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About hooliganj

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Is there any way to get the pets of other party members to appear in the team list so they can be monitored like the rest of the team? I've played with all the options in the menu, and you can't even turn on permanent HP bars for pets. The option only effects other players.
  2. Ahem! https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,2643.0.html I've also updated my MM binds to use the new powexec_location command for click free summoning. Some of us are still coming up with new tricks.
  3. I've created a setup "script" that uses temporary keybinds to walk through all the steps needed to get everything running. To get everything running: 1. Create a folder in your CoH install directory called "binds". 2. In the binds folder, create a text file called "pnpbinds.txt", and copy/paste the keybinds from the top post in this thread. 3. In the binds folder, create a text file called "pnptrays.txt", and copy/paste the window config (tray1, tray2, etc.) from the top post in this thread. 4. In the binds folder, create a text file called anything you like (I use "pnpsetup.txt"), and copy/paste this code: 1 "cleartray$$gototray 1$$shownewtray$$gototray 2$$shownewtray$$gototray 3$$shownewtray$$gototray 4$$shownewtray$$gototray 5$$shownewtray$$gototray 9" 2 "wdwloadfile .\binds\pnptrays.txt" 3 "macroslot 21 W +forward$$macroslot 10 A +left$$macroslot 11 S +backward$$macroslot 12 D +right$$macroslot 1 X +down$$macroslot 80 WIN wdwloadfile .\binds\pnptrays.txt" 4 "macroslot 20 Q +turnleft$$macroslot 22 E +turnright$$macroslot 23 Run ++autorun$$macroslot 13 Flw follow" 5 "macroslot 2 Chat chat$$macroslot 5 Nav nav$$macroslot 6 Map map$$macroslot 24 Trgt target$$macroslot 29 Pwr powers" 6 "macroslot 0 Cncl powexec_abort$$macroslot 3 CTM ++ctm_invert$$macroslot 4 POV ++first" 7 macroslot 7 Tell "show chat$$beginchat /tell $target, " 8 macroslot 9 / "show chat$$slashchat" Q "macroslot 40 I1 inspexec_slot 1$$macroslot 41 I2 inspexec_slot 2$$macroslot 42 I3 inspexec_slot 3$$macroslot 43 I4 inspexec_slot 4$$macroslot 44 I5 inspexec_slot 5" W macroslot 45 RUN "local <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!" E macroslot 46 Rdy "say <color black><bgcolor #22aa22>Ready! $$ emote thumbsup" R macroslot 47 HELP "local <color black><bgcolor #aaaa22>HELP! $$ emote whistle" T macroslot 48 LFG "local <color white><bgcolor #2222aa><scale .75>Looking for team - $level $archetype" Y macroslot 49 Cry "say $battlecry$$e attack" esc bindloadfile .\binds\pnpbinds.txt 5. Start the game and log into your character. The next steps will clear your powers from your trays and can overwrite your existing macros. If you have any macros you wish to save, at this point move them temporarily to trays 6, 7, or 8 until you are done. 6. Enter the command "/bindloadfile .\binds\pnpsetup.txt" into the chat box. 7. Press the keys 1, 2, and 3 to load the critical components. 8. You can press keys 4-8 and QWERTY to load macros that recreate the game's default keybinds. 9. Press ESC to load the actual keybinds and finish the process. If you accidentally press ESC too early, or need to reload the macros, you can start again from step 6. At this point you should have 5 trays in the bottom-center of your screen, loaded with macros that keep the basic functions. WASDX must remain, but everything else you can move around to another position, or right-click to remove from the trays. Open up your Powers tab and drop everything where you want it to go. Tray 9 will have a macro button marked WIN, which you can use to reload the PnP trays quickly if they glitch or get moved, or if you want to open up the file and customize the configuration.
  4. This is a system that allows the player to reconfigure the keyboard however they want on the fly, using ideas taken from more modern MMOs regarding controls. Most of the keyboard is mapped to a slot on a power tray, though W, A, S, D, and X keep their function, because movement works differently in a keybind than in a macro. F1 through F10 are mapped to tray 5. 1 through 0 are mapped to tray 4. Q through P are mapped to tray 3. A through ; are mapped to tray 2. Z through / are mapped to tray 1. F1 "powexec_tray 1 5" F2 "powexec_tray 2 5" F3 "powexec_tray 3 5" F4 "powexec_tray 4 5" F5 "powexec_tray 5 5" F6 "powexec_tray 6 5" F7 "powexec_tray 7 5" F8 "powexec_tray 8 5" F9 "powexec_tray 9 5" F10 "powexec_tray 10 5" 1 "powexec_tray 1 4" 2 "powexec_tray 2 4" 3 "powexec_tray 3 4" 4 "powexec_tray 4 4" 5 "powexec_tray 5 4" 6 "powexec_tray 6 4" 7 "powexec_tray 7 4" 8 "powexec_tray 8 4" 9 "powexec_tray 9 4" 0 "powexec_tray 10 4" q "powexec_tray 1 3" w "+forward" e "powexec_tray 3 3" r "powexec_tray 4 3" t "powexec_tray 5 3" y "powexec_tray 6 3" u "powexec_tray 7 3" i "powexec_tray 8 3" o "powexec_tray 9 3" p "powexec_tray 10 3" a "+left" s "+backward" d "+right" f "powexec_tray 4 2" g "powexec_tray 5 2" h "powexec_tray 6 2" j "powexec_tray 7 2" k "powexec_tray 8 2" l "powexec_tray 9 2" ; "powexec_tray 10 2" z "powexec_tray 1 1" x "+down" c "powexec_tray 3 1" v "powexec_tray 4 1" b "powexec_tray 5 1" n "powexec_tray 6 1" m "powexec_tray 7 1" comma "powexec_tray 8 1" . "powexec_tray 9 1" / "powexec_tray 10 1" The 5 trays are then stacked in the bottom-center of the screen, which is quickly done with "/wdwloadfile" and this bit of code. Revision 2 tray1 812 1040 450 50 0.800000 3299ff00 88 0 2 tray2 796 1004 450 50 0.800000 3299ff00 88 0 2 tray3 780 968 450 50 0.800000 3299ff00 88 0 2 tray4 764 932 450 50 0.800000 3299ff00 88 0 2 tray5 748 896 450 50 0.800000 3299ff00 88 0 2 With all the buttons mapped to the power trays, you can drag powers and macros to any slot and then activate them from the keyboard. To restore the functions of the default keybinds you can use the following macros, and then move or edit them as you like. /macroslot 21 W +forward /macroslot 10 A +left /macroslot 11 S +backward /macroslot 12 D +right /macroslot 1 X +down /macroslot 20 Q +turnleft /macroslot 22 E +turnright /macroslot 23 Run ++autorun /macroslot 13 Flw follow /macroslot 2 Chat chat /macroslot 5 Nav nav /macroslot 6 Map map /macroslot 24 Trgt target /macroslot 29 Pwr powers /macroslot 0 Cncl powexec_abort /macroslot 3 CTM ++ctm_invert /macroslot 4 POV ++first /macroslot 7 Tell "show chat$$beginchat /tell $target, " /macroslot 9 / "show chat$$slashchat" /macroslot 40 I1 inspexec_slot 1 /macroslot 41 I2 inspexec_slot 2 /macroslot 42 I3 inspexec_slot 3 /macroslot 43 I4 inspexec_slot 4 /macroslot 44 I5 inspexec_slot 5 /macroslot 45 RUN "local <color white><bgcolor red>RUN!" /macroslot 46 Rdy "say <color black><bgcolor #22aa22>Ready! $$ emote thumbsup" /macroslot 47 HELP "local <color black><bgcolor #aaaa22>HELP! $$ emote whistle" /macroslot 48 LFG "local <color white><bgcolor #2222aa><scale .75>Looking for team - $level $archetype" /macroslot 49 Cry "say $battlecry$$e attack" If anyone has suggestions for improvement, please post them below.
  5. This guide has been very helpful as I work out a fairly extensive PnP keybinding setup. But I do have 1 correction so far, for /macroslot slotnum macroname command_string Slotnum is listed as taking an argument [0-9], but it actually takes [0-89]. If you use 10, the macro goes to the 1st slot on the 2nd tray, all the way up to 89 placing it in tray 9, slot 10. It would also be helpful to note that executing the command will overwrite whatever is currently in the assigned slot.
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