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Everything posted by Endal

  1. Hello friends and fiends! I am preparing to start up a new D&D group and want to host the group in City of Heroes! The premise is simple, I am allowing up to 5 players who will meet once per week to play Dungeons and Dragons in my SG Base. The game will be set in the 5E game-set and you will get access to my D&D Beyond account's purchases to help with your character creation. Gameplay will be ENTIRELY in City of Heroes for dice rolls, though actual gameplay will be done through the theatre of the mind. There is a thought that I might use the base editor to make some of the maps, though I don't know how feasible that would really be (if anyone wants to co-DM and do something like that I'd be down for it) Please email me in-game to @Endal to let me know if any of you want to join the group.
  2. My biggest adjustments off of BrandX's build was I swapped out maneuvers for stealth which gives a few advantage. I also swapped out the patron power for weapons. This gave me caltrops and targeting drone. I am following everything else pretty well and so far he is okay. Not rich enough for the enhancements yet, but I will get there. Thanks for the build help! Endal (Energy Melee - Bio Armor).mbd
  3. Movement: ESDF Primary Attacks: WRAT Secondary Attacks: GYHB AoE Attacks: ZV Activate Travel Power: Q EVEN MORE!: 1-0 OMG.. WTF: Alt + 1-0 I can control every action my character can do with my left hand VERY easily and the best part is that I have the standard QWERTY home key position the entire time I play.
  4. What about NRG / Kin? I heard someone say Energy is supposed to be the strongest of the blaster attacks
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