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  1. I've only ever played blasters or scrappers before, so my first foray into a controller has been a bit of a headache. :< She's a Science Electric/Electric controller, and I've been picking her powers 'in order' for lack of any greater game knowledge. So far I'm level 9 and have Electric Fence, Shock, Tesla Cage, Rejuvenating Circuit, and Chain Fences. Is Electric Fence redundant with chain fences? Also I took Teleportation as my movement ability. I've been shoring up my lack of real offense skills with the Nemesis Staff (Origin Bonus) and an occasional Sands of Mu pummeling, but I know those drop off over time since you can't enhance them. The only other topic I found on this subject is 3 years old and nobody could agree on anything, so I'm hoping maybe I can get some better wisdom here.. Halp ❤️
  2. Ahhh I was looking for a category named something like xp boosts, didn't know it'd be buried a bit down under buffs, thanks. ^^;
  3. Are the XP boosts gone? I don't see them in the P2W vendor.
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