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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. 17 hours ago, Luminara said:

    At level 35, an AV has 77% resistance to -ToHit.  An AV has a base 75% chance to hit (50% ToHit * 1.5 AccMod).  Without slotting Hurricane for ToHit Debuff, you only reduced his hit chance by 8.625% (37.5 * 0.23).  With Hurricane optimally slotted for -ToHit (56%), you'd still only reduce his hit chance by 13.455%.


    My only question is - did you do all this math from memory, or did you actually have to look up the formula. 
    I realize the formulas are available on one wiki or another, for just about as long as the game's been around. At least, I think so. I haven't been around since the game first came out, but I recall using Paragon Wiki quite a bit, but I'm not real clear when - but I've lost my focus - I've just very curious as to whether or not you literally have the game that well mastered, or did you sneak a peek at City of Data and or HCWiki? 


  2. So, often I'll try to hurry things along in a story arc and look to super inspirations to help me do this. And, if there's an AV, or if I'm on a team, I will look to use Super inspirations. I usually get these from my base. But, occasionally, like in a Sutter, perhaps, there are multiple AVs on a team that has low DPS. 
    So, the ones I arrive with get spent, and in between missions I'll just use the /AH. 
    And...well, the folks that like this niche (if anyone) aren't checking in often enough. 3 super lucks? That's it? Wonder how much they're listed for that they're still in stock. No matter. My point is - supply of these is sometimes lower than I'd like. 


    So, being the opportunist, this is how that went down. 

    It's not real clear to me why I haven't been taking more consistent advantage - other than trying to keep my SG bins filled with them to make things faster when I am leveling up. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    yup, that was the one


    edit:  and see how much work that was?  

    So, I think you've just re-created an option to bring into the pixel world what we used to do as kids, called "Tag". 
    You see an interesting name, you quickly use /sea  (or /search, or Find Member, and if they're of a different alignment, you're really going to have to hustle to change your alignment. Or, if you know the zone they're in, you can type /search +abyss (or whatever zone you think they're in)

    The game will let you know if you click on their name in the results if they're close by, and well...then it's just a matter of moving around to see if you're getting closer or farther. It's not perfect, because it's against the rules to let them know you're trying to find them. They could zone out. But, generally speaking, you can find them if you're quick and determined. 

    And yes, lol, point taken. A lot of work. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    it seems possible that yours was the name that sparked me to make this post.

    I'm afraid you might be disappointed. 
    The origin of Ukase has been changed many times since the character concept was first created in issue 3. 
    The name stems from the Marvel comic series "Secret Wars". Doctor Doom had a code name, or password he used to "awaken" Ultron 5. That was "Ukase Rex". 
    On retail, the character stuck with the full name of Ukase Rex. But, as you can imagine, with all the different players also using Rex in their names, I didn't want folks getting confused, so I dropped the Rex sometime around issue 17, maybe? I can't recall. 

    I think the retail version of the origin story was something along the lines of some interstellar romance abandoning the child with a bartender in Talos Island. I actually have it saved on a hard drive, along with the old Sentinel file - but I've yet to hook the old HDD to this new rig to see it. Maybe one day, I'll take a look.

    As for the Bane that I made...his name is Yogurt Justice. 

  5. For the first time - ever- in my lengthy time of playing CoH, I made a Soldier of Arachnos. In the early levels, it felt like a very weak, but sturdy blaster. Kind of like an AR/Shield Sentinel..if such a thing can exist in nature. 

    When I made this character, the only reason to make it was to milk a silly joke that I stole from a member of Cosmic Council that I heard a few years ago. About the Tuatha having some secret affiliation with yogurt. Why else would they be called Tuatha De Dannon? Again, not my silly thought. Too bad. Would love to claim it. 

    So, of course, the first thing I did was grab 10 Prismatics, head to the Benovolab vendor...and become disappointed. I couldn't resemble a Tuatha. But that's neither here nor there. 

    Upon reaching 24, I had the instant respec and went the Bane route. I have done widow before and found it just putrid. If Kaizen Soze's Widows make music, mine were like fingernails on a chalkboard. I'm sure that has more to do with me and my playstyle than the powersets. 

    This bane, however, has been surprisingly fantastic. In the low 30's the dps wasn't anything to be excited about. It played like a lower dps stalker/scrapper. But, once I got into the mid 30's and could put some more slots in some attacks, I am puzzled as to why I don't see more of these on pugs. While the journey isn't over yet - level 46 at the moment - this is really a fine character. The only thing I wish it had is a taunt of some kind. Plenty of AoE. A satisfying crunch that makes me think fondly of my Shield/Mace tank. And my mace/fire scrapper. A critical hit with the opening attack. A fantastic stealth. A number of toggles that don't require endurance? What's not to like? 

    There are a lot of options to experience with this character. It feels so much more well-designed than the kheldians. While, still not quite as much fun for me as ice blasting, this character may very well find itself on my first page of characters replacing...something. Not sure yet. 

    But I did want to encourage those of you, like me, for whatever your reasons, put off making an SoA, to do so. 
    And wow. Arctic Breath. Not a fan of cones, but with damage procs, this is a heck of an attack. It may just be Frost from ice melee, renamed and reskinned. Seems like it. I'll be looking into Mako's patron pool a lot more after this. Hard to believe I've never even tried it out before. 

    I know Troo has his internet dice for us to use if we aren't sure of what our next character will be, but I'd say at least try an SoA if you haven't already. It seems a lot sturdier than any of my scrappers or stalkers, which is odd for a set of armor that's only using a steadfast, a glad armor and an unbreakable guard unique in it. (and the numerous defensive toggles)

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  6. There's a proverb that states many counsels assure victory. 
    I'm no authority on hard modes. Or even advanced math. But I do know words. A lot of them. 

    And the biggest key is what Doomguide2005 stated it is. 
    Reading, and/or I suppose, if you're on Discord, actively listening. 

    I'm not what I would consider a highly skilled player compared to others I've teamed with in the past. Just a notch above average on a good day. But, if the team just takes things one mob at a time, the entire 1*tf is time consuming, but easy enough if you've done it before. 


    • Like 1
  7. I thought about putting this in the bug section, but I don't remember the name of the tip mission.**************


    Edited: The tip mission is a vigilante tip mission, "Investigate Longbow Base". I'll add it to the bug section. 
    It's in the level 30-40 range, as my character is 39. The tip was in founders, entered it - and all the longbow were friendly until I clicked on a glowie. When I cleared the ambush, and clicked on the second one - I heard the mission complete sound, but no exit button. 

    So, I've seen this suggested when others have had an inability to exit the map through using the exit button. /requestexitmission

    I typed it in - I got an error message. So, I checked the help section, thinking I remembered the slash command incorrectly. 

    image.thumb.png.3e448d42e5620f67b1bf7e36a9f3f4ab.pngI didn't. There it is - clearly in the list of slash commands - but it doesn't work. The game doesn't even recognize it as a valid command. 

    So, my suggestion is that the help section get some attention so that newer players can more easily help themselves. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. Is there a way to buy Super/Winter packs on Brainstorm? Or does my character need to have them in inventory and then transfer to Brainstorm with them? 
    I know some time ago, Bopper (I think) opened a ton of packs to showcase odds of getting certain items. 

    I was wanting to get some Frostbites and needed some Candy Canes to get them - or direct from winter packs, But the character I was on didn't have any. 
    I was able to get accomplished what I wanted to do - but the question remains - where would you get packs on Brainstorm? 

  9. So, I'm running an ouro arc, and I get a prismatic after completing a mission. 
    And..there I am, all ready to get a pre-made costume from the vendor..and I see this: 



    While I completely understand if I were in a TF that my team might be bothered by my doing tasks like this - this is just me on an ouro arc. I'm an adult. I ought to be able to do this transaction in the middle of any content if I want to. (I wouldn't do so on a team, that'd be rude. Unless my own costume was just THAT bad and they asked me to do so.) 

    For something like this, I think the ol' TF warning should go the way of other ideas that have since worn out their welcome - like converting emps to reward merits. 

    Just a suggestion. 

  10. So..it's just a thought - no idea if it's worth the time to code it, but we have two options - arcane and tech. 

    I think I made a mistake going with arcane, because there's this Merit Vendor that looks like an ATM, and a crafting bench...well...they just don't look arcane at all. At least not to me. 

    I suppose there would be a way to hide all but the screens, but since the thread does ask for complaints, this would be a minor one. 


  11. 5 hours ago, MrAxe said:


    What is that funky looking icon in tray 9, bottom row middle?

    That is a very interesting macro image - and honestly, I have no memory of who or where I got it from. 
    But, I use it as my base macro icon image. 
    image "Badge_OGTH2

    So, in context of the base passcode macro it looks like this: /macro_image "Badge_OGTH2" "Teleport: Indoor Rowing Club" enterbasefrompasscode ROW2000K-233

    And...feel free to look at the most boring base in the world - function over fashion, for sure. 

    • Like 1
  12. I think, aside from my lack of experience in base building - beyond basic functionality - the biggest complaint I have is the arcane teleport beacons. Now, it could be my graphic settings, but they're awful. 
    I look at the tech beacons, and I pretty much can recognize the zone from the picture. With the arcane beacons, I can't even make out a picture. 

    Lately, I have dabbled a bit into things beyond functionality and was able to place an object on top of another object. It felt like I dinged 50! Well...no, not really. But it was tedious and I felt much relief. 

    I don't know who invented the base design system, but despite the amazing things I've seen done with it, I don't think it's a very good system. If it were not for [ctrl-z], I would have likely thrown something at my screen. 

  13. Just now, Eiko-chan said:

    This is common of invasion spawns that con even to everyone. There's a toughness jump at level 15 and again at 25 to compensate for the transition from TOs to DOs to SOs, so lowbies with TOs and no slots have a real hard time in invasions, who are balanced against SO values.

    Yeah, but my characters are running with SOs, starting at level 2. Still, I figured it was something along those lines. Not like I have a whole ton of slots. 

  14. I just wanted to know if it was just me. 
    Some of my lowbies are coming across these time capsules, and for my challenge characters that are starting with zero - I figure it's a nifty thing to sell the anniversary tokens. But, my level 4 character, a brute - took forever to dispatch 3 "even con freaks". And then, when I clobbered each of them, they each paid me less xp than a -1 Hellion. Now, that's not a super big deal, didn't do it for the xp - but what got my attention is how much more resilient these npcs are against my lower level characters. They might be conning even, but they have more of a boss feel, as far as the # of attacks it takes to whittle them down. Anyone else noticing this? 

    • Microphone 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    I make sure and speak for the low and mid level game.

    You really can't know how pleased I am to read this. Before stone blast came out, I was on Brainstorm, running a few missions at level 5, then 10, then 15, and then when I got to 20, it went live...I just didn't have the time to get on to try it earlier. To be honest, I was kind of irritated, because from the outside looking in, with my limited time to do that kind of thing with note-taking and stopping to analyze combat logs ...well, it just seemed like I heard about it 2 weeks after the announcement it was in beta to be tested, and then poof - it hit the server. 

    I had no idea what specifically to test, so I figured I would just level up the character as I might normally do, only skipping every few levels to expedite things, as not much is going to change. Hard to really evaluate a power until it gets some slots - but how it performs with just a few is also important - at least to me.
    So, I'm thrilled someone is taking this approach. Thank you!

    • Finland 1
  16. I'm just putting this out there. I read a while back how some folks had their SG robbed. 
    As of right now, the default permissions on a storage bin are for the two top ranking members:



    I don't know how various SGs make these permissions. Cosmic would have it so the more time you were in the SG, the more permissions you had. But even that wasn't perfect for any number of reasons. 
    What about a switch for each given bin that designated if Player X puts the item in, only Player X can take it out? 

    This way, individual members can stash some stuff in the bins and nobody else can take them out. (except the SG leader, who could turn the toggle back off - just in case the member put a bunch of level 5 training enhancements in the bin and was taking up space for too long)

    This is a feature I could actually use if I should ever invite folks into my solo SG. Wouldn't you feel better if you could drop your loot in and know someone couldn't just remove them? 

  17. ATC's pop menu certainly has this, as shown below. The tiny macro button, where all you see is the "Po" before the pop menu covers it up is what I click to show this: 


    Now, it would certainly be useful to have a zone or some other specific /loc with a zone reference, but this nifty pop menu that ATC put together is already fantastic and I wouldn't dream of asking for more than they've already put together. 

    That said, it would be useful if HC actually incorporated these pop menus into the game the same way they put the Fast Travel Pop Menu in the game.

    This thing here: image.png.d98d07464f45b2ca57f5b6ec0e488c8a.png



    If they can do it for the teleporters, not sure why they can't do it for the badges. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  18. On 5/8/2024 at 10:55 AM, Worm_Kalpa said:

    I have an ice blast/ice manipulation blaster in the mid-30s that's fun and works well on teams and when soloing.

    True story, back on retail, maybe around issue 6, I was reading the forums and I read @olepi's guide to ice/ice blasting. I have never forgotten the way his enthusiasm carried through his writing and I made one, got to 60 and proceeded to make more ice/ice blasters on several other servers. 

    I remade the first ice/ice blaster here on HC and have never regretted it. The DPA is quite good. If people tell you fire is better, tell them they don't know that, because they have no idea what's under the hood of every fire blaster and every ice blaster in the game. Some folks can play the notes of a song, but some folks can make music. (In other words, build and player skill do matter)

    No doubt, fire is excellent, but ice is fantastic with excellent mitigation tools that fire just doesn't have. And I'll give you one guess which powerset would get the nod for an advanced mode Lady Gray, all other things being equal. 

    I actually saw Olepi running stuff in PI last evening. Glad to see they're still around!

    Oh - you get 1000 slots. Why haven't you just made 1 of every combo yet? 

    • Like 1
  19. Anecdotally, I have seen more people (whose names I don't recognize) leading. Just 6 months ago, the idea of someone forming for a BAF while someone else is forming for UGT was a bit silly to consider. It would take some time to fill both back then, if they both filled at all. Still takes a few minutes, but they both get filled now. 

    But, with a higher population comes more very nice, helpful people and also a few more jerks. 
    Is the culture changing? I'm not entirely sure. I do think the game is on a path to more challenging content and I don't think any amount of cheering or booing is going to change that. I also recognize that prices in the AH are falling on most items. That could be more returning players who are market savvy, competing for that inf, and driving prices down. Or it could be the newer players are reading Yomo's guide, or the invention tutorial popping up when players hit level 10 is getting their attention and they're learning how to self-fund. Hard for me to pin that down. 

    There seems to be a more casual leadership - colorful recruiting, but when the team is formed, very little, if anything else is said. But, that's just anecdotal as stated up top. 

    Other than that, seems like the same game. 

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  20. So, I have been on a fair number of iTrials with LB3K. He is a chill leader, for the most part. Certainly a better disposition than mine as far as averages go. My jokes are better because Brain really doesn't put puns in his pop menus. 

    But I digress. There was a time when Brain was promoting a discord he used; not sure if Brain still uses it, but he hasn't promoted its use at the beginning of Master iTrial runs like he has in the past. 
    See, on Discord, when a player is crashing, they can let you know. Without it - they can't. 
    About 2-3 years ago, doing an MoUGT with Cosmic Council, the server had a hiccup and shut the game down on all of us. Without Discord, I'm not sure I could have remembered every player's global to /tell them to "rejoin event already in progress". With Discord, I was and we did get the MoUGT a few moments later. 

    Now, I'm not schilling for Discord. My headphones with the built in mic - they're noise cancelling. And in the Gulf Coast, especially during summer, they make my ears very uncomfortable. I don't like them, but I spend more money than I'm comfortable stating in writing, so I will use them until the break. Thankfully, the cord is super long and I'm likely to trip over it and rip it in two one of these days. But I digress. 

    The replies to Brain make it clear they don't think it's a good idea, and some have even shared why. 

    I don't know what a good solution is, because there's been many times when I've been on master TF or Trial runs and things have happened to other players. Sometimes they come back and explain bad weather or whatever, and sometimes they don't. 

    I certainly understand LB3K's frustration at players who don't see the badge part of the game as a short term commitment of time. And focus. 

    Certainly, a newer player may not understand how other players might feel about it. And it's also a valid perspective that some players just don't care. Their girlfriend came in the room wearing nothing, the tv show they forget about suddenly popped in their minds, they got hungry...anything could have happened that may have been more interesting or entertaining than whatever CoH was offering in that moment. There's a lot of players that will point blank tell you they don't owe any team a damn thing. If they want to quit, they'll quit and won't sweat it even a tiny bit. 

    Back on retail, I don't know how it started or how it spread, but it was considered a major social blunder to quit a tf and leave your team hanging - even if you had no idea who they were. That may have more to do with how delicate team compositions were back then. Now, except for the advanced mode content and certain Master TFs, it really doesn't matter if someone drops - unless maybe your team is already small and they had a key role in being able to complete the effort, whatever it might be. 

    Unfortunately, I think the best way to prevent such things is the rating system that's already built in. Right click, 1 star, with a note as to why. 
    For someone like Brain who tends to lead with the same character repeatedly, there wouldn't be an issue of whether or not alts can see these ratings. (I'm just not sure if they do at the moment) It would add an extra few second to each player he invites, and I can see why any leader would want to avoid this process. But, until someone smarter comes up with a FAIR solution that doesn't screw other players over, it's probably the best we're going to get. 

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  21. On 5/11/2024 at 12:20 PM, Burk said:

    While I generally will use the regular threads to build my first Alpha ability on a character up to T3 for the all-important level shift, I will frequently save up shards to use for building it up to T4. Threads have 5 other slots needing them, so until I have enough threads/salvage for those, I don't like using them for Alpha. Plus, it is always a pain to get actual VR salvage rolls, so if I can use shards and Notice of the Well from weeklies to make a Favor of the Well, that can save on the frustration.

    To me, this is the best method. 
    I hear so often about how threads drop so much more, etc..and while that's true, you need 25X as many threads as shards, so they should drop more. 
    (That's 5 incarnate slots that need threads. You need 60 threads for the t-1 compared to only needing 12 shards for the t-1) 

    But- as I've stated a number of times, if you're only doing iTrials, shards will never drop - so by all means, use threads. I use threads to get my t-3 as soon as I unlock alpha. Then I hoard the shards until I can get t-4. Just makes sense to me. 

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