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Everything posted by LaRowen

  1. Heh, got in. Hooray, but at 96%.
  2. You should check the post Infinitum Tanker where he lists a build. 😉
  3. Slightly over half an hour. Excellent job Heroes and Villains!
  4. Wow, got done with work meeting early, logged on, heard folk talking, and came right over, made it this month! Didn't last month.
  5. All right, I was/am at my Mom's and visitors came, but I had this set up and managed to get in this month...and to be honest, this comment is more for myself to know when I donated, than anything else, though, of course I DEEPLY APPRECIATE HAVING THE GAME BACK, THANKS FOR ALL EFFORTS!
  6. Glad to give, I'm often at work on the last Saturday of the month (even now, in Zoom), and can't donate, but I made it in time!
  7. Once again, since I am home and not working, I can donate! Thanks!!
  8. I noticed yesterday that the glowies sounded very soft as compared to what I've been used to (low level Hollows mish to get weapons). They seemed to be a floor or rooms away instead of a few feet. I did a mech man take down with another toon this morning and that was fine, so I'm pretty sure it isn't my machine.
  9. I put in a lot, not as much as a $14.99/month subscription I'd have paid during the old days for access since April, but I did as much as I could afford. I may be off work next month, too, so I can donate then, too, and catch up on what I think the game is worth to me. I did the math, and the average (including me) was $27 (rounded up), and 231 people subscribed, in an hour we made the goal. Woot!
  10. Finally, I'm usually working the last Saturday of every month. I've been haunting here and in game and saw the post and got my donation in! For the first time, so it was as hefty as I could make it.
  11. Was playing the game and missed it. I'm with others, tell us a time and place and we'll be there...
  12. She said I got it "to carry it around for a few days" but it didn't sound as if it dropped, didn't appear in my trays, or my powers list. This was the one thing I really wanted to get since starting the game again. Toon is Original Risha, on Excelsior. Very disappointed.
  13. I've had difficulties with each patch, that took me hours/days to figure out (version and error messages, manifest troubles), Alienware laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium (until some of the new hero games come online and I buy a new system). Will the new patch work with the current manifest? (If that's an acceptable question, you can tell I'm iffy in the downloading game part). Many thanks.
  14. Took me a while to get the patch onto my main system, but I've earmarked money for each month. Many thanks for bringing us all home.
  15. I did the start, find/run REG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Tequila and it says no files found... I still get sent to an "unknown" server showing green, but never connects. Back to looking for a new system, I guess.
  16. Okay, I have this, but I have an old alienware Windows 7 computer, and I'm not as savvy as I thought so I need easy step-by-step instructions. I DID manage to get the game up and running on this computer after they fixed the mainifest error, last Saturday, but it won't work with the patch. I don't see a -nonversioncheck under options, so not sure what that's about. I am really clueless about messing with a registry, so I will need to see more step by step instructions, sorry. If anyone can help, I'll be deeply grateful so I don't have to buy a whole new system right now. Many thanks, LaRowen/Original Risha/ Robin D. Owens.
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