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Everything posted by KingCeddd03

  1. Mellfis Black 6- Sentinel (Psychic Blast - Willpower).mbd
  2. I never said it was if they are willing to improve the game then why not go headed and make a better version of it? If they love the game so much it would not be a problem, call it a labor of love.
  3. Oh, wow i totally forgot Titans was a thing I have not heard anything new on the progression.
  4. Why don't they all work together to make COX 2?
  5. can anyone help better the res and def?
  6. Omg what is there to clarify only someone who is slow would need that. It's not that hard to understand or comprehend elemental capes my god.
  7. Yes but the one you are talking about is just that static not fire or ice or anything else and I was not addressing your, so you comment was not needed
  8. I have had my toon for five years i would rather find a way to make the set work than start over.
  9. Do you mind modifying the build to show?
  10. Head band 20240126_DC_News_CrisisPartOne3.avif
  11. Dont think that helped.
  12. Players have been wanting an arcane/ mystic powerset for a while now. Did you have any plans on making or had planned on making a full magic-themed powerset to accompany the sorcery power pool? Also, where you going to add the awakened power for the player to use or a version of it?
  13. This conversation is not going anywhere if you have no idea how to contribute to the thread, please do not post this for IDEA AND BRAINSTORMING NOT DISCUSSING OLD TOPICS OF BIAS thoughts. This tread is not going to be a discussion on what you or @Rudra think what magic we all have a different view and at this time your thoughts on the matter are not wanted @GM_GooglyMoogly as you can see the problem starts are these two deal with them.
  14. That is the only way the game can grow add new fresh things to the game and expand horizons the same old two step get old.
  15. Sorry, we not discussing substituting any power animations these will be their own powerset.
  16. Untitled design.mp4
  17. would you mind posting them?
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