...but I can't find it on the list.  Just in case, though, does anyone know if it's available, and if so, what it's under?


    (I'll prolly use the Bat'zul map as a backup, since they're similar, but I'd really like to use the CoT).

  9. 1 hour ago, nihilii said:

    Seconded wholeheartedly! I think we have tentative evidence lowering minimum players doesn't negatively affect task forces and trials, as people are still eager to form full teams as the default for these tasks. Players like to team up for these tasks and don't need to be coerced into it.

    The problem with minimum-1 trials is that it makes it so individual players can't use the LFG system to, well, LFG.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Captain Powerhouse said:

    I have considered a few things, but as a rule, any change can’t increase the dps of the power since that would just make the other t1/2 the useless one. 

    Yeah, that's all pretty reasonable.  I'll just keep holding out hope that a good compromise is found (or that I can think of I can recommend to you to be summarily denied? 😜 )

  11. 9 minutes ago, Captain Powerhouse said:

    A note about the t1/2 swap: this only impacts new builds and respects. Existing builds are not forced to give up their Jabs unless a respec is done.

    As a question on this...will anything be done to make the power swapped to t2...more desirable?  I mean, it's nice that Tanks don't have to pick the powers that tend to be weakest among their peers in a lot of cases, but it'd be even nicer if those powers got a little more love in the first place (this isn't just a Tank thing; it seems like almost every melee set, the t1 power becomes undesirable once you get higher-enough to make a chain without it).

  12. 3 minutes ago, Haijinx said:

    It crashed.  Just the -def never happened once you had overlap.  


    2 minutes ago, HelenCarnate said:

    If this goes live, all crashes are avoidable and if you have decent global recharge you can slot end reduction to reduce the up front cost.

    Thanks guys.  I thought maybe I was just legit starting to have senior moments.

    So yeah, allow me to continue to welcome our new Rage overlords.

  13. 9 minutes ago, RenInferno said:

    You're missing how Rage apparently, (broken, intended, or otherwise,) worked on Live. Which is that when it was Perma, There Was No Crash.

    Are you absolutely sure about that?  Because maybe I'm indeed remembering wrong, after 7 years, but as I mentioned to Haijinx, I distinctly recall having to deal with crashes even on my characters where I attempted to have Perma-Ragers.  Not as punitive a crash, but a crash nonetheless.


    I also recall that the current non-Beta-HC crash was introduced by the original devs anyway...

  14. In general, the genie's pretty well out of the bottle on shutting down private servers as a whole, as the code in general was leaked out to the public (heck, it's even possible to run a personal server at this point).  HC has sort of the double-edged sword of being both the biggest platform for players to re-experience the game, but also is therefore painting the biggest target on themselves.  They are trying to go legit, but it's not impossible that things will go belly-up on that front, as, well, if NCSoft were reasonable and predictable, the situation would likely never have been needed anyway.


    That all said, I feel like my characters on Homecoming are "safe" from any fate more terrible than me going "eh, screw it" and hitting the delete button.  I'm having some real fun with the game, and encourage you to do the same!

  15. 3 minutes ago, Haijinx said:

    I think people missed how fervent the ""don't remove double stacked rage" flamefest was. 

    I dunno, maybe that has something to do with it.  I just know that the worst part of the Rage crash for me was always the "you do zero damage" part, which, IIRC, was the case even if the buff was multi-stacked.  I definitely remember giving up every SS character I ever played due to frustration at Rage back in the day...but this change has me absolutely ecstatic to dust off some of those old concepts.

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  16. 5 minutes ago, RenInferno said:

    Maybe I'm not as ~galaxy brain~ as you for not having the ability to manage being a good team player and also focus on a single power's cooldown.

    Maybe I'm the dumbest of all, because I really can't understand your reasoning.  Can you break it down a bit, because here's what's got me confounded:

    -Current Rage - Will crash, no matter what.  You can double stack it, but you'll have that many more crashes to worry about.  When crashed, you lose all your damage and about 40% of your mitigation.

    -Beta Rage - Will crash the same as you have been previously only if you use it like you have been previously.  If you don't activate it while the big red "don't push me" button isn't on it, it won't crash ever.  When crashed, you lose all your damage and about 40% of your mitigation (though some of that mitigation has been moved from Defense to Resistance).


    It seems to me like if you're unhappy with the way Rage works now, then you don't have to use it that way and get a buff from it, and if you're happy with the way it works right now, then nothing is changing in terms of how you have to use it.


    I truly, honestly, feel like I must be missing something, because I legit don't see how this isn't a straight buff.

  17. 11 minutes ago, Vanden said:

    There's no need to meticulously keep an eye on its duration, it has a ring to indicate when it will cause a crash

    And that's what I get for saying "I haven't played anything with Rage yet, and thus don't think it'd be helpful if I participate in the testing".  Sounds like they already thought of my idea (if in reverse).

  18. 1 hour ago, Captain Powerhouse said:

    That was an originally idea tossed for discussion but quite a few seem to detest the no-stacking nerf, and single stack rage is not as problematic as multi-stacked, why the crash only gets to be avoided if you wait for it to fade before reactivating.

    Random Thought: can Rage perhaps get the "colorful ring" treatment when it's not active so that you know it's "safe" to use again?  Keeps people from having to squint at their buffs to be sure.

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  19. 12 minutes ago, boggo2300 said:

    Can't argue about Dr Aeon, there is nothing in those arcs that doesn't make me cringe,

    I don't know that I'd go that far.  I'm not sure what he did and didn't write specifically, but there's plenty of stuff I liked that came after he was hired, including:

    -Everything about Dean MacArthur

    -Pretty much all the Praetorian starter arcs

    -Some of the Tips (these vary pretty widely though, I admit)

    -Dark Astoria (which has kind of a lame ending, but pretty good up 'til then)

    -The aforementioned Skulls arcs, which were good, just suffer greatly for being incomplete

    -The ideas he had for Kallisti and the Battalion arcs in the Lore AMAs sounded pretty good too, though admittedly here, there's a gap between concept and execution.


    And yes, that all said, there were also some real story stinkers in the game's last couple of years, too.  I don't know which of those he did or didn't write, specifically, either, though.

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