I was just browsing the Forums and saw this topic and thought how I would like to see the Leveling Pact returned to the game. I don't understand what the original problem was exactly, though I take it was something to do with the fact it could be exploited and it centered around the 2x Experience from P2W and probably the same with the temporary Experience Power. I am guessing a person could earn EXP with those powers and then when the earned EXP was transfered to another toon that bulk EXP could also be multiplied by 2X Experience... So it's this multiplicity issue If I am understanding the problem correctly.
So I was thinking there might be an easy work around to fix this problem. Instead of transferring a bulk number of EXP which which can then be multiplied... and made even more difficult with a scaling issue; if one character is say earning a 100,000 EXP at high level and then it's transfered to a character still at a lower level. Instead, I was thinking the Level Pact could instead of tracking Experience Points, it could track the number of EXP Bubbles earned.
So for example, one character is online leveling up. They have 2X Exp on for part of the time, and don't see it's expired for a while, then they refreash it. The entire time they are only netting half the total as the other half is being with held for the leveling pact. When they quit playing for that session, and say for instance they made exactly two level. Each Level has 10 Bubbles of EXP, so 20 total were earned. All that exp would have been divided in half for the Leveling Pact the entire time, no matter what multipliyer was on or not. Then when the other Character in in the Leveling Pact logs on, they would recieve a flat 20 Bubbles of EXP or 2 levels.
I was thinking it would be even possible to allow for Leveling Pacts at any level as long as both Characters were at the same level. So for example, two characters, both level 30 could form a Pact. One might be 30.9 or nine Bubbles in and say the other is a newely level 30.1 or 1 Bubble in. The Pact would then see there is an 8 Bubble difference and give a Promt asking if both wanted to proceed. They Higher character would then drop 4 Bubbles and be level 30.5, while the other wold be raised to 30.5. The leving Pact could only be entered into when both Characters where the same level, so as to avoid EXP scaling issues for higher levels.
Would an idea like this fix the Leveling Pact problem?