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Everything posted by moonligh7er

  1. Name of SG: Forge of the Cosmic Fire SG Passcode: WANDERINGSTARS-30426 Base Description: Arcane & tech with nightclub, hangar, and a couple of secrets. Massive secure complex, single-level. Raid ready (Hopefully they re-enable base raids! *begging*). Not the most efficient taxi (due to portals being spread into several groups), but a fun first SG base that has most all of the amenities. Shard: Excelsior Global in game: Planesripper Flying isn't important but if you're exploring portal points within the base, one of the last areas may require an Ouro to escape (or I suppose teleport to contact or something).
  2. Name of SG: Forge of the Cosmic Fire SG Passcode: WANDERINGSTARS-30426 Base Description: Arcane & tech with nightclub, hangar, and a couple of secrets. Massive secure complex, single-level. Raid ready (Hopefully they re-enable base raids! *begging*). Not the most efficient taxi (due to portals being spread into several groups), but a fun first SG base that has most all of the amenities. Shard: Excelsior
  3. Yeah it was just the standard server maintenance message but I haven't seen that since the last day NCSoft had a good game lol so it was weird and nostalgic haha. Also even circa mid-2000's it was a pretty useless message (like, it could say there's server maintenance being done lol) so that's funny too. Super excited! You guys will definitely get a monthly monetary, 'subscription,' from me. So happy to see the game in better hands than NCSoft, hopefully officially one day soon, and in any event grateful for the legitimate revival. ❤️
  4. Just because the title was clickbait-y doesn't mean I was conflating anything lol, just haven't synced with server maintenance schedule as I just became aware of this game being online again a few days ago! 😄 As a result, seeing the last message everyone saw before NCSoft screwed us was a bit nostalgic is all lol. And funny it's still the same triggering and not actually adequately informative message lol
  5. I just found out about this game (again) like a week ago. I assume this is just the standard, horrifically-wrongly-worded message for maintenance D; but . . . Y'all have to know how triggering this is. T_T' This is a high-level troll, keeping this. lol
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