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Crysta Clear

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Posts posted by Crysta Clear

  1. With enough speed bonuses in your sets (2-slot performance shifter is good for this), you can reach the flight speed cap with Hover, without even wasting a slot putting a fly speed IO in anything other than Swift. Some sets with speed passives (like super reflex and electric armour) make this even easier.

  2. This is not true. However, Ninja Training's sword draw animation overrides the animation of the first sword attack you use in a row. If you alternate sword-blast-sword-blast, you will never actually play a sword animation. But if you use, say, Golden Dragonfly -> Lotus Drops, you will still see the Lotus Drops jump and spin animation.


    This is actually kind of nice, because Golden Dragonfly has a bit of a long animation, where you jump and hangtime. So, it's kinda nice to be able to cancel it.

  3. It only works if you either block no inspirations, or only block inspirations that Inner Inspiration cannot roll. Blocking small inspiration drops is safe, for example, because Inner Inspiration always gives you mediums and larges. But if you block even a single possible result, the whole power will fail. It's a safety feature to prevent people from removing the RNG from it.

  4. The problem is that City of Heroes as a whole is recognizing ESC as Left Arrow. And an actual ESC binding shows up as Not Assigned, but in white instead of grey. It's only in the past couple weeks that I've noticed it -- it also takes a few presses of the ESC key before it recognizes that I am trying to close chat input without sending.


    They had a similar problem when the 64-bit client first came out, where binding to NumLock was functioning weirdly in the same way as ESC is now.

  5. They're absolutely relevant, because they're what the game is now. Sorry you don't like them, but if you don't use IO's, you're not the kind of player for whom mechanics even really matter.


    In any case, that most recent change would still add an absorb shield to said characters, which is, yet again, more things for the same opportunity cost we're paying now. If you don't want to pay a feat tax, maybe fit Kick into your attack rotation. I have characters who do, or at the very least just use it for a convenient melee set mule.


    Don't buff me. This game is already easy enough.

  6. I didn't. I only said that I tend to take it. And I still don't use it when I'm in a team with someone that bitches about my knockback! 🙂


    Learn to deal. It's not the end of the world to chase some enemies for a second or two.


    The other thing I find immensely awkward is the bonuses of the enhancements in the set. Why does a set with a piece about capping your knockback at 0.67... have +Knockback on every other piece? Shouldn't it have no +knockback, since you're literally wasting that portion of each enhancement that has it?

    • Like 3
  7. There are already daggers in Dual Blades. Multiple daggers, in fact! Faer Dagger, Dragon Dagger, Redcap Dagger, Tanto, Sai... even this game's Wakizashi are too short, making them also daggers by technicality!


    And in Claws, there is the 'Flat Blades' model, for all you Assassins out there with a Creed.

  8. I posted the numbers for Tough and Weave earlier in this thread, especially as it relates to archetypes that don't have access to defense or resist powers in most of their primary and secondary sets, such as Blasters and Dominators. Tough is worth 6% defense, because it is the only resist power such an archetype will get, and it gives you a place to slot the two +3% Defense globals that are in Resist IO sets. And Weave is worth, at base, 3.5% for Blasters, whose defense scale is the lowest. This brings it up to 5.25% when slotted out, because the Defense ED cutoff starts at +50% of a power's effect.


    So in total, Tough and Weave are worth 11.25% to all defenses, for a Blaster or a Dominator, possibly slightly more for the Dominator because I think their Weave starts at 3.75% (don't quote me on that). That 11.25% is exactly one fourth of the softcap, which is 45%, and it works for any defense build, whether you're going positional for better coverage (positional defenses' only hole is autohit abilities) and relying on sets and pool powers to get there, or typed in order to reach it easier with Scorpion Shield in your epic pool.

  9. Right, you're a brick wall. I have outlined already the objective mathematics of why this request is begging for a buff to something that doesn't need a buff, and you think you get to argue with objective mathematics. There is no room for opinion, yours, mine, or anyone else's, in mathematics. The numbers say what the numbers say.


    I am leaving this thread now, and mentally reminding myself that your opinions are not worth considering in the future.


  10. That's completely irrelevant, Shard. It doesn't matter how I, or anyone else, tend to build, only that this can be built this way, and thus it will be. I guarantee you, Kick/Tough/Weave is one of the most popular choices around for three pool power selections. The OP is asking for an already very powerful and meta option to be buffed even farther, just because of a misguided and irrational upset at having to pay a feat tax to get there.

  11. I can't understand that because it's literally not true. Under the current rules, you need Kick, Tough and Weave. Under this suggestion, you would have Tough, Insulated or Resistant, and Weave.


    Kick is a tax, but Insulated or Resistant would give you one more free enhancement slot, because then you wouldn't need to drop a second one in Tough to slot your other defense global.


    Normally, in order to save that slot, you need to have a Resist power in your primary or secondary somewhere in order to use its default slot for a global.


    The OP is asking for three power selections to go from being worth 11.25% all defense and 10.5% smashing/lethal resist, at the cost of 4 enhancement slots (3 in Weave and 1 in Tough), to those same three power selections being worth 11.25% all defense, 10.5% smashing/lethal resist, and your choice of 10.5% fire/cold resist or 10.5% energy/negative resist, at the cost of only 3 enhancement slots (spent on Weave).


    That is absolutely asking to be given something for nothing.


    Oh, and having Tough (and presumably one of the other resist toggles, remember every pool has two initial options, not one initial option) as an entry tier power would mean that you can take it them at 4th and 6th levels, causing you to have your free, costless 6% defense when exemplared down to 1st level, instead of a minimum of 9th.

    • Like 1
  12. Why change anything at all though? Lightning Bolt and Zapp deal absolutely conformed damage, recharge and range for the single-target and snipe in comparable sets, with the exception of Moonbeam which has 175 range instead of 150 for some odd reason. Ball Lightning does the second most of the early targeted AoE's, with only Fire Ball outdamaging it and only then by ~10 base damage.


    And that makes sort of sense, a little. I would just save Thunderous Blast and nuke the next mob group, while the other people in your party's nukes are recharging, if that's really a problem you're encountering. I've never encountered it, though.

  13. That's objectively not true, the missing targets due to animation speed thing. Targets are selected when you press the button. If enemies run off toward your teammates after you hit the button, but before the animation finishes? You are still hitting exactly the same number of targets as you would if the enemies stood still.

  14. I absolutely declare that's okay. It's not really set-defining either. Electric Blast's set-defining feature is draining endurance, which, even on a Blaster, I have found useful. But it doesn't matter, because it seems like it's not only me with whom you're arguing in incredibly bad faith, Frostweaver. I'm starting to think that nothing that goes through your head ever actually matters. 🙂

  15. What annoyances? I don't have any issue with Short Circuit, I love having it for those enemies against whom it deals basically double damage. Plenty of enemies are tagged as EMP-vulnerable. Praetorian Clockworks, Freakshow, Arachnos Tarantula units, the Clockwork Menders that Arachnos and Longbow sometimes spawn with, all the IDF's bots, literally anything that is a member of the Nemesis Army, Malta's Titan robots...


    Thunderous Blast's animation time is a non-issue because you open an encounter with your T9 nuke. If you're in the middle of a fight, using Thunderous Blast is wasting half its potential as there will be some enemies in the mob group that have already gone down. It doesn't start the actual battle until after the animation has finished, so you can feel free to immediately follow it up with Ball Lightning for some more wide-spread chaos. If the animation time of Thunderous Blast is something that you are finding yourself needing to consider, then quite simply, you are not using it properly.


    I'll give you Voltaic Sentinel being awkward, but I skipped it as I hate pets and summons in the first place, so even if it was good I would've skipped it. That being said, I don't ever touch my Lore slot pets' command buttons either, and they just kind of follow me and pick their own targets. I've never once had them aggro something I or my party hadn't already aggro'd, though they don't always focus fire a specific enemy with me, and I have noticed they are a significant increase in DPS. So if the Voltaic Sentinel is anything like unmicromanaged Lore slot Storm Elementals, then maybe it isn't very awkward after all.

  16. Targeted and Location AoE Blaster T9's in Mid's read out as follows, at a base Lv. 50 value without enhancements or passives of any kind.


    Geyser: 125s recharge, 219 base damage
    Blizzard: 170s recharge, 417 base damage (over the whole 15 second duration, in the form of 75 ticks each of 2.78 lethal and 2.78 cold, need to keep them inside it for 15 seconds somehow)

    Thunderous Blast: 170s recharge, 250 base damage

    Overcharge: 125s recharge, 219 base damage

    Full Auto: 60s recharge, 178 base damage (lethal, bad typing / commonly resisted by most enemies)
    Rain of Arrows: 60s recharge, 225 base damage (lethal, bad typing / commonly resisted by most enemies)


    So it seems to me that, of all the Ranged AoE Blaster T9's, only Thunderous Blast deals the same 250 base damage that the PBAoE Blaster T9's deal pretty uniformly across the board (with the exception of Fire Blast's Inferno, the outlier for its DoT effect). And its recharge is 25 seconds longer than the PBAoE T9's that clock in at universally 145s across the board.


    There is no buff required, here. Thunderous Blast deals equal damage to the PBAoE T9's without requiring the Electric Blaster to close into melee. In exchange for the safety of range, you have a 25s longer base recharge. This literally is objective mathematics, here.


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