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Everything posted by DrCereal

  1. Thank you so much everyone! Very good info here.
  2. Hi all. Hoping to get some clarity on a game mechanic: is global recharge soft- or hard-capped in anyway? In other words, can I stack 5LotG, plus as many recharge set bonuses, plus hasten, plus Force Feedback +recharge, plus anything I may have missed(*)? Or is there a point at which stacking any more global recharge is useless due to hitting a soft- or hard-cap? Thanks! (*) Bonus question: did I miss any source of global recharge?
  3. Thank you all so much. I have a very specific question: In other games, I'd hazard a guess that abilities that continuously do damage (DOTs, AoE spells that leave a hazard) are particularly good at PROCs, since each damage instance has a chance to set off the PROC independently from others. Is this the case in CoH? For instance, my intuition would tell me that caltrops (low but continuous damage) is a great candidate for damage procs. Am I on the right path here?
  4. Thank you so very much! This is way more detailed than I could have hoped for. Off I go then, to git gud... (Just a bit embarassed now, I posted a similar question in general, because this thread wasn't getting any traction, and second later I realize you've given me a whole treatise to sink my teeth into).
  5. HI all! As the title says. I've read here and elsewhere a lot of people commenting about how a certain power is "very PROC-friendly" vs others that are not. I understand that I'm mostly searching for long-CD powers (and avoid slotting them for recharge). But are there any other things I need to be aware? What makes a power "proc-tastic"? And, to avoid me some homework, are there any particularly "proc-tastic"powersets I should be aware (mind, if I knew the answer to the above question, I should be able to figure this one for myself, but why not tap into the communal wisdom of the forums?) Thank you all!
  6. Hi all! After much help from people on these forums, I've now gotten my head around defense and recharge... and found out that the way to get those is through sets and set bonuses. Oh, my dismay when I found out I need to break up those set bonuses so that I can properly Walk Da Way of the Proc. I've been reading the forums for as much as I can about procs, and why they are the way to maximize damage. I've come to understand that it is (perhaps?) the only way to build lower-damage-ratio ATs like defender for high damage. My questions to you all: How crucial is it for a high-damage AT like blasters to build for procs? How much is it worth sacrificing (and to what degree) set bonuses like defense and recharge for them? What are the "must have" procs? I've read that there are some powers with "high procability", and others with crap. How do identify them? How do you decide which powers to slot for procs, and which not to? Thank you all in advance! I've really come to love this community. Best and most helpful community in an MMO (or any online game) I've played in a very long while.
  7. Thank you much for your responses so far! TBH, I haven't even considered costs right now. I've only made it to MIDs so far; and I was already struggling! I think one of the problems is I'm also trying to "perma" hasten. That already has me pool starved: if I take Speed, and and and epic pool, according to MIDs I'm down to three more pools. And then there's the issue of all of those 6-sets you mentioned competing for slots with the 6-sets that have 10% recharge. Might be trying to do too much? Sorry, just a noob trying to do what people on the forums seem to insist I must do on my builds: perma-hasten and soft-cap positionals. Thank you again for your help though! Way more thorough than I could have hoped for.
  8. Hiya all. Apologies in advance, I recently (re) started playing, and I'm still wrapping my head around builds. Thanks to the advice of people here, I settled on an AR/Dev Blaster. Possibly using hover, or possibly using the new repulsion field defensively. My idea is to then max out ranged (and aoe?) defense. I'm having lots of trouble achieving that (using Mids to theory craft build)s. Could I get pointers? What's the usual method/road/technique that people use to soft-cap ranged (and aoe?) defense. Is it even possible to soft-cap with my AT/Pools choices above? If not, what numbers should I be aiming for? What power pools could help me out here? Thank you all kindly!
  9. Thank you tons for the input and help everyone! I've built a new AR/Dev blaster, and taking her out for a spin now... What epic pool do you all recommend, with the new upcoming changes?
  10. Hi all! Pretty new to Homecoming. I want to make a Hover Blaster. Narrowed it down to either Assault Rifle, or Beam Rifle, either which would be paired with Devices. I've read plenty of threads here and on Reddit, but many are pretty old, and I know that Homecoming has continued to updated ATs and powers. In 2024, what are the states of AR and BR? How do they compare to each other? I know AR is more AOE focused vs BR being more single target. But does BR have decent AOE? What if I go BR/Devices/Munitions? Will have give me enough AOE? Interested in doing all endgame (PvE) content available, and being as useful to the team as possible when teaming, and soloing efficiently at endgame (less concerned about the levelling experience). Thanks!
  11. Thanks for sharing your build! Would you mind if I ask: without taking Swipe, can you still keep up a melee attack chain without any major gaps/downtime?
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