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Posts posted by Two5boy

  1. On 4/29/2024 at 10:49 PM, JackPowers said:

    Hi everyone,


    I'm a new player returning to the game after 20 years (and frankly I remember nothing). A couple nights ago, I re-created my favorite dnd character, a Hexblade Warlock as a Katana/Dark Armor scrapper. I love him thematically, but now that I'm in my 20's, I seem to be struggling a lot in solo missions. I understand I have the possibility of respecing, so I was hoping that someone could give me guidance or point me in the direction of a resource for learning which skills to invest in and which enhancements are best for different skills. Any other new character tips for being more successful in my solo adventures are also appreciated.


    Thank you!


    Welcome back! I recently returned as well and it’s been great fun so far. 

    With DA you need to really slot your attacks with End Red as I find it is attacks that drain your endurance the most especially a set like katana which is relatively fast activating and recharging. 

    If you are using basic IOs I would slot your attacks with Acc x2, Dam x 3 and End x1 


    If you have kismet +hit then you might get away with just 1x Acc. 

    If you need some INF to help you along send me a DM and I can mail you some. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, ZemX said:


    Yep... psychology. 🤪  You probably aren't actually missing more with AS.  You just notice it more because it's more of a big deal moment and when you miss and the enemy doesn't even notice?  It almost seems like an insult.


    AS has inherently high accuracy (1.2x) to begin with and you're enhancing it a further 58%.  Hitting a +2 enemy is 56% base chance.  .56 x 1.2 x 1.58 is greater than 1... so you should be hitting capped 95% chance toHit unless the enemy has high defense or something.   If you want to be sure, go to the Combat window and start monitoring "Base->Last Hit Chance" . This way the window will always show your most recent attack's chance to hit.  It should show 95% in this case.


    I think we've all noticed the same thing, but there's no hidden mechanic here.  Just good old human brain mechanics.  😈

    I really think you are spot on it’s all psychology. I get annoyed with myself when I run up to a mob line up and wait for the animation and whiff I completely miss. I am like what the hell. It’s a stationary target and I am supposed to be a super assassin lol. 

    • Like 1
  3. Still learning stalkers but it’s been great so far. 

    One question I would like to ask the stalker community. I am missing a lot with AS from hide. I mean more than I would expect. It doesn’t really matter since I don’t reveal myself after a miss but it’s very odd that I miss so much. Is there a mechanic or a quirk I am missing?


    I have 58% accuracy and this is against +1 and +2 mobs. 

  4.  I always favored the scrapper for melee characters and never understood the point of stalkers, viewing them merely as weaker scrappers who preferred stealth to direct combat. However, this perception has changed dramatically.


    Due to a character concept I had I rolled a BS/SR scrapper and levelled him to 28, but became disenchanted by the mediocre damage output, which many NPCs resisted.


    Curiosity led me to the scrapper forums, where I read about the superior performance of BS when used by stalkers. Encouraged, I decided to give it a try. Following the advice on the forums, I invested in two ATO procs, and the result was astounding. The damage output was phenomenal, and with the ATO procs, the character felt incredibly powerful and enjoyable. This stalker could not only match but surpass my scrapper in every aspect. In one notable encounter with a large mob, the Build Up proc activated four times, resulting in a spectacular display of critical hits and big orange numbers.


    Now, I am a complete convert—I absolutely love stalkers. They offer the ability to stealth, engage in combat effectively, and deliver tremendous damage, making them thrilling to play.


    I wish I tried them earlier 

    • Like 4
    • Thumbs Up 4
  5. Thank you very much for your comprehensive explanation of the difference of the two. Really insightful and I think you are spot on. I feel that Necro plays a lot better overall and you can tell the update is well thought out and has really rounded them out. 

    Demons have more AOE and can finish large mobs quicker but definitely not as safe. On missions with difficult mobs with two bosses or more I faceplant more often. 

    I hope demons get looked at for next update. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. So I recently levelled a Necro/Dark to lvl 50 and I am now doing the same for Demons/Dark and currently sitting at 47. I tend to do +3/6 from around level 30 and I have to say I am having a rougher time with Demons. 

    I am face planting a lot more especially missions with 2 or more Longbow bosses in the same mob. I don’t know what it is but I expected an easier ride than Necro. I think the difference is the constant debuff from Necro henchman and Soul extraction is so strong vs Hell on Earth.


    i am curiously what are people experiences and if there are any tips for demons?

  7. Does anyone know if Demons will get changes similar to other Pets' powers in Issue 27 P5 - i.e. making enchant demons and Abyssal Empowerment able to buff the secondary powers of pets?


    Thanks and apologies if this has already been discussed but I cannot find anything in search.

  8. On 2/17/2024 at 7:28 AM, StrikerFox said:

    Pets are your AoE damage. Between 6-15 pets hitting different targets. MM damage modifiers are so low that it's not a much of a loss. The only shame is losing the immobilize from Soul Tentacles. Also MM endurance is so tight that it would be difficult to sustain when tossing around epic attacks. I like to frankenslot pets to give them a combination of stats, pet IOs and damage procs. This is currently how I have them slotted. Musculature Alpha to get their damage stat higher.




    Zombies with the KD proc to give them some mitigation. Grave Knights with acc/dam HOs. Lich with an acc/mez HO. Soul Extraction has the Unbreakable Constraint proc but it's not great slotted there. A 5th SCotMM ATO for the toxic/psionic/mez +res would probably be better. GK and Lich doesn't need much end to function so don't worry about slotting them for that.


    I run with around +35% def so that one Darkest Night will get me to equivalent softcap vs targets affected/within range. I think it will be trial and error, feel out your build. Make changes as problems arise. Scale back if anything seems excessive. It will come down to balancing the build to needs/wants that suits your play style. I think we get a free respec every 10 levels? Also the respec trials. So making changes won't be an issue.





    Can I ask which price of mark of supremacy and SCotMM you used?

  9. 6 hours ago, Wimbochismo said:


    It looks pretty good, I've got a few suggestions you could make.


    Reliance on Agility Core could actually be hurting you here. It is smoothing out your recharge for everything but it works as if your slotting recharge in a power. This will reduce your proc chances in Blind and Ice Blast by a good amount. Consider perhaps the Superior Will of the Controller full set in Spectral Terror and the Decimation 5 set in Ice Blast and Absolute Amazement 5 set in Howling Twilight. HT could use a bit of extra recharge anyway. You'll lose proc damage but gain the recharge you need.


    The Controller ATO procs also reduce recharge time, putting 2 of them in Blind is hurting it's proc damage as well.


    Your s/l resist is very low. Although your defense is bulky, s/l damage is common and any that gets through your defense is going to hurt. If you switched Leadership for Fighting and Kick/Tough/Weave you could run with Tough to help that out. You shouldn't really need Tactic's.


    You could shuffle some slots to add a hair more recharge to Fade and Soul Absorption. If you make those changes it should nix your need for Agility, at the cost of some procs. Then you could do something like Musculature Radial for more dmg and to enhance your debuffs.

    Thank you very much. I will test the changes you suggested and feedback 

  10. 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


    My mids wont let export the actual build


    This is what I have repec to just missing the +3 HO in blind and ice blast.  My build actual sucks - I realised in game I dont have perma PA/Hasten and i am running out of stamina because of all the toggles


    Any feedback is welcomed


  11. So I got my character to level 50 and I am starting to slot my end IOs.  Those +3 HO are expensive!


    I have a question for those with good experience on enhancing IOs. 

    I have 2 full sets of attuned Cloud senses because I thought I may need them if I exemplar down. The % coming from lvl 30 is pretty poor. Will it be better to buy new set and enhance them to lvl 30+5 to get better bonus?  

  12. I remember on another thread someone mentioned even though Howling Twilight is autohit the Procs needs “to hit” check so accuracy is needed. Not sure if you had issues with not slotting accuracy 

  13. 7 hours ago, Carnifax said:

    Here's Carni's planned "Oh crap they moved the powers" respec build. Pretty much as per live other than moving some powers around and taking Tarantula over the Epic AoE (I think personally without a good way to set up containment Epic AoEs are meh, even procced up). I like Mace because Scorp Shield gives S/L/E defense and there's a lot of Energy attacks flying around in end game. Poison Ray is a decent attack but a really nice -resist debuff (and one of the few places an Ill/Dark can squeeze in an Achilles Heel). 


    Hits the Incarnate cap for S/L/E defense along with the standard softcap for Ranged. 


    Incarnates are Agility, mostly for +Recharge and +Def but the End Mod is nice too. Void because it's thematic, Degen because the -MaxHP can be useful vs AVs, Phantom again for theme (Carnies are a good alternative or whatever you want), Ageless Radial both for more recharge AND stacking AoE DDR with Fade and Control Hybrid mostly for trying to add Immob to attacks. 




    Carnifax_tarantula.mbd 43.91 kB · 4 downloads

    I noticed in some powers you only have 1 slot for accuracy like Poison Ray - is that enough for later content to consistently hit critters?

  14. I’m trying to do a full import of my build but MIDs is not letting me. I keep getting error when I try to export. I imagine it’s hard for people to see and comment. I will see if I can use the screenshot option when I get home 

  15. Hi all,


    Sincen discovering HomeComing I have been playing Illusion/Dark controller who is now level 39 and I am now planning ahead for end game build for when I hit 50.  Below data chunk is what I came up with from reading the advice from the forums and my own rusty knowledge for when I played before sunset.


    I am looking for end game build to use for Incarnates and general high level gameplay.  I never played any character into Incarnate level before so I literally don't know much about it or what is best for Illusion/Dark Controller so any advice is welcome.


    What I am generally looking for is feedback on:


    1) Where I can further optimise slotting and IOs

    2) Is my placement and powers efficient 

    3) Its not designed for ultra challenges like x8/+4 but I would like to be able to solo GMs and AVs as normal content.  

    4) What Incarnates I should aim for.

    5) I built up a character chest of around 1 billion inf through playing the market and I am sure I can make more if I really put my time in so inf is not really an issue.




    Thank you in advance!

  16. On 12/26/2023 at 12:53 AM, Captain Fabulous said:

    I have 2. One is a DP/Ninja/Munitions Blaster, the other is a DP/Regen/Ninja Sentinel. I think I prefer the Blaster.

    My hesitancy with blasters is the mezz - I always played characters that had mezz protection or ability to lock down critters before I got mezzed. So I don’t know how to play blasters in that sense 

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