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  1. The worst part about being old and a long server downtime is that by the time it comes up again I will have definitely forgotten my password. 😛
  2. Must have been Zuul-cchini casserole.
  3. Huh, I got in the original game earlier than I thought, I had thought it was 2006 or 7-ish. I definitely remember when City of Villains hit and running to the store to get it. That's 2005-ish, but also I think I remember when Peacebringer's first came out and everyone rushing to make one. A little more iffy is I think I may remember the switch from 5th column to Council and that Pocket D was bugged at one point and people could teleport you and PvP. I may have actually been playing as early Issue 2. Maybe I wasn't as late to the game as I originally thought.
  4. Fun memory. The first time I loaded it, my graphics card couldn't handle it. I'd get in game in Atlas and see a pair of glasses and a book floating down the sidewalk Me having a 1960's Casper flashback: "G.. g.. ghost!" One excuse is as good an another to upgrade computers, right? My wife, "Wait, you're buying a new $1200 computer to play a $30 game?" "No, no... not at all. I'm buying the computer because that's where the graphics card I need lives... and, uh, it's $1299."
  5. Oh man, I would have loved having this in the early 80's in the Navy. I played a ton of cards, Statis-Pro Sports games, D&D, and even did a play by mail version of D&D that you did one turn a month. Yes, a month. 🙂
  6. This is my 3rd go at it. I had 2 paid accounts and like 32 toons on the original incarnation and it was tough to take when it shut down. I think I got back in in 2019 around the time my wife passed away and I just couldn't stay focused enough. Now I'm old and my hand-eye coordination is absolutely pitiful, but the game is still as fun as ever.
  7. This is the game that never dies. When I first started playing, I think my granddaughter was four and my grandson was a newborn. The girl is in college now and the boy is driving. My granddaughter played when she was 6 or 7. I'd set her up in a cave somewhere on a solo mission and let her have at it. Best babysitter ever when the wife and I needed to clean the house or something. Hearing her yelling, "Are you kidding me?" :::Boom! Kablammo! Kapow! SFX coming from the den::: Love it.
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