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  1. Looks like the latest build has fixed my issues. Teleport works properly with ldblclick. Can enter missions/buildings properly. lshift+lclick works properly to trigger Caltrops (thought at first it was broken, but it's the CoH UI showing Caltrops as being recharged too soon). Plus, my ctrl+spacebar chat channel bind workds too! My wishlist item would be to have options set as defaults (for example, always having TeamSelect binds as part of a profile and custom simple binds [chat] included).
  2. LEFTDOUBLECLICK still isn't getting generated properly in the reset.txt file. It gives LEFTDOUBLECLICK "nop" as the entry.
  3. Weird. I can reproduce it every single time. Here are the contents of the profile: --- { "General": { "Name": "ScavengerHunter", "Origin": "Technology", "Archetype": "Blaster", "Primary": 1, "Secondary": 2, "Epic": 0, "Pool1": 12, "Pool2": 6, "Pool3": 0, "Pool4": 0 }, "Gameplay": { "TPSEnable": false, "TeamEnable": false, "ChatEnable": false, "QuitToDesktop": "", "InviteTarget": "", "FPSBindKey": "", "NetgraphBindKey": "" }, "CustomBinds": [ { "Type": "SimpleBind", "Title": "FFChat", "Contents": "beginchat /send \"Fusion Force\" [$name - $level $archetype]: ", "Key": "LC+SPACE", "PowerBinderDlg": [] }, { "Type": "SimpleBind", "Title": "Caltrops", "Contents": "powexecname Caltrops", "Key": "LC+LBUTTON", "PowerBinderDlg": [ { "Use Power": { "method": "powexecname", "pname": "Caltrops", "picon": "Powers/Devices_Caltrops" } } ] } ], "SoD": { "EnableSoD": true, "TurnLeft": "Q", "Forward": "W", "TurnRight": "E", "Left": "A", "Back": "S", "Right": "D", "Down": "X", "Up": "SPACE", "MouseChord": false, "DefaultMode": 1, "SprintPower": 0, "AutoMouseLook": false, "AutoRun": "R", "Follow": "TILDE", "NonSoDEnable": false, "SprintSoD": true, "ChangeCamera": false, "ChangeDetail": false, "TPHideWindows": false, "Feedback": false, "HasSS": false, "HasSJ": false, "HasCJ": false, "HasHover": false, "HasFly": false, "HasCF": false, "HasQF": false, "HasTP": true, "TPBindKey": "LS+LBUTTON", "TPComboKey": "LSHIFT", "TPResetKey": "LCTRL+T", "HasTTP": false }, "InspirationPopper": { "AccuracyKey": "SHIFT+A", "AccuracyBorder": "#FFFF00", "AccuracyBackground": "#FFFFFF", "AccuracyForeground": "#000000", "HealthKey": "SHIFT+S", "HealthBorder": "#00FF00", "HealthBackground": "#FFFFFF", "HealthForeground": "#000000", "DamageKey": "NUMPAD0", "DamageBorder": "#FF0000", "DamageBackground": "#FFFFFF", "DamageForeground": "#000000", "EnduranceKey": "SHIFT+Q", "EnduranceBorder": "#0000FF", "EnduranceBackground": "#FFFFFF", "EnduranceForeground": "#000000", "DefenseKey": "SHIFT+W", "DefenseBorder": "#800099", "DefenseBackground": "#FFFFFF", "DefenseForeground": "#000000", "ResistDamageKey": "SHIFT+SPACE", "ResistDamageBorder": "#E65000", "ResistDamageBackground": "#FFFFFF", "ResistDamageForeground": "#000000", "BreakFreeKey": "SHIFT+E", "BreakFreeBorder": "#6E4CC8", "BreakFreeBackground": "#FFFFFF", "BreakFreeForeground": "#000000", "ResurrectionKey": "SHIFT+TILDE", "ResurrectionBorder": "#32B4A0", "ResurrectionBackground": "#FFFFFF", "ResurrectionForeground": "#000000", "EnableInspBinds": true, "EnableRevInspBinds": false, "DisableTells": false }, "Mastermind": {} }
  4. With BC 0.8.1, if I bind something to ctrl+lclick (for example, Caltrops), I can no longer enter any missions/portals/tram/etc. Clicking (without Shift) triggers that bind. (Even forcing to LCTRL+LCLICK.) Also, trying to bind Teleport to a double-click only targets, but never activates the power.
  5. Just downloaded that, but not seeing how you set doubleclick.
  6. Just came across this. Doesn't look like there's a way to set a doubleclick bind in this. I use ldblclick for Teleport quite often.
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