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Everything posted by AlabasterKnight

  1. What was your point of saying that?? - I was talking about NOW, you know, Now? I was saying Brutes needed some reason - some thing that the others *don't do* and you just can't see past your forum 'leetness to brain that. If you can't answer the serious question or find rational thought than perhaps saying nothing is your best option. IRL you wouldn't be a douche, right? So why now? (I apologize in advance to the devs/moderators -- but F*** this guy. Grow up. --- Go ahead call for a ban, Snarky and anyone else who thinks that kind of douchebaggery is okay... as you can see, I don't live on here like you thousands of post folks. So tired of forum jockeys being dicks. Good night.)
  2. You missed the point: What is it that a Brute is supposed to do that the other three major melee archetypes do not? (Notice That I didn't ask about numbers and procs and technical issues...) Tanks hold aggro and tank best. Scrappers are damage damage damage. Stalkers are stealth kings. What role does a Brute fulfill that these do not? You solve that Snarky, and the only toupee you need fits on that nosferatu lookin' avatar of yours.
  3. After reading all the back and forth, I kept thinking how everyone is splitting hairs slinging numbers and overlooking the fact that despite nuances, the ability to choose from four dedicated melee types (scrapper, brute, tanker, stalker) doesn't leave much room for differentiation if they all don't have a unique purpose - numbers be damned. Arguably - the four since they were not intended to occupy both red and blue are going to step on toes. All have offense and defense that makes them survivable regardless depending on a player's affinity and ability to use them. So maybe better question is to ask what can you have a brute *do* that one of the other three doesn't already do? Brute was a role you needed red side in ancient times... but now they're extra... They need purpose.
  4. Bumping this up for some post-Thanksgiving love. I love some of the tweaks/suggestions above. It could be a really useful gap filler for immersion. Hope everyone had a warm holiday with family and friends. AK
  5. Yes, but at pool level, it would be slightly better maybe? And why relinquish the origin stuff if it can be in the pool and *not* be P2W? And really the gem here is the shield.
  6. SPECIFICALLY to address including costume pieces that usually only appear in other sets/limited places. Hello, I had commented on a thread where the OP had wanted to have access to having a Shield costume piece even though the character might not be a Shield archetype. This brought to my mind the difficulty in bringing the animations and things associated. So I thought, maybe if we had another set of miscellaneous pool powers available (at level 4/6 like the rest) that was simply made up of copies of existing powers to accommodate the game recognizing you need the costume piece. It makes the makes the idea useful in a build too. Since my original comment, I thought more and think a decent name might be "Combat Utility". Some suggested powers in the pool might be: A shield defense toggle to allow the shield to stay on while running and still have some value/also unlocking the costume piece option in Icon/costume creator, A single (*not dual!*) pistol shot for some folks may want their guy to carry a sidearm, even if the rest of the powers are different, I mean, there are the temporary shotguns, pistols and machine guns already, so is this a stretch? The throwing knife (<---- I have always wanted to have this without having to compromise origin) that recharges quickly, Choice of one of the jet packs as a travel option. I know people can simply purchase one, but maybe this one is a little faster and comes with an afterburner type acceleration? Maybe a cool helmet toggle option that allows you to resist stun/mez and see hidden enemies. These powers don't have to be super powerful like their primary/secondary set counterparts, but if available, they would commit the option for the costume part/animations with little adjustment to code. A flavor set to be sure. Just spitballing. Comments?
  7. The ability to display existing symbols on the front, back or both might be a good addition.
  8. Symbols, etc.... yes....
  9. I was thinking this through and thought about the animations and things associated. Would that be an issue? If so, maybe manufacture another set of miscellaneous pool powers available at level 6 that were clones of existing powers to accommodate the request. It makes the idea useful in a build too. Maybe call it "merc combat" or some smizzle... A shield defense toggle (to allow the shield to stay on and still have some value/also unlocking the costume piece option in Icon/costume creator), a single (*not dual!*) pistol shot (some folks may want their guy to carry a sidearm, even if their powers are different), the throwing knife (<---- I have always wanted to have this without having to compromise origin), and maybe the zero g jump pack as a travel option. The powers need not be super powerful like their primary/secondary set counterparts, but if they were there, they would commit the option for the costume part/animations with little adjustment to code. A flavor set to be sure. Just spitballing.
  10. @GM Impervium, with all due respect, the request to turn off PvP isn't unreasonable for anyone. If there are goodies, who cares in a game that now has a P2W vendor? Ripe with Farms and farm builds? AH economy driven by farms <sic>? Billions of influence piling up putting some sets in IO way out of reach to the casual player? Maybe, just maybe, some people want to simply disable it and have a look around and have uninterrupted play, to which you're all saying, "no risk no reward". In a game that has such a miniscule PvP following to begin with, you're actually catering to present a possible target to those people that GET OFF on that style against other players in zones you already declare a 'minimal' risk. If those people want to PvP, they can leave it ON and *they* know the risk - if they can find someone like minded to duel with, bravo! The rest of us just don't have to worry about the thornpricks that do. I have zero anxiety about PVP. I'll smoke the next guy like a pack of lucky strike and use their skull as an ashtray. Yet my wife detests it. We play together. That said, I have friends who do avoid those specifically - nuff said. Like I said, if this doesn't affect the reader of this suggestion or change their choice to PVP, move along, nothing to see. Otherwise, why not stick a fork in the dead PvP intentions and give people an option to play a game that was not intended to have it in the first place?
  11. What is the big deal about players wanting to turn off PVP??? Really? Is everyone here being contrary, or being affected by it? EDIT: Seriously, you don't have to like it or even think about it if it's not your style, but all the 'reasons' above simply mean if you get to turn it off, you don't participate in that content. Keep this simple. And "Arcane", if you have nothing to add...
  12. I'd sure love to go into the zone and turn off PvP, but still be able to PvE and collect badges and tool around to explore. And since no PvP, no autoexemplar that overrides the team level. At that point mobs would gray out and no XP would be available anyway, right? (And opposing factions would appear yellow and unattackable?) That's it. The option to disable PvP. No big splash. Apologies if this has been suggested before. Thanks.
  13. Hi Naomi, The silhouettes with the secondary color being a border as suggested by Rudra sounds reasonable. Edit: You could also make secondary options to some of those by also including the 'hat' portion. IE> for the king, queen and bishop symbols, only from the first collar and up.
  14. Just a small request, but there are no symbols for some chess types. There's a rook, a horse symbol that works for a knight, and a crown that is a bit whimsical, but works for a queen .. or even a king. No real symbols for bishops or pawns. Our group has players who are trying the column and chalice symbols for a bishop, but it's just meh. It would be nice to have a complete offering, including the pawn and bishop and maybe another crown, perhaps distinguishing a king's crown from a queen's. Thanks.
  15. This saved me making a new thread. Thank you. I think a toggle that applies to all list might be good, i.e. for defeats it would alphabetize based on the actual creature you're trying to defeat.
  16. Me too, really, but I'm thinking anything is better than nothing. And who knows, maybe a rating at the end of the radio for how you liked the group, run like a survey and top performers start to get plaques and backstory? I dunno, I like the possibilities.
  17. I'm not talking about incorporation and your vision is severely lacking when you parrot the obvious and chase your round room logic. *You* think on that a second, I'm going to spare myself the wait. This conversation with *you* is done for me. Your sarcasm doesn't endear you to me taking you seriously. Have a nice day.
  18. What display? I remember "Plan Z" and the people involved. Some awesome people, some awful people. The awful people seemed to outnumber the awesome people and generated an uncomfortable social atmosphere that was centered around intersectionality. This should be about the game, so, I don't know what you expect me to say? So....Your loss, my loss, our loss, and everyone's loss. Happy gatekeeping Arcane!
  19. Given the right support and permission, I could easily [EDIT HERE: help ] turn this into a business that monetizes development. The last time I tried to proffer such an idea, the people in the community that wanted to run revitalization efforts like a volunteer camp circled the wagons and decried the idea of 'evil corporations' on a project that rightly costs millions to do correctly. The people in the wings know where to find me. I'm not anonymous. On topic, I'm just looking for variety to keep everyone interested.
  20. Except there's no deep structural flaw, just a bunch of naysaying hyperbole. As someone who holds an MM, I am no stranger to logistics or planning or fleshing out an idea if you build buy-in, momentum and have constructive conversations about the how. When people think it's a bad idea and then back that up by parroting back how awful it could be as the immense task in the worst perspective frame, I guess that makes them look smart. If you're worried about dev load, I'd suggest they do this kind of thing - one at a time. If you're worried about fairness, set up a lottery to draw suggestions out of a hat to evaluate, and they draw a few until they get a viable candidate idea, and then whammo presto, new stuff - in whatever timeframe available. If they need more help and they have to pay for it, a community that seems to fund things quickly before most of us can even contribute because by the time we hear about it, the ask is closed... well, can we ad more volunteers to the dev team? oooh and special shout out to snarky Dude 2: I'm dealing just fine with your disagreement, you just have yet to create a positive and constructive reply that supports something new being better than a bad idea because of your personal point of view. In the inception of an idea, the coolest thing to do that benefits everyone is to actually figure out a way it could be done until it can't, thereby supporting everyone's hope, not jumping bandwagon with forum cartel and figuring out the quickest way to defeat it, shut it down and bury it because I don't post so often and hey, maybe that guy will go away. Kallisti Wharf sits largely unused, development is slow and eventually you will lose the momentum of this cool game that should have never left that despite it's age, has acquitted itself well that there isn't anything like it. Maybe admitting the development needs help and running it as more than a hobby might see interest from everyone to really support more infrastructure. But hey, I have no clue what I am even saying here - clearly I don't know shit. ~~ Have a great day everyone.
  21. Some people may want the game to do more. And to the charge of "two hundred... etc.", no, there's a very limited rogues gallery in the game, and a lot of us have seen them all. The reason I mention radios is to see variance without having to hard code story arcs, but rather just plug in new villains to one shot missions. And for the hard no balance - anything suggested can be imported and 'balanced' as it is made available. The idea is to save some of the creative work. I just love how everyone gets up on their junior-dev high horse and shoots ideas down around here. Variety is good, and sometimes people might be willing to pay to get it.
  22. I am all for some customized swapping of pets. I think all the tools are there, I am not saying it's just a snap, but, I would love being able to skin your own pets.
  23. I love the game, I do, but content wise, we need more actual villains and groups to show the same diversity in threats as the zillion PCs running around. I'm pretty sure the existing villain groups reproduce from spores or something. >_<. Offline, I have long been involved in the production of superhero RPG material and have published my share. So, although this game is ( imo ) still the best for what it is, I feel like we could all agree it needs more foes and to my mind, the easiest way to do that is to proliferate new groups and major costumed EB and AV villains is through radio missions rather than the Architect... In Architect, it doesn't feel like you're in the city. I wonder how hard it would be to have a "Secret Frequency" that allows the game to use your architect villains and groups to populate radio missions you select? Like you see three regular radio missions as normal, and if your account has made custom villain groups, and you mark them public or something along those lines in Architect, they could crib into a fourth listed mission. Alternatively, Maybe people could submit their custom made groups for this dev team to use to proliferate into the radios to add a little spice and mystery? When a new group is encountered, you get a dialogue with a short couple paragraphs or something and off to the races. Shoot, I'd be willing to create stuff to help put a new coat of paint up. Peace.
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