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  1. 1) how big an issue would it be to get a forth option to have the Left arm only be the one that is changed? something like Robotic arm 1, since that allows the most over all flexibility for customization then Robotic Arm 3 does. 2) same question in regards to how big an issue it would be, but to get an 'upper arm' replacement that plays nicer with things like the Organic Armor or Fire and Ice, or other such 'not human/not robotic' costume sets. I mean i can kinda make things work with the Cyborg piece but it's clashes pretty hard. Yes I realize i'm probably in the minority to ask for something like this, but no harm in putting it out there.
  2. i don't even understand why you would want to. other then not liking blue as a color? I donno, i can't think of a single good reason why the devs should spend time on all the trouble shooting that would need to go into implementing this, rather then working on new costume parts or powers or, something thing that's actually an issue.
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