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Everything posted by wtl

  1. Strongly against dailies of any kind.
  2. I actually want to hear more about this! Do you have a link or anything? I searched around and I believe this is it: https://city-of-heroes.livejournal.com/2717339.html
  3. The original Hollows were a blast- and made me pretty terrified of going into any hazard zone.
  4. There's a tiny x under cancel changes you can hit. You can also close the game and it'll keep the changes too.
  5. There's no reason to switch over to it right now- even if there are improvements to make it pull the files from a torrent or another source you'll have to re-download it anyway. Even with those improvements in mind, if you already have the game running I don't see much need switching off of Tequila regardless though, small updates to the game files don't really need any fancy delivery method.
  6. Will do when I get a chance; I'm just figuring things out myself and keeping track of them so I don't want to say anything authoritative until I get it 100% working.
  7. Good news, I was able to get past my previous error. Posting it here before I forget. Got to the login screen but I haven't gotten anywhere past that yet. Found this post on reddit which lead me to the following full command: ./etoh-downloader && wine score -patchdir score -patchversion 2019.04.19 -auth -noversioncheck
  8. Thanks for this thread. I'll try and share the steps I've done so far- hopefully we can all put our heads together and come up with something that'll work for anyone looking for help. I'm running Fedora 29 and I'm trying to use etoh-downloader instead of wine'ing the tequila launcher. The required packages listed seem to be for Debian, so I went ahead and installed the following instead: sudo dnf install libcurl-devel libxml2-devel sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" (You may also need openssl-devel too- I already had that installed). I ran into the same issue that this issue had and had to make a symbolic link myself via: sudo ln -s /usr/include/libxml2/libxml/ /usr/include/libxml I tried to compile but ran into another issue where my compiler said that TRUE and FALSE weren't defined, so I added these lines right below the #include lines in etoh-downloader.c : #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 After that I ran make and it compiled. From here I need to get the game to work. The guide here is where I'm trying my next steps: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OQ68rHr_BbA9QoHEEx9atG-xZiMFKCiXZVDPQ1JvrKc/preview#heading=h.xzxpcpt4kp6 I got the torrent from the magnet link and saved it to "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/City of Heroes". I put etoh-downloader in the directory and ran it there and it seemed to have did what it needed to do. Now I'm not so sure what to do. I don't use wine very often so I'm not sure I'm going in the right direction here. I did: winetricks dinput8 as the Google doc suggests the dot net stuff is only needed for the tequila launcher. Next I ran: ./etoh-downloader && wine score.exe -renderthread 0 in the City of Heroes directory and it comes up with the loading bar and then the splash screen and immediately crashes. I'll post more when I figure out more, but if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong here feel free to point me in the right direction!
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