One of my mains is a Energy Blast / Super Reflexes Sent. She is awesome and powerful. Vulnerability seems just OK to me. If you really want to help the class out I have a few suggestions.
1. STOP NERFING RANGED CHARACTERS! Take that 1.1 and bump it to 1.25 like the blaster. Give us a little edge, Sents deserve it, after all, we have an attraction of what? 3.0 compared to a tank's 4.0? So we are the classic example of Geek the Mage!
2. Increase our range. Nearly all my powers are 60 ft and a few 40 ft. COME ON, seriously? I may as well go point-blank. Bump those ranges up 50%, so 60 ft. to 90 ft and 40 ft to 60 ft.
3. Point-blank fighting. Okay, so this is a major pet peeve of mine. If I am in that person's face, there is no way to miss. Create a new sub calculation that says (pseudo-code warning) <IF SUB Rng=>11' THEN increase soft cap to 99% to HIT> Meaning, if we are within 10 ft of the target, we need to bypass the 95% to hit cap and it needs to increase to 99% with only a 1% miss chance. Range characters in melee range tend to get slaughtered anyways, so please increase.
4. Our Nuke. Look, our nuke is a T9 power and for energy blast and most other powers as well, and even though it says "extreme damage" that is bull crap! It should Auto kill ALL White enemies, ALL Yellow enemies, do 75% to oranges, 50% to reds, and 25% to purples. I have buffed my nuke with +5 Purple set and the damage is dismal. Even when I bump it with AIM, it's still barely 600 points. That SUCKS! My blaster's PSI Nuke I have seen it go beyond 2000 damage, so let's bump it WAY up. It's a NUKE, it's supposed to even the odds so let's make it do its job!
Also, make the Oro menders belt and chest piece available as costume parts. Even better, make it part of the welcome to Oro mission sets where we can unlock them like we used to have to do missions to unlock capes. I like the idea of unique and meaningful pieces that have to be earned. Also for those of us that like playing girls, if you set breasts to min OMG they are still too big! Her chest should be flat as a board. Fix it!