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  1. Hello I’ll start with the idea and see what you guys think, it obviously comes with questions. - spines/fire scrapper (exact same build as my spines/fire brute) - fire/kin controller or corruptor have the corruptor auto follow with FS on auto, occasionally tabbing over for some off-aoe The only thing I know for sure is that the combined threat cap would be lower than a brute/brute or tank/brute. The way I see it in my HEAD is that they would broth have fire resist and defence soft caps so survivability wouldn’t be an issue, with sub 20 CD on FS I would be at a constant 400-600% damage on both characters. Every attack with the scrapper has potential to crit. am I missing something? Is it hard to get fire defense/resist soft cap on a scrapper? Does rage build up on a brute account for more damage than I could possibly achieve with perma FS and crits? I can’t be the first person to think of this so I would imagine there’s a massive reason everybody uses brutes but I don’t know what it is. Regards, Goon.
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