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  1. styopa6


    TK is a finesse power. It took me a long time practicing in what is now Echo: Dark Astoria pushing entire mobs of DE along the streets to get the hang of it. I used to gather up 20-30 DE and push them into a corner for practice, something that can't be done with the five target maximum. There are some mechanics that become more apparent in larger mobs than are apparent in smaller ones. 1) From the anchor is a small cone of effect that points towards the user. 2) Once they are affected by TK they have the a similar, but smaller cone. IE, the cone is infectious. When you have a mob of 30 you can see the effect more prominently 3) The repel effect pushes the effected away from the anchor in a linear fashion, not from the user of TK. This can cause the affected targets to be pushed from TK if the user moves and isn't careful. 4) The effect of TK continues on the non-anchor affected for a brief period 5) Crescent motions from side to side while keeping up with the repel will clump your targets, the brief period of effect while they are out of the field works to your benefit. TK was hit by the nerf hammer hard, limiting it to the 5 target maximum, because before that it was the only hold power in the game with no cap. I can only assume the Devs thought that it was too hard to use to worry about, and the MC population was still relatively small due to years of people shying away from it in the beginning because it was fundamentally broken. Once they gave it as part of the ancillary/epic powers it became clear that the lack of a cap was a problem. It was quite easy for a good tank to lead mobs into a tk field, and then run off to get more. TK would rapidly override the aggro of the tank, allowing them to herd up an entire map. Multiple users of TK removed the need for a secondary hold (and therefore damage) on a boss anchor, and meant that while arresting, there was less risk that the anchor would die.
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