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  1. I didn't twist anything. You yourself said those things. And for the record, if you read the entire post, I actually apologized for saying you shit on the thread.
  2. I don't have the time nor the energy to reply to each individual rebuttal. In one breath you claim " to the best of your knowledge" then claim you never said you didn't know anything, and then proceed to make statements like "other servers are unstable" solidifying the fact you actually don't know anything at all about either code base. Shitting on the thread was harsh on my part. I was irritated and all of the posts are starting to blend together. Ultimately, adding the second aura neither breaks the UI or makes the game "unstable". My request was for a dev to provide a genuine reason for this not being implemented and I was hit with an array of B.S. answers from non-devs. I apologize for saying you shit on the thread.
  3. Thanks for presenting it this way. It's definitely more customizable than I thought. I specifically tested Psionic which is one of the least customizable ones. It left a sour taste in my mouth. That being said, I was also looking for the abilities of the regular aura chosen in the character customization screen for these. My expectation and reality were obviously not aligned.
  4. Whether you believe other devs outside of HC hold any merit or not is besides the point. You have already stated you don't really know or understand the differences between HC's underlying code and the others, whereas I have at least a little bit of direct knowledge. I can assure you, there is merit with regard to the other devs work and functionality. At the end of the day, I don't believe either of the devs need you or I to defend them or their abilities. Unless you have a valid reason for shitting on the thread with delusional cries of messing with your game, do you have anything of value to add? Because once again, adding a second aura option in the character customization screen literally does not ruin your game play. So....you're good.
  5. When I went on the test server, I admittedly grabbed the aura that I wanted, to test. My only option was change it's color. So if I'm missing something (as it's become obvious that I must be), I'd appreciate a bit more detail and or direction. Because the vague back and forth instead of flat out educating is becoming tiresome. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
  6. So to be as obtuse as you've been, we're just talking about one aura with this heavy customizability?
  7. Except once again, a dev here already demo'd the ability. The limitation he was referring to wasn't even related to adding an additional aura. It was specifically due to the fact that he attempted to add 30 items to the overall list of items in the character customization menu. Something that isn't and wasn't even being requested. I seriously feel like some people around here are deliberately obtuse. This doesn't disrupt your game. You can relax 🙄
  8. Ok so, is that the case for all of the Auras purchasable using PA's? Also, I didn't say these auras weren't different, just that changing colors on these auras is not "heavily customizable". I still stand by that statement. I will however concede that the aura you cherry picked has more animation options than the one I did.
  9. Except both a dev from here and devs from elsewhere have all explained it possible and in the case of the latter, implemented it. So I'm not sure what you're looking for here?
  10. I'm happy to be wrong? Feel free to actually explain instead of being so dismissive.
  11. I recently went on the test server to see what these auras were, thinking they were going to be super customizable based on the wiki's description: Complete waste of time and Prismatic Aethers. I won't be buying PA's and I probably won't bother to waste any I've collected on those auras. They're literally only color customizable. I was expecting to maybe be able to set them like the regular aura, nope. Maybe, and this is a BIG maybe, if they were unlocked on all characters whenever you purchased one, I'd bother. Maybe. So if that is the reason, it seems absolutely bonkers to me that Homecoming shies away from such ridiculously easy wins such as adding another aura or other costume options like allowing patterns on Spectrum. There's no money being made here....someone needs to give their head a shake.
  12. 🙄 Whatever issue/limitation was easily overcome elsewhere (and before the dev here even attempted it after it was requested). I'm sorry but these B.S. excuses just don't cut it anymore.
  13. It's working now. Thanks!
  14. Is there something wrong with Brainstorm? Every time I try to create a new character to test, I click to load in and it hangs. Eventually giving me a Lost connection to DB error. When I log back in, the character is in my list but clicking on it says InvalidPlayerInfo. I can't log into anything that's already there from before either.
  15. Feedback: Colors I'd like to be able to set colors for specific messages. For example, when a power has recharged, green works perfect. However, when MoG drops for example, I want that in red. Maybe allowing colors to be set under each individual rule would be the best option? Font Size Basically the same as above. More control over the size of font per rule. DPS/EXP/Inf Monitor I'm not clear on what's it doing. It looks like it's showing totals and then, what I'm assuming, is the 5 minute average? This should be a lot more clear. Can you clarify if it's feasible to do per minute for these? Perhaps even the ability to adjust to suit whatever the player is looking for. I understand there may be some limitations, for example it could be that math might need to be used to divide the data into per minute or even per second. I would say use whichever is easiest and then contrive some formula the break it down and give us the option to choose which we'd like to see. Example: Per Hour, Per Minute, Per Second etc. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this mature. I really miss the old overlay system. This has so much potential. Do you have a Discord or any other place for further discussion? Or just here on the forums? Thank you!
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