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Dying Eagle

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  1. Is the data from the original CoH stored and preserved anywhere? After going through this experience, how do you feel about MMO game preservation? Especially once a game is going out of popularity, a core fan base still wants to remain, even though the game may not be profitable for the parent company anymore. This is a huge dilemma in the future not only with CoH, but all MMOs. Lastly, Would it ever be possible to access our old heroes and villains made on Live and transfer them into Homecoming?
  2. Thank you Homecoming Team. This is awesome. I may not be available for the costume contest due to timing, but I’m really glad all this is happening.
  3. Sounds like electric is a “better” set on brutes due to the resistance based scaling. Tough and Weave are in all builds I see , so that makes sense.
  4. Sounds like electric is fit for Brutes because of the caps. I’m still newish to IOs and all but I’m just brainstorming here. If energy is giving defense values alongside some res, then does that mean we can skip tough/weave in favor of other powers? Whereas that would be required on electric since it’s res based, I’m guessing. To expand on that further, would energy be able to start slotting other IOs instead of defense since it already hits pretty good levels? I’m imagining electric and res based sets still want defense to hit the caps , but energy is already there. That could open up different IO sets and bonuses than what tanks and brutes normally run. The T9 on energy sounds a lot better since it has no HP crash. Brutes benefit a lot more from the +HP effect due to scaling. So I think it’s worth trying out, at least for me. However I can’t imagine using power surge without waiting for it to crash out of combat before continuing on your mission. That’s detrimental to a brute.
  5. Very knowledgeable , thank you for sharing.
  6. @nihilii I liked your response for why Brute makes more sense for Sav/Rad. I’m curious what you would advise for Titan Weapons. I am trying to decide if I should be a Brute or Scrapper. Since it’s an END hog, I was thinking of pairing it with Will Power, Elec, or Energy (I prefer not to run bio for thematic reasons). Elec is a res based set, so I’d lean brute for that I guess. But willpower and energy are probably pretty decent on both. Sorry to hijack the thread, but maybe this will also provide insight into why certain power pools are picked for scrapper vs brute and I’d love to learn. What are your thoughts?
  7. Thanks for waking from your slumber to answer this haha. I see you’re still active because I saw you reply to other active threads recently. You are very helpful!
  8. So I was researching what kind of Titan Weapons toon I would want to build and I settled on a Brute over a Scrapper. I noticed that there’s some interesting theories on secondaries, and I wanted to ask about Energy Aura. I am somewhat new to homecoming but I’ve played for a couple months now. I knew that TW should pair with an END healthy secondary , which brought me to willpower, elec, or energy. However, Energy Aura is the only secondary available to Brutes and not Tankers, which made me think about that. EA provides def, res, end, a heal, a taunt aura, recharge, and interestingly, a stealth. From researching across several older forums, I’ve found that a HC developer hinted EA would be too strong if ported over to a tanker. But it’s available to Brutes… So is there something here that could be very strong but isn’t really talked about? Or is EA just another armor, but nothing special. That’s the basis of this discussion. I am no expert by any means so I’m opening this to the community to explore. .
  9. @Snarky Found this thread but I’m not sure if you’re still around 2 years later… You mentioned that stealth was good on a brute but not on a tanker. I was wondering what is the advantage of stealth to a brute? And why is it not good on a tanker?
  10. These are such cool ideas. I saw your other mad king energy build and I love the creativity. Do you still play on homecoming? Would be cool to see you or play with you in game sometime.
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