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  1. I see, the solution I came upon could have been a placebo and the problem was something else, but it was the thing that seemed to work. I have three teleportals in a row very close to each other, one of them seemed to work wall mounted but the other two wouldnt until I moved them off the wall. Perhaps the detection got confused with so many portals and beacons in close proximity. Maybe I'll see if I can break em again and show you. Edit: Oh by wall mounted I mean collision set to wall, if that makes a difference.
  2. I was having a similar problem and what helped me in the end was making sure the beacons were wall mounted and the portal was floor mounted, when i had the portal flush on the wall over the beacons it stopped working.
  3. I have been looking at the fun ray guns in the dual pistols power set, but it's a little disappointing that the pistols can only make bullet bang sounds and not laser type zap sounds. Thinking about it I've only noticed visual differences in power customisation, would it be possible to add an energy weapon effect set or would it need a whole new power like assault rifle and beam rifle?
  4. Related to this, it would be cool to get a tights sleeve option or something for wristbands, as I can't make a matching female version of a costume on a female that I can on a male due to a gape between the sleeve and the band.
  5. My main piece of advice is make use of the costume saver in character creation in case youre like me and recreate a dozen times to get everything just right.
  6. Oh you can replay! That's even better. Thanks for the replies everyone, I can stop worrying about it now.
  7. Oh okay, that's a little annoying but at least we can do something about it. Should I stop xp only when we are on one of those clearly labelled multi part missions or should I try and explore every contacts full mission chain?
  8. Hi, I started on one of the double xp servers lately, and I noticed that I was directed to a new contact and he immediately said he had nothing for me before I'd even gotten a mission from him. Am I going to miss anything from levelling up too fast in early zones?
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