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Bill of Rights

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Everything posted by Bill of Rights

  1. Bill is my main, that's a pun. I have a very short french toon named Wee Monseiur. Recently started a cowboy vampire named Hossferatu.
  2. For lvl 50 range and all the non-level specific badges (like the time limits) The Center's personal story just can't be beat. One mission, no fighting, you literally walk 20 feet and click through 3 dialogue propts. You'll spend more time loading than you will doing the mission.
  3. I'm kind of bummed that you can't use the Anniversary tokens to buy the old Anniversary badges, 100 merits apiece is steep. And the tokens are otherwise useless when you can get all the stuff purchasable with them in one day, when the event is a month long.
  4. I run the Badger page in the background and add badges whenever I get them, currently at 636. However, my /info shows 638. I've been missing two badges since I had <100 and meticulously scrolled through the list to try and find them. Anybody have any insights on how to find the missing two, aside from doing that again? It's not life or death but kind of annoys me that I can't figure out what I missed checking off.
  5. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with that block of text...?
  6. Hey all. I started playing the game at launch, and back before IOs and incarnate stuff the mantra was always "DM/regen scrappers are basically unkillable." Now, I know things have changed a lot, so when I returned to HC after the license was issued I just rebuilt my main the way I did before. Anybody have a good guide for powers/ slots that is relevant to the current game? To be clear, I'm still really happy with the powerset and love playing him, just looking for pointers on planning out slotting for the good IO sets.
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